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         Barks Carl:     more books (103)
  1. Disney Presents Carl Barks' Greatest DuckTales Stories Volume 2 (v. 2) by Carl Barks, 2006-07-19
  2. Uncle Scrooge Adventures, Barks/Rosa Collection Vol. 1: Land of the Pygmy Indians / War of the Wendigo by Don Rosa, Carl Barks, 2007-06-20
  3. Carl Barks and the Disney Comic Book: Unmasking the Myth of Modernity (Great Comics Artists Series) by Thomas Andrae, 2006-07-06
  4. Animal Quackers by Carl Barks, Barbara Boatner, 1996
  5. The Carl Bark's Library of Walt Disney's Comics and Stories in Color # 10 (Heavy, stiff cover) by Carl Barks, 1992-01-01
  6. Uncle Scrooge McDuck: His Life and Times by Carl Barks, 1995-11-01
  7. Carl Barks: Conversations (Conversations With Comic Artists)
  8. Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge & Donald Duck: The Sunken City (Gladstone Giant Comic Album Series, No. 2) (Gladstone Giant Comic Album Ser. : No.2) by Carl Barks, 1989-10
  9. Walt Disney's Donald Duck Adventures: Ancient Persia (Gladstone Comic Album Series No. 10) by Carl Barks, 1988-01-01
  10. Walt Disneys Donald Duck Adventures (The Carl Barks Library of Donald Duck Adventures in Color, Volume 8) by Carl Barks, 1994
  11. The Carl Barks library of Uncle Scrooge comics one-pagers in color : Walt Disney's Uncle $crooge Part 2 of 2 by Carl Barks,
  12. Uncle Scrooge 1-20 (The Carl Barks library of Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge) by Carl Barks, 1984
  13. The Carl Barks Library of Walt Disney's Donald Duck 1942 - 49 by Carl Barks, Walt Disney, 1984

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