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Extractions: The contents has been generating using technology developed by scientec. Edward Bunker Edward Bunker (born December 31 , died July 19 , in Los Angeles, California ) was an American author of crime fiction screenwriter , and actor . He wrote numerous books, some of which have been filmed. Bunker was a bright but troublesome child, who spent much of his childhood in different foster homes and institutions. He started on a criminal career at a very early age, and continued on this path throughout the years, returning to prison again and again. He has been convicted of bank robbery, drug dealing, extortion, armed robbery, and forgery. A repeating pattern of convictions, paroles, releases and escapes, further crimes and new convictions continued until he was released yet again from prison in 1975, at which point he finally left his criminal days permanently behind and became a writer. He stayed out of jail thereafter, and instead focused on his career as a writer and actor.
Eddie Bunker Arts Literature Genres Mystery Authors (759). Arts Movies Filmmaking Screenwriting Screenwriters (137). Arts Performing Arts Acting Actors and