Extractions: PROJECT GUTENBERG: easy access links Project Gutenberg etexts can be downloaded directly from their archive sites using the links given in these pages. These pages are based on the work at http://textual.net/access.gutenberg The main list is in alphabetical sequence by author. The ebooks/etexts made available by Project Gutenberg can be downloaded directly by using these links. Latest page construction 28 October 2003 Index of Authors 10,000 Dreams Interpreted Gustavus Hindman Miller 100%: The Story of a Patriot Upton Sinclair Mary Johnston Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) The 1990 CIA World Factbook US CIA The 1991 CIA World Factbook US CIA The 1992 CIA World Factbook US CIA The 1993 CIA World Factbook US CIA The 1994 CIA World Factbook US CIA The 1995 CIA World Factbook US CIA The 1997 CIA World Factbook US CIA The 1998 CIA World Factbook US CIA 19th Century Actor Autobiographies George Iles 20,000 Leagues Under the Seas (2nd version) Jules Verne 20000 Lieues sous les mers, part 1 [no accents] Jules Verne 20000 Lieues sous les mers, part 1 [with accents] Jules Verne 20000 Lieues sous les mers, part 2 [no accents]
Project Gutenberg â Wikipedia Translate this page Von http//de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Gutenberg. Kategorien Retrodigitalisierung Digitale Bibliothek Johannes Gutenberg http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Gutenberg
Extractions: Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Das Project Gutenberg (PG) ist eine im Internet beheimatete Bibliothek freier elektronischer Versionen physisch existierender B¼cher , oftmals E-Texte genannt. Dar¼ber hinaus enth¤lt die Bibliothek auch akustische Medien und Daten. Die meisten dort verf¼gbaren Dateien sind in der Public Domain (Gemeingut), weil sie entweder nie mit einem Urheber jedoch ihre Zustimmung zur Aufnahme beim PG gegeben haben. Michael Hart startete das Projekt . Es f¼hrt seinen Namen nach dem deutschen Drucker Johannes Gutenberg , der im 15. Jahrhundert in Europa den Buchdruck mit beweglichen Lettern erfunden hatte. Das Corpus besteht in der Mehrzahl aus englischsprachigen Werken, aber auch anderssprachige Werke werden beim PG aufgenommen. Neben den Werken von menschlichen Autoren kann seit dem November 2002 das entschl¼sselte Genom des Human Genome Projekts abgerufen werden. Neben Schriftwerken gibt es auch vorgelesene, akustisch aufgezeichnete B¼cher. Alle Dateien des Project Gutenberg k¶nnen grunds¤tzlich kostenlos heruntergeladen und weiterverteilt werden; hinsichtlich der Weiterverteilung besteht einzig die Einschr¤nkung, dass der
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Extractions: Contents Project Gutenberg (usually called " PG ") was launched by Michael Hart in in order to provide a library on the Internet of free electronic versions (sometimes called e-texts ) of physically existing books. The texts provided are mostly in the public domain , either because they were never under 15th-century German printer Johannes Gutenberg , who invented the first printing press with movable type. For the most part, Project Gutenberg concentrates on historically significant literature and reference works . The slogan of the project is "break down the bars of ignorance and illiteracy", chosen because the project hopes to continue the work of spreading public literacy and appreciation for our literary heritage that public libraries began in the early 20th century . All Gutenberg releases are available in plain ASCII text, and occasionally in other file formats as well. Because maximum availability is a goal, the project eschews prettier but bulkier and not-universally-compatible data formats such as PDF All Project Gutenberg texts may be obtained and redistributed by readers for no fee: the only restriction placed on redistribution is that the unaltered text must contain the Project Gutenberg header. If the redistributed text has been modified, the file must
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Extractions: more... Main Page See live article Alphabetical index Project Gutenberg PG ) was launched by Michael Hart in in order to provide a library , on what would later become the Internet , of free electronic versions (sometimes called e-texts) of physically existing books. The texts provided are mostly in the public domain , either because they were never under 15th-century German printer Johannes Gutenberg who propelled the movable type printing press revolution.
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Extractions: Jump to: navigation search Project Gutenberg (PG) was founded in . It was founded by Michael S. Hart . The purpose of the Project is to collect and distribute cultural work (like books ) in digital form. These are generally free and may be used on most of the computers . The project gets its name from Johannes Gutenberg . Johannes Gutenberg lived in the 15th century in Germany . He made the first European printing press As the PG continued to grow, in , the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation, Inc. was created. It is a non-profit organization with main office in Mississippi United States This short article can be made longer. You can help Wikipedia by adding to it Retrieved from " http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Gutenberg Category Books Views Personal tools Getting around Search Toolbox In other languages Bosanski Catal Äesky Dansk ... T¼rk§e This page was last changed on 5 January 2008, at 18:09.