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Extractions: Login Create advanced tips BIOGRAPHY Real Name: Francesca Romana Rivelli Date of Birth: 9 March 1955 Place of Birth: Rome, Italy Height: 5' 6¼" (1.68 m) Shoe Size: Best Known From: Actress in film (Flash Gordon, Love and Money, Oscar) and TV (A Season of Giants, Ester) Filmography On TV Fan Sites Official Site Scans Vidcaps Movies Page: 1 Scans Unknown Myldem Myldem Snap 750x649, 156 KB 798x1169, 678 KB 1013x902, 297 KB 1302x925, 310 KB Press Photo Unknown Unknown Unknown Snap Unknown JMR 1571x1189, 324 KB 551x939, 109 KB 1111x921, 154 KB Unknown Unknown unknown
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Extractions: The contents has been generating using technology developed by scientec. Ornella Muti at Cannes Ornella Muti is an Italian actress . She was born as Francesca Romana Rivelli, to a Neopolitan father and Estonian mother, on March 9 in Rome , Italy. She has a twin sister, Claudia. Muti modeled as a teenager and made her film debut in in La Moglie pi¹ bella (aka The Most Beautiful Wife ). She has primarily worked in Italian films but she made her
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