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         Jarry Alfred:     more books (102)
  1. Selected Works of Alfred Jarry by Alfred Jarry, 1980-06
  2. Pataphysician's Library: An Exploration of Alfred Jarry's `Livres pairs' by Ben Fisher, 2001-02-01
  3. King Turd by Alfred Jarry, 1953
  4. Three Early Novels (Selected Works Vol. II): 0 by Alfred Jarry, 2007-11-08
  5. Caesar Antichrist (Collected Works of Alfred Jarry) by Alfred Jarry, 1993-02
  6. Alfred Jarry by Patrick Besnier, 2007
  7. Individuation und Okkultismus im Romanwerk Alfred Jarrys (Freiburger Schriften zur romanischen Philologie) (German Edition) by Riewert Ehrich, 1988
  8. Antonin Artaud und der surrealistische Bluff: Studien zur Geschichte des Theatre Alfred Jarry (Tiamat Wissen) (German Edition) by Holger Fock, 1988
  9. Ubu sur la berge: Alfred Jarry a Corbeil, 1898-1907 (Collection LPM-actualite) (French Edition) by Philippe Regibier, 1999
  10. Alfred Jarry: Biographie, 1906-1962 (Collection La marguerite) (French Edition) by Christian Soulignac, 1995
  11. Alfred Jarry (Twayne's world authors series) by Linda Klieger Stillman, 1983
  12. Lettre a l'auteur de Alfred Jarry, biographie 1906-1962: Pouvant servir a cette derniere de complement (Collection La marguerite) (French Edition) by Noel Arnaud, 1995
  13. Alfred Jarry (French Edition)
  14. Fehl am Platz: Studien zu einem kleinen Drama im Werk von Alfred Jarry, Else Lasker-Schuler, Marieluise Fleisser und Djuna Barnes (Epistemata) (German Edition) by Silvia Henke, 1997

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