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1. Jeremy Bentham - MSN Encarta Bentham, Jeremy (17481832), British philosopher, economist, and jurist, who founded the doctrine of utilitarianism. He was born in London on http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761571045/bentham_jeremy.html | |
2. Jeremy Bentham - All Creatures Quotations Archive: People, Human, Humane, Animal This Quotations Archives contains quotations from famous and some not so famous people who have expressed a sense of love, compassion, and respect for all http://www.all-creatures.org/quotes/bentham_jeremy.html | |
3. Jeremy Bentham Biography Search Biographies. Browse Biographies. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z http://www.biographybase.com/biography/Bentham_Jeremy.html | |
4. Biography Center : Biographies Of Jeremy Bentham In Philosophers Biographies of Bentham Jeremy and, for more detail Biography of , , http//www.oxforddnb.com/index/101002153. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/251-Bentham_Jeremy.html | |
5. Financial Dictionary Meaning For Bentham, Jeremy (1748 1832)UK philosopher and legal reformer, educated at Oxford. Bentham held that http://www.anz.com/edna/dictionary.asp?action=content&content=bentham_jeremy |
6. Bentham, Jeremy : Philosophers B : Philosophers - Mega Net Login. mega net. Search Mega Net. Home Library Humanities Philosophy Philosophers Philosophers B Bentham, Jeremy http://www.mega-net.net/library/humanities/philosophy/philosophers/philosophers_ | |
7. Jeremy Bentham Quotes A collection of quotes attributed to English philosopher and economist Jeremy Bentham. http://www.notable-quotes.com/b/bentham_jeremy.html | |
8. Jeremy Bentham - Freedom Circle Directory Jeremy Bentham 18th/19th century English philosopher and legal scholar, an early proponent of utilitarianism. http://www.freedomcircle.com/topic.php/Bentham_Jeremy | |
9. Bentham, Jeremy - Search View - MSN Encarta To find a specific word, name, or topic in this article, select the option in your Web browser for finding within the page. http://encarta.msn.co.uk/text_761571045__1/Bentham_Jeremy.html | |
10. Jeremy Bentham Programme Name Details. Death And The Philosopher JEREMY BENTHAM wanted to be stuffed. Lenin, whether he liked it or not, was embalmed. http://www.radiolistings.co.uk/candc/bentham_jeremy.html | |
11. Your Directory : Bentham%2C Jeremy Your Directory selected category is Top Society Philosophy Philosophers B Bentham%2C_Jeremy. http://www.your-directory.co.uk/Top/Society/Philosophy/Philosophers/B/Bentham_Je | |
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13. Jeremy Bentham - AskTheBrain.com Detailed profile of Jeremy Bentham from AskTheBrain.com The world s first computer generated encyclopedia. http://www.askthebrain.com/bentham_jeremy-.html | |
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15. Bentham, Jeremy - Printer-friendly - Ninemsn Encarta Click here to print this page Print. Bentham, Jeremy, Article View. On the File menu, click Print to print the information. http://au.encarta.msn.com/text_761571045___0/Bentham_Jeremy.html | |
16. SICD Strasbourg - Wiki - Auteur:bentham_jeremy Translate this page Piste » bentham_jeremy. Table des matières. Bentham, Jeremy (1748-1832) auteur/bentham_jeremy.txt · Dernière modification 2008/02/20 1134 par num_bot http://www-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/wiki/doku.php/auteur:Bentham, Jeremy | |
17. Jeremy Bentham, (1748-1832), Déontologie, Ou Science De La Morale. Tome I: Thé Translate this page Une bibliothèque numérique unique et originale dans le monde francophone en sciences sociales et humaines, développée en collaboration avec l Université du http://classiques.uqac.ca/classiques/bentham_jeremy/deontologie_tome_1/deontolog | |
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20. Bentham Jeremy - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia Bentham Jeremy (17481832), angielski prawnik, ekonomista i filozof, prekursor pozytywizmu prawniczego. Wykszta cony na uniwersytecie w http://portalwiedzy.onet.pl/52813,,,,bentham_jeremy,haslo.html | |
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