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         Gibbons Orlando:     more books (103)
  1. Orlando Gibbons and the Gibbons Family of Musicians by John Harley, 1999-09
  2. Twenty Keyboard Pieces and One by Orlando Gibbons (Signature)
  3. Orlando Gibbons and his family;: The last of the Tudor school of musicians by Edmund Horace Fellowes, 1970
  4. Hymns and songs of the church by George Wither, Orlando Gibbons, 2010-08-17
  5. O Clap Your Hands: For SSAATTBB and Optional Organ (Tudor Church Music)
  6. Hosanna to the Son of David by Orlando Gibbons, 2003
  7. This is the Record of John by Orlando Gibbons, 2003
  8. The Silver Swan (Madrigal for Five Voices, H. W Gray Choral Series) by Orlando Gibbons, 1000
  9. The Silver Swan by Gibbons Orlando, 2006-04-15
  10. The Silver Swan SHEET MUSIC acappella by Orlando Gibbons - SA a cappella, 2010-01-01
  11. The Silver Swan Sheet Music by Orlando Gibbons, 2010-02-11
  12. Orlando Gibbons: Webster's Timeline History, 1583 - 2007 by Icon Group International, 2009-06-06
  13. Keyboard Music by Orlando Gibbons, 2003
  14. Orlando Gibbons and His Family: The Last of the Tudor School of Musicians by E.H. Fellowes, 1951

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