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         Homer Winslow:     more books (100)
  1. Winslow Homer,: A portrait by Jean Gould, 1962
  2. Winslow Homer: Poet of the Sea
  3. The World Of Winslow Homer, 1836-1910 - Time-life Library Of Art by James Thomas. and the Editors of Time-life Books Flexner, 1975
  4. What Is Painting?: Winslow Homer & Other Essays (Classical America Series in Art and Architecture) by Kenyon Cox, 1988-10
  5. Winslow Homer In Gloucester by Scott Atkinson, 1991-02-15
  6. WINSLOW HOMER Watercolors. May-June 1983. Essay by Philip C. Beam. by Brunswick. Bowdoin College. Museum of Art., 1983
  7. The graphic art of Winslow Homer, by Winslow Homer, 1968
  8. Winslow Homer: The Croquet Game by David P. Curry, 1984-04
  9. Winslow Homer (Color slide program of the great masters) by Philip Beam, 1975-08-01
  10. The Paintings of WINSLOW HOMER from the Cooper Union Museum. Nov.-Dec. 1966. Foreword by Christian Rohlfing; introduction by Albert Ten Eyck Gardner. by New York. Ira Spanierman., 1966
  11. Winslow Homer by Lloyd Goodrich, 1976-09
  12. Six Portraits: Della Robbia, Correggio, Blake, Corot, George Fuller, Winslow Homer by Schuyler Van Rensselaer, 2009-11-24
  13. Winslow Homer in New York State by Winslow Homer, 1963-01-01
  14. Great Artists Winslow Homer Book 3 by John Wilmerding, 1978

61. Homer, Winslow - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Homer, Winslow (1836-1910), amerikanischer Maler, der mit Thomas Eakins zu den bedeutendsten Vertretern des amerikanischen Realismus gezählt wird.
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Homer, Winslow
Enzyklop¤dieartikel In diesem Artikel suchen Druckerfreundliche Version der Seite Versenden Multimedia 1 Objekt Homer, Winslow (1836-1910), amerikanischer Maler, der mit Thomas Eakins zu den bedeutendsten Vertretern des amerikanischen Realismus gez¤hlt wird. Homer wurde in Boston geboren. Nach einer Lithographenlehre begann er 1857 als Zeitschriftenillustrator f¼r die Zeitschrift Harper’s Weekly zu arbeiten. W¤hrend des Amerikanischen B¼rgerkrieges unternahm er mehrere Reisen an die Front in Virginia, wo er sein erstes bedeutendes –lgem¤lde, Gefangene von der Front (1866, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York), malte, das durch sein Gef¼hl f¼r wirksame, bildm¤Ÿige Gruppierung besticht und frei ist von jeglichem Heroismus. 1866 verbrachte er ein Jahr in Frankreich. Trotz seines groŸen Interesses f¼r die malerischen M¶glichkeiten, die das Thema Licht bot, scheint er jedoch nur wenig vom Impressionismus oder der franz¶sischen Kunst beeinflusst worden zu sein. 1873 begann er Aquarelle zu malen, eine Technik, die von da an gleichberechtigt neben seine –lmalerei trat. Seine bevorzugten Themen in den siebziger Jahren waren l¤ndliche Szenen, spielende Kinder und Motive von Urlaubsorten mit elegant gekleideten Frauen. Eines seiner bekanntesten Urlaubsbilder ist

62. Homer, Winslow - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Homer, Winslow (1836-1910), peintre et aquarelliste américain.
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Homer, Winslow
Article Rechercher dans tout le texte de l'article Afficher cet article au format imprimable Envoyer M©dias 2 ©l©ments Plan de l'article Pr©sentation Un peintre autodidacte Une œuvre naturaliste
Afficher cette section au format imprimable Homer, Winslow (1836-1910), peintre et aquarelliste am©ricain. Artiste naturaliste, Winslow Homer est consid©r© avec Thomas Eakins comme l’un des plus grands artistes am©ricains du XIX e  si¨cle.
Un peintre autodidacte
Afficher cette section au format imprimable N©   Boston (Massachusetts), Winslow Homer fait son apprentissage de la peinture en autodidacte. En 1857, il s’oriente vers l’illustration pour les magazines et collabore de fa§on r©guli¨re au Harper's Weekly . Ses illustrations — des gravures dans un premier temps — sont caract©ris©es par des contours nets, des formes simplifi©es, des contrastes spectaculaires et des groupes de personnages pleins de vie. Ces qualit©s constituent les principaux traits de son art qui dominent toute son œuvre.
Une œuvre naturaliste
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Objectivit© et r©alisme des toiles
Pendant la guerre de S©cession, Winslow Homer se rend   plusieurs reprises sur le front de Virginie o¹ il peint sa premi¨re grande toile

