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         Van Eyck Jan:     more books (101)
  1. Jan Van Eyck: Renaissance Realist (Basic Art) (German Edition) by Till-Holger Borchert, 2008-06-01
  2. Jan van Eycks 'Ars Mystica' by Sabine Augath, 2007-12-31
  3. The Wedding: An Encounter with Jan van Eyck (Art Encounters) by Elizabeth M. Rees, 2005-07-01
  4. Van Eyck by Harold van de Perre, Jan van Eyck, et all 1997-11-13
  5. Jan van Eyck: The Play of Realism by Craig Harbison, 2011-02-15
  6. Jan van Eyck: The Play of Realism by Craig Harbison, 1997-06-01
  7. Hubert & Jan Van Eyck by Elisabeth Phanens, Elisabeth Dhanens, 1986-09
  8. Jan Van Eyck: Two Paintings of Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata by J. R. J. Van Asperen De Boer, Kenneth Be, et all 1997-12
  9. Notes Sur Jean Van Eyck: Réfutation Des Erreurs De M. L'abbé Carton Et Des Théories De M. Le Comte De Laborde Suivie De Nouveaux Documents Découverts Dans Les Archives De Bruges (French Edition) by William Henry James Weale, Jan Van Eyck, 2010-01-11
  10. The Marian Paintings of Jan Van Eyck by Carol J. Purtle, 1982-05
  11. Flamische Malerei von Jan van Eyck bis Pieter Bruegel d.A (Katalog der Gemaldegalerie) (German Edition) by Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, 1981
  12. Jan Van Eyck's Arnolfini Portrait: Stories of an Icon by Linda Seidel, 1995-02-24
  13. The Ghent Altarpiece and the Art of Jan Van Eyck. by Lotte Brand. Philip, 1980-03
  14. Jan van Eyck: Master Painter by Frances Roberts Nugent, 1962

1. Biography Center : Biographies Of Jan Van Eyck In Artists
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The exact date of painter Jan van Eyck is not certain. However, there are documents to support the belief that he was born prior to 1395 and many historians believe that he was born around the year of 1385. Jan van Eyck is thought of as one of the most remarkable painters of the Middle Ages. He lived in what was considered the Duchy of Burgundy which was an area of the Kingdom of France. Jan van Eyck has been incorrectly credited with creating the oil painting. Historians don't believe that he actually created the concept but instead greatly perfected it. While there are few documents to show Jan van Eyck's early years, he is believed to be the sibling of another great painter of his era; Hubert van Eyck. Several other men with the same last name are thought to be the brothers of Jan van Eyck because of the location in which they were born and because of their artistic abilities. Jan van Eyck was a painter who was able to achieve success during his era with clients who were more than willing to pay for the van Eyck paintings. His masterpiece Ghent Altarpiece is still housed in all of its splendor at the Cathedral of St. Bravo (Belgium) which was the original home of the painting.

2. Jan Van Eyck Biography
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Biography Base Home Link To Us Search Biographies: Browse Biographies A B C D ... Z Jan van Eyck Biography Jan van Eyck (1385? - 1440?) was a 15th century painter and one of the first to popularize oil paint.
Jan belonged to the Van Eyck family of painters and was a younger brother of Hubert van Eyck.
The date of his birth is not more accurately known than that of his elder brother, but he was born much later than Hubert van Eyck, who took charge of him and made him his "disciple". Under this tuition John learnt to draw and paint, and mastered the properties of colours from Pliny. Later on, Hubert admitted him into partnership, and both were made court painters to Philip of Charolais.
After the breaking up of the prince's household in 1421, Jan became his own master, left the workshop of Hubert, and took an engagement as painter to John of Bavaria, at that time resident at The Hague as Count of Holland. From the Hague he returned in 1424 to take service with Philip, now duke of Burgundy, at a salary of 100 livres per annum, and from that time till his death Jan van Eyck remained the faithful servant of his prince, who never treated him otherwise than graciously.
He was frequently employed in missions of trust; and following the fortunes of a chief who was always in the saddle, he appears for a time to have been in ceaseless motion, receiving extra pay for secret services at Leiden, drawing his salary at Bruges, yet settled in a fixed abode at Lille.

