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61. Hawaii Tribune-Herald :: Hilo, Hawaii Mar 9, 2008 It s educational, but on the flip side, this is a spiritual thing and about respect, he said regarding Madam pele, the volcano goddess. http://www.hawaiitribune-herald.com/articles/2008/03/09/local_news/local01.txt | |
62. Pitch Invasion » History » Nii Lamptey: The Lost Pele Lamptey was the Ghanaian of whom pele said, having watched him in 1989 as a fifteenyear-old, Lamptey is my natural successor. Capped by 38 times by age http://pitchinvasion.net/blog/2008/02/05/nii-lamptey-the-lost-pele/ | |
63. Cap-Pele Lions Club A community service organization, it is in District 41 of the Lions. Lists meetings, officers, activities and links. http://cappelenb.lionwap.org/ | |
64. Pelé â Infoplease.com pele mountain reports significant diamond finds Bulk sample represents huge advancement toward determining presence of commercial. http://www.infoplease.com/ipsa/A0109534.html | |
65. Goal.com - Germany - Calcio Debate: Who Was Better - Pele Or Maradona? Calcio Debate Who Was Better pele Or Maradona?, http://www.goal.com/en-us/Articolo.aspx?ContenutoId=570243 |
66. Pele Dreaming pele, goddess of Hawaii s volcanos is one of the most dramatic goddesses of Hawaiian mythology, pele has long lived in Hawaiian hearts and minds as the http://peledreaming.com/ | |
67. Urban Dictionary: Pele muhammed ali actually went to one of pele s games. after the game, ali said to his assistant, now i understand, he is greater than i . yes, muhammed ali http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pele |
68. Poi Spinning Basics With Pele's Element Poi Spinning Basics is an essential guide for the beginning fire dancer. As the popularity of fire dancing grows worldwide, so has the demand for http://www.filmbaby.com/films/1041 | |
69. Fight Finder - Jose "Pele" Landi-Jons's Mixed Martial Arts Statistics Nick Name, pele. Record, 23 14 - 0 (Win - Loss - Draw). Wins, 8 (T)KOs (34.78%) 11 Submissions (47.83%) 4 Decisions (17.39%). Losses, 4 (T)KOs (28.57%) http://www.sherdog.com/fightfinder/fightfinder.asp?fighterID=1400 |
70. Spirit Of Sport: Pele: The Phenomenon But pele s performance transcended that of the ordinary star by as much as the star exceeds ordinary performance. He scored an average of a goal in every http://www.spiritof.info/sport/articles/time/sport.time.story1.html | |
71. Pele Juju The Wild Women of Worldbeat are back! http://www.pelejuju.com/ |
72. Hall Of Famer Spotlight ... Pelé Pelé, born Edson Arantes do Nascimento has perhaps the most recognizable face in the world. When people hear the name Pelé they think of one thing soccer. http://www.soccerhall.org/Spotlight HallofFamer/Pele_spotlight.htm | |
73. Pelé - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia This Wikipedia encyclopaedia entry describes the world s greatest player. Career, honors, and statistics. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pelé | |
74. Pelé Self MartinsPassion, Die. Simply he was, and for many people still is, the greatest football player Visit IMDb for Photos, Filmography, Discussions, http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0671446/ | |
75. Gloria Pelé from Gloria is the luxury limited edition version of Pelés most recent autobiography. Including definitive text and photography, this 45cm x 35cm, http://www.number10shirt.com/ | |
76. McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Pelé Gets "a Brazilian." Many people consider me, Pelé, the greatest footballer of all time. It is widely known that Pelé was born into poverty but still rose to international http://www.mcsweeneys.net/2007/8/16malla.html | |
77. Jean Carlos Chera! 9 Year Old Brazilian Soccer Phenom! The New Pelé Red Issue. Top soccer clubs scout 9-year-old - CNN International Jean Charlos Chera The next coming of Pelé! http://www.jean-carlos-chera.com/ | |
78. Edith Kanaka‘ole Foundation :: Home The Edith Kanakaole Foundation (EKF) is a culturalbased non-profit organization based on the Big Island of Hawaii. It is the Foundation s mission to http://www.edithkanakaolefoundation.org/ | |
79. Pyromorph - Entertainment Of The Highest Degree Pyromorph holds a copyright of all materials on this site. Any use or replication of materials on this site without the express permission of Pyromorph http://www.pyromorph.com/ | |
80. BookMoot: NonFiction Monday: Young Pelé James Ransome s illustrations shine in this picture book biography of Edson do Nascimento, who would be known to the world as Pelé. http://www.bookmoot.com/2008/03/nonfiction-monday-young-pel.html | |
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