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         Barye Antoine Louis:     more books (58)
  1. Untamed: The Art of Antoine-louis Barye by William R. Johnston, Simon Kelly, 2006-10-30
  2. La griffe et la dent: Antoine Louis Barye (1795-1875), sculpteur animalier (Exposition-dossier du Departement des sculptures) (French Edition) by Antoine-Louis Barye, 1996
  3. A bronze menagerie: The cabinet bronzes of Antoine-Louis Barye by Antoine-Louis Barye, 1994
  4. Antoine-Louis Barye, Sculptor of Romantic Realism by Glenn F. Benge, 1984-08-01
  5. Barye: Life And Works Of Antoine Louis Barye, Sculptor (1889) by Charles De Kay, 2010-09-10
  6. Barye Life and Works of Antoine Louis Barye by Charles De Kay, 1987-06
  7. The wild kingdom of Antoine-Louis Barye, 1795-1875: A loan exhibition for the benefit of the Wildlife Conservation Society, November 4-December 9, 1994 by Antoine-Louis Barye, 1994
  8. Antoine-Louis Barye, 1796-1875 by Antoine-Louis Barye, 1965
  9. Sculpteur Animalier: Christophe Fratin, Gustave Guétant, Rembrandt Bugatti, Emmanuel Frémiet, Cévé, Antoine-Louis Barye, François Pompon (French Edition)
  10. Louis Barye (Masters of Modern Art Series) by Antoine Louis] Saunier, Charles; Jackson, Wilfrid S. (translator) [Barye, 1926
  11. Sculpture by Antoine-Louis Barye in the Collection of the Fogg Art Museum (Harvard University William Hayes Fogg Art Museum//Fogg Art Museum Handbooks) by Jeanne L. Wasserman, 1983-12
  12. Barye; life and works of Antoine Louis Barye, sculptor;: With eight-six wood cuts artotypes and prints, in memory of an exhibition of his bronzes, paintings, ... in aid of the fund of his monument at Paris by Charles DeKay, 1889
  13. Myth, Monument and Menagerie: Sculpture of Antoine-Louis Barye by Robin Duthy, Julius Duthy, 1990-11
  14. Catalogue of the Works of Antoine-Louis Barye Exhibited at the American Art Galleries. . . Under the Auspices of the Barye Monument Association. Also of Paintings by J.F. Millet, Th. Rousseau, et al. For the benefit of the Barye Monument Fund by Antoine-Louis Barye, 1889

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Museum Image Collections: (12) Deer, 19th century
Tiger Attacking a Peacock, 18th - 19th century

Tiger and Deer, 18th - 19th century

Tiger Devouring a Peacock, 18th - 19th century
French, 1795-1875 Tiger in its Lair undated Watercolor on paper Sheet: 24.5

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3. Barye Antoine Louis - Search Results - MSN Encarta
MSN homeMailMy MSNSign in. encartagreeting cardsmore. Envelope Hotmail im Messenger Figure of person in front of computer monitor My MSN
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4. Old Master Artist: Barye, Antoine Louis
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Barye, Antoine Louis (1795-1875) , foremost French sculptor of animals in bronze. He was born in Paris, the son of a goldsmith, and studied sculpture and worked for a goldsmith. His early pieces, such as Lion Crushing a Serpent (1832, Louvre, Paris), embodied a romantic taste for violence and were well received by the salons until the large works were rejected in 1837. Working commercially thereafter, he produced small wild-animal groups based on direct observation, which are masterpieces of accuracy in anatomy, movement, and character. Also inspired by classical mythology, Barye sculpted Theseus Fighting the Minotaur (1846-48, Louvre).
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6. Barye, Antoine Louis - Ninemsn Encarta
Barye, Antoine Louis (17951875), French sculptor of animals in bronze. He was born in Paris, the son of a goldsmith, and studied sculpture and
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Barye, Antoine Louis
Encyclopedia Article Find in this article View printer-friendly page E-mail Barye, Antoine Louis (1795-1875), French sculptor of animals in bronze. He was born in Paris, the son of a goldsmith, and studied sculpture and worked for a goldsmith. His early pieces, such as Lion Crushing a Serpent (1832, Louvre, Paris), embodied a Romantic taste for violence and were well received by the salons until the large works were rejected in 1837. Working commercially thereafter, he produced small wild-animal groups based on direct observation, which are masterpieces of accuracy in anatomy, movement, and character. Also inspired by classical mythology, Barye sculpted Theseus Fighting the Minotaur (1846-1848, Louvre).