3. The Annunciation C. 1435 Van Eyck, Jan Oil Painting Reproduction, Hand-painted O
The Annunciation c. 1435 Van Eyck, Jan museum quality reproduction , hand painted by talented oil painting artists ,24x48inches 269US$, difference size
View cart My account Wish list Track my orders ... Contact us All artists index A B C D ... Z Selected Artists Alma-Tadema Botero, Fernando Botticelli,Sandro Bouguereau, William ... Van Eyck, Jan The Annunciation c. 1435
The Annunciation c. 1435
Title: The Annunciation
c. 1435 Artist: Van Eyck, Jan Location: National Gallery of
Art, Washington. Type: Oil painting reproduction Size: 24 by 48 inches
(different size available) Packing: Unframed painting rolled in protected tube. Delivery: Normally within 15-20 days, worldwide FREE shipping . Remark: 93 x 37 cm
Please select your desired size 12x16 inches 16x20 inches 20x24 inches 24x24 inches 24x36 inches 30x30 inches 36x30 inches 30x40 inches 24x48 inches 36x48 inches 36x72 inches 60x60 inches 48x72 inches Size in Cm Note: If there is no size you want ,please

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Madonna and Child with Chancellor Rolin Man in a Red Turban Jan van Eyck’s Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata Van Eyck’s The Arnolfini Marriage Ghent Altarpiece: Adoration of the Lamb MSN Encarta Premium

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6. TRIBENET | La Tribù Italiana Dell'Arte. JAN VAN EYCH
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(Maastricht?, 1390 ca - Bruges, 1441) Van Eyck Jan van Eyck è il più grande pittore della scuola fiamminga del XV secolo. ADV RUBRICHE TRIBENEWS TRIBEMOSTRE TRIBEGALLERY TRIBELIBRI ... TRIBEINTERVISTE SEZIONI STORIA DELL'ARTE BIOGRAFIE GLOSSARIO TECNICHE .:: CERCA ::. cerca su TRIBENET
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15. Van Eyck, Jan - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Van Eyck, Jan (Maastricht 1390 ca. - Bruges 1441), pittore olandese attivo nelle Fiandre, principalmente a Bruges. Insieme a Robert Campin fu il
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Articolo Trova nell'articolo Anteprima di stampa Invia Multimedia 5 elementi Van Eyck, Jan (Maastricht 1390 ca. - Bruges 1441), pittore olandese attivo nelle Fiandre , principalmente a Bruges. Insieme a Robert Campin fu il fondatore dell’ ars nova (“arte nuova”) nella pittura tardo-gotica, l’inizio della grande pittura rinascimentale fiamminga ( vedi Arte olandese ). Questo periodo dell’arte fiamminga ¨ caratterizzato da uno stile naturalistico con vivaci colori a olio, attenzione puntuale al particolare, resa materica attenta e grande uso dell’illusione della tridimensionalit  su una superficie a due dimensioni. Nel 1422 Van Eyck lavorava all’Aia per Giovanni di Baviera, conte d’Olanda; tre anni dopo divenne pittore di corte di

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Van Eyck, Jan
Article Rechercher dans tout le texte de l'article Afficher cet article au format imprimable Envoyer M©dias 6 ©l©ments Plan de l'article Pr©sentation Un artiste de l’©cole du Nord Une production embl©matique de la Renaissance flamande La mani¨re de Jan Van Eyck
Afficher cette section au format imprimable Van Eyck, Jan (v. 1390-1441), peintre flamand. Primitif flamand , contemporain de Robert Campin et de Rogier van der Weyden , Jan Van Eyck est une figure embl©matique de la renaissance artistique de l’Europe du Nord et passe pour l’un des fondateurs de la peinture flamande du xv e  si¨cle. Ses œuvres, empreintes d’une spiritualit© savante, se caract©risent par une minutie de miniaturiste doubl©e d’un r©alisme descriptif tr¨s neuf au xv e  si¨cle.

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20. Van Eyck, Jan Books
The Arnolfini Betrothal Medieval Marriage and the Enigma of Van Eyck s Double Portrait (Discovery Series, 3). •, Jan Van Eyck s Arnolfini Portrait Stories
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