BALLPLAYERS TEAMS CHRONOLOGY TODAY ... FAQ Jump to: Recent jumps John Clarkson whitey ford gary carter 1965 Los Angeles Dodgers ... Rules: 1900-present Rules The Field The Ball The Bat The Uniforms Chronology FAQ Authors by The Idea Logical Company, Inc. THE BASEBALL INDEX Bibliography for Tim Naehring Database information © 2000 SABR The Baseball Index contains the following references for further reading material on Tim Naehring Red Sox Information on how to locate the materials cited here can be found at the bottom of this page ABOUT THE BASEBALL INDEX The Baseball Index is a vast index to books, articles, and other sources on baseball compiled by volunteers from the Society for American Baseball Research . The complete index is available for purchase, and The Baseball Index Research Service can perform complicated searches for a nominal fee. Click here for more information. BOOK SECTIONS Which Baserunners Generate the Most Pickoff Attempts? by Spear, Allan Book Section from STATS 1996 Baseball Scoreboard p. 126, 4 page(s) | |