7. Barye Antoine Louis - Search Results - MSN Encarta
HomeHotmailSpacesVideoSign in. yellow pageslocal classifiedsencartamore. Envelope Hotmail Two people figures Messenger Figure of person in front of computer
var s_account="msnportalencartacaen"; Home Hotmail Spaces Video ... more Hotmail Messenger My Page Sympatico Mail Autos Careers Classifieds Entertainment ... More Reference Thesaurus Translation Multimedia Other Resources Top-10 List Language Help Products Guides ... Join Now Searched for ' barye antoine louis' Articles Barye, Antoine Louis Barye, Antoine Louis (1795-1875), foremost French sculptor of animals in bronze. He was born in Paris, the son of a goldsmith, and studied... ... (1729-1811), French military officer and navigator, known for his important contributions to science and geography... See all search results in Articles (218) Louis Antoine de Bougainville Guillotine execution of Louis XVI Satchmo Sings “Back O’ Town Blues” Louis Braille ... Map of Port Louis See all search results in Maps (42) Colleges National-Louis University 2840 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL, 60201
Phone: 314-977-2500 Fax: 314-977-7136
See all search results in Colleges (62) Windows Live® Search Results Barye, Antoine Louis definition of Barye, Antoine Louis in the Free ... Encyclopedia article about Barye, Antoine Louis. Information about Barye, Antoine Louis in the Columbia Encyclopedia, Computer Desktop Encyclopedia, computing dictionary. BARYE, Antoine Louis Encyclopedia ... 1795–1875), foremost French sculptor of animals in bronze. He was born in Paris, the son of a goldsmith, and studied sculpture and worked for a goldsmith. ... Antoine-Louis Barye ( September 24 , 1796 - June 25 , 1875 ) was a French sculptor . Born in Paris , Barye began his career as a goldsmith , like many sculptors of the Romantic ... See all search results in Windows Live® Search Results

8. Barye Antoine Louis - Search Results - MSN Encarta
MSN HomeHotmailMy MSNSign in. encartamore. Envelope Hotmail Two people figures Messenger Figure of person in front of computer monitor My MSN
var s_account="msnportalencartauk"; MSN Home Hotmail My MSN Sign in ... more Hotmail Messenger My MSN MSN Directory Auctions Cars Entertainment Environment ... More Additional Reference Thesaurus Bilingual Dictionaries Sidebar Primary Resources Homework Resources Foreign Language Help Times Archive Literature Guides ... Project Starters Support Encarta Products Encarta Answers Encarta Worldwide Help ... Join Now Searched for ' barye antoine louis' Encarta Articles Barye, Antoine Louis Barye, Antoine Louis (1795-1875), French sculptor of animals in bronze. He was born in Paris, the son of a goldsmith, and studied sculpture and... ... (1804-1878), American publisher, born in New York, and self-educated. In 1830, in Philadelphia, he became co-founder and... See all search results in Encarta Articles (146) Encarta Multimedia Louis Antoine de Bougainville Louis XIV Louis IV ... Louis Lumi¨re See all search results in Encarta Multimedia (73) Maps Port Louis St-Louis See all search results in Maps (3) Windows Live® Search Results Antoine Louis Barye Antoine-Louis Barye 1795 - 1875. Bayre exploited the commercial potential of small-scale sculpture. He approached his subjects from a scientific point of view and specialised in ... BARYE, Antoine-Louis Preview Picture Data File Info Comment; Panther Seizing a Stag c. 1833 Bronze, height 37 cm Art Institute, Chicago: 1126*850 True Color 127 Kb: Tiger Devouring a Gavial Crocodile ... ... Britannica online encyclopedia article on Antoine-Louis Barye: prolific French sculptor, painter, and printmaker, whose subject was primarily animals. He is known as the father of ... See all search results in Windows Live® Search Results

