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Brin David: more books (105) | ||||||||||||||
21. Brin: RE: New Brin Novel? Kil n Time will be the sequel to Kiln People. http//www.sffworld. com/authors/b/brin_david/interviews/2002042.html Dr. Brin, any word on when it ll be http://www.mail-archive.com/brin-l@mccmedia.com/msg18121.html | |
22. Archive http//www.galaxyonline.com/Contributors/brin_david/Feature1_P1.htm. The Future Is Real Soon Now! The Convergence of TV and the Web! Science and Science http://www.cam-info.net/archive/issue24.html | |
23. Bellona Times look at living without privacy, David Brin, The Transparent Society http//www.ooblick.com/books/books/brin_davidThe_Transparent_Society.html http://www.pseudopodium.org/ht-20010912.html |
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