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1. Kevin Garnett - Sports - Http://maxpages.com/ai2k1/Garnett_Kevin Home Eastern Conference Atlantic Boston Miami Orlando Philadelphia Washington Central Atlanta Charlotte Chicago Cleveland Detroit Indiana Milwaukee Toronto http://maxpages.com/ai2k1/Garnett_Kevin | |
2. ESPN Classic - 'Da Kid' Progressed Quickly Kevin Garnett is the first player to go directly from high school to the NBA in 20 years. http://espn.go.com/classic/biography/s/Garnett_Kevin.html | |
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8. Kevin Garnett - AskTheBrain.com Detailed profile of Kevin Garnett from AskTheBrain.com The world s first computer generated encyclopedia. http://www.askthebrain.com/garnett_kevin-.html | |
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12. Katalog DMOZ Sports Basketball Professional NBA Players http//espn.go.com/classic/biography/s/garnett_kevin.html. Garnett Tribute Fansite including pictures, biography, and yearly summaries. http://www.lesiu.czluchow.net.pl/dmoz/index.php?c=Sports/Basketball/Professional |
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16. Search For Ballhype At The Postmen // A Sports Blog // Chicago, IL. garnett_kevin.jpg By now, even the novice sporting fan is privy to the New England takeover that is current among us. The Patriots are pwning n00bs every http://www.wearethepostmen.com/?s=ballhype |
17. KFAN Rube Chat - Thank You, KG http//espn.go.com/classic/biography/s/garnett_kevin.html. Garnett signed a sixyear, $126 million contract before the 1997-98 season, http://rubechat.kfan.com/forums/permalink/1429444/2435840/ShowThread.aspx | |
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19. Is Kevin Garnett Married His mother, Shirley Garnett (her maiden name), never married his father, O Lewis McCullough. http//espn.go.com/classic/biography/s/garnett_kevin.html http://www.answers.com/bb/bbsearch.jsp?Q=is kevin garnett married |
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