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21. About Government - Batho Pele The Batho pele initiative aims to enhance the quality and accessibility of government services by improving efficiency and accountability to the recipients http://www.info.gov.za/aboutgovt/publicadmin/bathopele.htm | |
22. USGS Photo Glossary: Assorted shapes of pele s tears collected a few kilometers downwind from Mauna Ulu from along the Hilina Pali Road on Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i. http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/Products/Pglossary/PeleTears.html | |
23. AskMen.com - Pele pele Men Celebrities Profile Biography, Latest Photos, Pics, News, Gossip, comments, success and Woman Magnetism Rating! Check out pele on AskMen Now! http://www.askmen.com/men/sports/51_pele.html | |
24. Flickr: Photos From *pele* Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 455 456 Next . (8194 photos). Subscribe to a feed of stuff on this page Subscribe to *pele* s photos Latest geoFeed KML http://www.flickr.com/photos/pelekool/ | |
25. Pele Prints Home pele Prints is a collaborative fine art printmaking studio dedicated to creating limited edition prints and original works of art. http://www.peleprints.com/ | |
26. Manno Remains Haiti S Pele OrlandoSentinel.com Mar 2, 2008 Barrier breaking moments do not start with gold medals or trophies, but rather with the smaller victories from the people who pave the way. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/orl-sowens0208mar02,0,7771143.column |
27. Planet World Cup - Legends - Pelé Brazil defended the title four years later in Chile, but Pelé was injured early on and missed most of the tournament. Injuries also plagued him in 1966 as http://www.planetworldcup.com/LEGENDS/pele.html | |
28. Pele Most Barzilian footballers use nicknames, and pele picked his up when he was about nine. He doesn t, however, know where it comes from and it doesn t mean http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Field/3163/Pele.htm | |
29. The My Hero Project - Pelé His name is Edson Arantes do Nascimento, but the world knows him as Pelé. Through his many accomplishments, he greatly revolutionized the sport of soccer, http://www.myhero.com/myhero/hero.asp?hero=pele |
30. Wand Shocked About Pele Brazilian very well could face Liddell at years end. http://www.graciemag.com/news/144/ARTICLE/9777/2008-03-07.html | |
31. BBC NEWS | Magazine | Taking The Pele pele admits he has never liked his nickname, and he s not the only one. What is it with nicknames? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/4578032.stm | |
32. Untitled Document Help the earth and help the MPA Purchase an organic tote bay from Earth Tote Bags and they will donate an amount from every bag sold to the Ngunapele MPA. http://www.marineprotectedarea.com.vu/ |
33. Homepage ALOHA, and welcome to pele s Journey . . . Destination Kilauea. We are so happy to have you visit our pele s search for a home in Hawai`i. You may click http://library.thinkquest.org/J002917/ | |
34. II. How Pele Came To Hawaii pele s story is that of wanderlust. She was living in a happy home in the presence of her parents, and yet for a long time she was stirred by thoughts of http://www.sacred-texts.com/pac/hlov/hlov07.htm | |
35. Cap-Pelé - Accueil Translate this page Présente le village, ses attractions, ses réssources touristiques. http://www.cap-pele.com/ | |
36. Ofir Pele's Home Page Ofir pele. PhD student supervisor Prof. Michael Werman Ofir pele, Michael Werman. Accepted for publication in PAMI , , http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~ofirpele/ | |
37. Pele's Other Garden - Lanai Deli And Bistro - Lanai City, Lanai, Hawaii At pele s Other Garden, Lanai City, Lanai, you can relax in an inviting atmosphere while you dine. During the day, we offer you a casual,friendly atmosphere http://www.pelesothergarden.com/ | |
38. Pele's Hair pele s hair is the fine fibers spun by wind and hot basaltic lava. http://geology.about.com/library/bl/images/blpelehair.htm | |
39. TORI AMOS | HEREINMYHEAD.COM | Albums | Boys For Pele Boys For pele was released on January 22nd in the UK, January 23rd in the US and February 25th in Japan. The album reached number 1 in the UK and number 2 http://www.hereinmyhead.com/collect/bfp/ | |
40. General News Of Thursday, 13 March 2008 13, GNA Mr Abuga pele, Member of Parliament for Chiana Paga, Speaking to the Ghana News Agency in Accra on Wednesday, Mr pele said he had spread http://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/artikel.php?ID=140679 |
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