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Oldenburg, Claes Thure - Ninemsn Encarta Oldenburg, Claes Thure (1929 ), American sculptor, who was a pioneer of Pop Art. He was born in Stockholm, where his father was a diplomat. Between
Extractions: var s_account="msnportalencartaau"; ninemsn Home Hotmail My ninemsn Sign in ... More Additional Reference Thesaurus Bilingual Dictionaries Sidebar Primary Resources Homework Resources Foreign Language Help Times Archive Literature Guides ... Project Starters Support Encarta Products Encarta Answers Encarta Worldwide Help Related Items more... Encarta Search Search Encarta about Oldenburg, Claes Thure Encyclopedia Article Find in this article View printer-friendly page E-mail Multimedia 3 items Oldenburg, Claes Thure (1929-â), American sculptor, who was a pioneer of Pop Art . He was born in Stockholm, where his father was a diplomat. Between 1960 and 1965, Oldenburg conducted a number of so-called happenings, typical of which was Autobodys (1964, Los Angeles), which involved cars, crowds of people, and quantities of ice cubes in a participational art event. The crudely painted props used in these events formed the basis of much of his later sculpture. In 1961 he opened a shop in New York where he sold plaster replicas of hamburgers, sandwiches, sundaes, and other fast food. Later versions of these objects were constructed on a gigantic scale from vinyl stuffed with foam rubber. He continued to use similar soft materials, especially vinyl and canvas, in later sculptural series of objects such as bathroom fixtures, fans, and typewriters. These works, called soft sculptures, transform familiar everyday objects into sagging heaps; they are intended both as innovative sensual experiences and as commentary on the social import of the objects portrayed. Oldenburg has also worked in fibreglass and metal; his huge metal
Oldenburg Claes Thure - Search Results - MSN Encarta MSN HomeHotmailMy MSNSign in. encartamore. Envelope Hotmail Two people figures Messenger Figure of person in front of computer monitor My MSN
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Oldenburg, Claes Thure - Search View - MSN Encarta To find a specific word, name, or topic in this article, select the option in your Web browser for finding within the page.
Extractions: The search seeks the exact word or phrase that you type, so if you donât find your choice, try searching for a keyword in your topic or recheck the spelling of a word or name. Oldenburg, Claes Thure Oldenburg, Claes Thure (1929-â), American sculptor, who was a pioneer of Pop Art. He was born in Stockholm, where his father was a diplomat. Between 1960 and 1965, Oldenburg conducted a number of so-called happenings, typical of which was Autobodys (1964, Los Angeles), which involved cars, crowds of people, and quantities of ice cubes in a participational art event. The crudely painted props used in these events formed the basis of much of his later sculpture. In 1961 he opened a shop in New York where he sold plaster replicas of hamburgers, sandwiches, sundaes, and other fast food. Later versions of these objects were constructed on a gigantic scale from vinyl stuffed with foam rubber. He continued to use similar soft materials, especially vinyl and canvas, in later sculptural series of objects such as bathroom fixtures, fans, and typewriters. These works, called soft sculptures, transform familiar everyday objects into sagging heaps; they are intended both as innovative sensual experiences and as commentary on the social import of the objects portrayed. Oldenburg has also worked in fibreglass and metal; his huge metal
Orozco, Jose Clemente - Old Master Artist O_Gorman_Juan O_Keeffe_Georgia oldenburg_claes_thure Oppenheim_Meret Opper_Frederick_Burr Orcagna_Andrea Orozco_Jose_Clemente
Extractions: In 1922 he became one of the leaders of the Syndicate of Painters and Sculptors that sought to revive the art of fresco painting, under the patronage of the Mexican government. Orozco's most important early work was a series of frescoes for the National Preparatory School in Mexico City, commemorating the revolutionary uprisings of peasants and workers in Mexico. Between 1927 and 1934 he worked in the United States. There he executed a set of murals entitled The Dispossessed at the New School for Social Research in New York City. In Pomona College, Claremont, California, he painted a fresco on the theme of the Greek hero Prometheus. His mural panels for the Baker Library at Dartmouth College depict the history of America in the Coming of Quetzalcoatl, the Return of Quetzalcoatl, and Modern Industrial Man. In the 1930s he painted his great murals in Mexico City and Guadalajara, and in the 1940s he explored on canvas the unique style, marked by diagonals and neutral color, that he already had conveyed in his murals. In his later years, Orozco's simple, dramatic style became more expressionistic; his subject matter remained the suffering of humanity.
Extractions: Claes Oldenburg born 1929 in Stockholm, Sweden Claes Oldenburg is a sculptur who tries to show the world that objects are magnificent and he sees everything by what it looks like rather then what it does. "I want people to get accustomed to recognize the power of objects" Claes Oldenburg (Strickland, 176) Helpful Sites ... Biography
Claes Thure Oldenburg - Biographie De Claes Thure Oldenburg - Dicocitations â Translate this page Dico - citations le dictionnaire des citations. Pour rechercher et trouver une citation ou un proverbe. 66 000 citations et proverbes du monde entier !
Extractions: var pid=1101636 Web DIRECTOPEDIA Arts Business Computer Games ... O Oldenburg, Claes Thure Directory Wikipedia-Article idliste = [1269292,1269293,1269294]; AskART - Art Prices, Painting Value, Art Appraisal, Art Values, Auction Prices value art prices, painting value, art appraisals and auction price information Details + Preview
Oldenburg, Claes Thure - MSN Encarta Translate this page Oldenburg, Claes Thure (*1929), amerikanischer Künstler schwedischer Herkunft, einer der Hauptrepräsentanten der Pop-Art.
Extractions: var s_account="msnportalencartade"; MSN Home Hotmail My MSN Anmelden ... Mehr⦠Hotmail Messenger Blogs/Spaces My MSN Auto Beauty-Berater Fernsehprogramm Fuball ... Mehr Weitere Nachschlagewerke bersetzungen Multimedia Andere Ressourcen Encarta weltweit Stundentipps Webcenter Quellentexte ... Hilfe Verwandte Elemente Weitere Informationen ... Suche in Encarta In Encarta suchen nach Oldenburg, Claes Thure Enzyklop¤dieartikel In diesem Artikel suchen Druckerfreundliche Version der Seite Versenden Multimedia 1 Objekt Oldenburg, Claes Thure (*1929), amerikanischer K¼nstler schwedischer Herkunft, einer der Hauptrepr¤sentanten der Pop-Art Oldenburg wurde am 28. Januar 1929 in Stockholm geboren. Er studierte in Yale und am Art Institute of Chicago. 1956 ¼bersiedelte er nach New York und schuf zun¤chst Bilder im Stil des Abstrakten Expressionismus . Gegen Ende der f¼nfziger Jahre wandte sich Oldenburg von der Malerei ab und begann, sich an Happenings to happen , sich ereignen) zu beteiligen (mit Allan Kaprow und Jim Dine ). Typisch hierf¼r war
O : Oldenburg, Claes Thure Claes Oldenburg An Anthology Frontispiece - Biography, exhibition index by the National Gallery of Art, Washington. Status Code 200