9. Barye Antoine Louis : Art Works, Auctions, Bibliography, Sculpture Painting Draw
Translate this page Art works and bibliography of barye antoine louis ,sculpture, painting, drawing, watercolour,
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10. Barye Antoine Louis - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia
Barye AntoineLouis (1796-1875), francuski rze biarz romantyczny i akwarelista. Nauczyciel A. Rodina. Odszed od konwencji sztuki akademickiej,,,,barye_antoine_louis,haslo.html?drukuj=1

11. Barye Antoine Louis : Opere D'arte, Aste,bibliografia, Barye Antoine Louis,scult
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12. Barye, Antoine-Louis - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Barye, Antoine-Louis (1796-1875), sculpteur français célèbre pour ses œuvres animalières en bronze, réalisées d’après nature et dotées d’une grande
var s_account="msnportalencartacafr"; Accueil Hotmail Spaces Vid©o ... plus Hotmail Messenger Ma page Courriel Sympatico Annonces class©es Autos Cin©ma Coin d©tente ... Aide Recherche Encarta Rechercher dans Encarta des informations sur Barye, Antoine-Louis
Barye, Antoine-Louis
Article Rechercher Imprimer Envoyer Barye, Antoine-Louis (1796-1875), sculpteur fran§ais c©l¨bre pour ses œuvres animali¨res en bronze, r©alis©es d’apr¨s nature et dot©es d’une grande force expressive. Fils d’orf¨vre, Antoine-Louis Barye apprend la sculpture puis la peinture aupr¨s d’ Antoine-Jean Gros  ; il se montre tr¨s t´t sensible   l’©vocation du monde animalier qu’il ©tudie en compagnie d’ Eug¨ne Delacroix au Jardin des Plantes de Paris. Ses premi¨res œuvres (Lion ©crasant un serpent, 1832, mus©e du Louvre, Paris), qui incarnent une sensibilit© romantique et ©voquent pour la plupart des sc¨nes de lutte entre animaux, sont bien accueillies par le Salon jusqu’en 1837. € la suite du rejet de ses œuvres par les instances artistiques officielles, Antoine-Louis Barye travaille pour une client¨le priv©e (Surtout du duc d’Orl©ans

13. Barye, Antoine-Louis; Bibliography By Subject
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14. Antoine Louis Barye - LoveToKnow 1911
From LoveToKnow 1911. ANTOINE LOUIS BARYE (17961875), French sculptor, was born in Paris on the 24th of September 1796. Like many of the sculptors of the
Antoine Louis Barye
From LoveToKnow 1911
ANTOINE LOUIS BARYE (1796-1875), French sculptor, was born in Paris on the 24th of September 1796. Like many of the sculptors of the Renaissance he began life as a goldsmith. After studying under Bosio, the sculptor, and Gros, the painter, he was in 1818 admitted to the Ecole des Beaux Arts. But it was not till 1823, when he was working for Fauconnier, the goldsmith, that he discovered his real bent from watching the wild beasts in the Jardin des Plantes, making vigorous studies of them in pencil drawings worthy of Delacroix and then modelling them in sculpture on a large or small scale. In 1831 he exhibited his " Tiger devouring a Crocodile ," and in 1832 had mastered a style of his own in the " Lion and Snake." Thenceforward Barye, though engaged in a perpetual struggle with want, exhibited year after year these studies of animals - admirable groups which reveal him as inspired by a spirit of true romance and a feeling for the beauty of the antique , as in " Theseus and the Minotaur " (1847), "Lapitha and Centaur"(1848), and numerous minor works now very highly valued. Barye was no less successful in sculpture on a small scale, and excelled in representing animals in their most familiar attitudes. As examples of his larger work we may mention the Lion of the Column of July, of which the

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