63. Homer, Winslow - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Homer, Winslow (Boston 1836 - Prout s Neck, Maine 1910), pittore naturalista statunitense, tra i più rappresentativi del XIX secolo, con
var s_account="msnportalencartait"; MSN Home Hotmail My MSN Accedi ... Altro Hotmail Messenger Spaces Mobile Windows Live Amori e Incontri Annunci Aste online Borsa ... Altre risorse Reference Interattivit  Dati e statistiche Altre risorse Encarta nel mondo Prodotti Passa a Microsoft Student® Guida Elementi correlati altro... Cerca in Encarta Cerca in Encarta informazioni su Homer, Winslow
Homer, Winslow
Articolo Trova nell'articolo Anteprima di stampa Invia Multimedia 2 elementi Homer, Winslow (Boston 1836 - Prout's Neck, Maine 1910), pittore naturalista statunitense, tra i pi¹ rappresentativi del XIX secolo, con Thomas Eakins . Nel 1857 Homer divenne illustratore della popolare rivista 'Harper's Weekly', adottando lo stile che avrebbe caratterizzato tutta la sua opera: linee pulite, forme semplificate, effetti di chiaroscuro e vivaci scene di gruppo. Durante la guerra di secessione and² al fronte, in Virginia, come corrispondente illustratore, e realizz² il primo importante dipinto a olio: Prigionieri dal fronte (1866, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York). Le opere degli anni Settanta, periodo in cui cominci² a utilizzare l'acquerello, sono caratterizzate da soggetti rurali e idillici (

64. Homer, Winslow - Format Imprimable - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Cliquez ici pour imprimer cette page Imprimer. Homer, Winslow, Format lecture. Dans le menu Fichier, cliquez sur Imprimer.
var s_account="msnportalencartacafr"; Imprimer Homer, Winslow Format lecture Dans le menu Fichier, cliquez sur Imprimer. Homer, Winslow Une œuvre naturaliste Objectivit© et r©alisme des toiles Pendant la guerre de S©cession, Winslow Homer se rend   plusieurs reprises sur le front de Virginie o¹ il peint sa premi¨re grande toile, Prisonniers revenant du front (1866, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York), une œuvre remarquable pour son objectivit© impassible et son r©alisme vigoureux. En 1856, il passe une ann©e en France et, bien que son int©rªt pour la lumi¨re naturelle se rapproche de celui des premiers impressionnistes, il ne subit pas directement leur influence ni celle de l’art fran§ais. En 1873, il commence   faire de l’aquarelle, technique qu’il place au mªme rang que la peinture   l’huile. Le sujet de ses tableaux dans les ann©es 1870 est principalement rural ou idyllique : sc¨nes de vie campagnarde, d’enfants jouant, de femmes   la mode sur la plage, notamment Long Branch, New Jersey

65. MOJO4MUSIC - The Music Magazine
TITLE to view the artwork details, not the thumbnail http// Winslow Homer on artnet Homer Artworks

66. Homer, Winslow In Books On 43 Folders Store
Search. All Products, Books, Electronics, Computers, Office, Kitchen, Software, Clothes, Tools, DVD, Cameras, Music, Groceries, Video Games, Toys, Magazines
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Homer, Winslow
Sort by: Bestselling Featured Items Reviews (High to Low) Price (Low to High) Price (High to Low) Publication Date (Newer to Older) Alphabetical (A-Z) Alphabetical (Z-A) Showing items 1-10 of 40 enlarge Watercolors by Winslow Homer: The Color of Light (Art Institute of Chicago) Authors: Martha Tedeschi Kristi Dahm List Price: Buy New: You Save: New Used from $28.22 Sales Rank: Category: Book ASIN: Publication Date: February 26, 2008 Shipping: Eligible for Super Saver Shipping Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours enlarge The Watercolors of Winslow Homer Authors: Miles Unger Winslow Homer List Price: Buy New: You Save: New Used Collectible from $24.88 Sales Rank: Category: Book ASIN: Publication Date: September 2001 Shipping: Eligible for Super Saver Shipping Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours enlarge Winslow Homer: The Nature of Observation Author: Elizabeth Johns List Price: Buy New: You Save: New Used from $17.28

67. Poster, Kunstdrucke, Grafik, Wechselrahmen, Kunstversand Weltweit
Translate this page homer_winslow,_Gloucester_Harbor homer_winslow,_Schooners_at_Anchor homer_winslow,_Stowing_the_Sail homer_winslow,_Uncle_Ned_at_Home

68. Store: Math Books: Homer, Winslow
Homer, Winslow Math Books - Store the best place to shop for math supplies.
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69. Pulaski County Sixth Grade Art Curriculum
Pulaski County Sixth Grade Art Curriculum. Contents. I. Introduction. Discusses how this CD can be used to save you time and enhance your teaching.
Pulaski County Sixth Grade Art Curriculum Contents: I. Introduction Discusses how this CD can be used to save you time and enhance your teaching. II. The Time Frame This section shows how much time can be spent in a semester th grade art class on each unit in the curriculum guide. These blocks of time are a general suggestion but to cover all the units you will have to subtract from one unit when you add to another and visa versa. There is a buffer of time included to help cover interruptions etc. III. Extra Web Sites This section contains web sites that I found that I thought were interesting and might be interesting to you. IV. Available Lessons – an overview with web links that relate to each unit This section breaks down the lessons into historical units and each unit has seven columns: Concepts to be learned; Web Sources that relate to what is being taught in the unit; Vocabulary to be learned; Suggested Activities; Materials needed for each lesson; Handouts; C orrelation of the Arkansas State Art Education Framework From here you can make a rough, first draft of your lesson plans so you can get a better understanding of what needs to be taught, when you plan to teach it and what materials will be needed. The time suggested for each project is based on conjecture or experience and will vary with each teacher. As you teach a unit you need to note how long it took you to complete each one so next semester your estimated time per unit will be more exact for you.

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