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         Cabell James Branch:     more books (100)
  1. Jurgen: A Comedy of Justice (Classic Reprint) by James Branch Cabell, 2010-08-16
  2. James Branch Cabell: Centennial Essays (Southern Literary Studies) by M. Thomas Inge, 1982-12
  3. The High Place by James Branch Cabell, 2003-06-20
  4. The Silver Stallion a Comedy of Redemption by James Branch Cabell, 2005-04
  5. The Eagle's Shadow by James Branch Cabell, 2007-07-25
  6. Chivalry by James Branch Cabell, 2010-08-01
  7. The Line Of Love by James Branch Cabell, 2010-05-23
  8. Figures of Earth by James Branch Cabell, 2010-07-06
  9. The certain hour,: Dizain des poètes, (The works of James Branch Cabell, xi) by James Branch Cabell, 1929
  10. Between dawn and sunrise;: Selections from the writings of James Branch Cabell; by James Branch Cabell, 1930
  11. The certain hour (Dizain des poëtes) by James Branch Cabell, 2010-08-09
  12. The Jewel Merchants A Comedy in One Act by James Branch Cabell, 2009-10-04
  13. Beyond Life: Dizain Des Démiurges by James Branch Cabell, 2010-03-24
  14. Let Me Lie: Being in the Main an Ethnological Account of the Remarkable (The Virginia Bookshelf) by James Branch Cabell, 2001-04-01

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2. James Branch Cabell Biography
James Branch Cabell biography and related resources.
Biography Base Home Link To Us Search Biographies: Browse Biographies A B C D ... Z James Branch Cabell Biography James Branch Cabell (April 14, 1879 in Richmond, Virginia - May 5, 1958) was an American author of fantasy fiction.
Other works include Figures of Earth, which introduces Manuel the Redeemer, who conquered a realm by playing on others' expectations - his motto Mundus Vult Decipi meaning "the world wishes to be deceived". (Jurgen makes a minor appearance at the end of Figures, as the small boy who was the last to see the Redeemer). The Silver Stallion is a sequel that deals with the adventures of the knights in Manuel's company after his departure.
Though now largely forgotten by the general public, his work was very influential on later authors of fantastic fiction. Robert A. Heinlein was greatly inspired by his boldness, and originally described his famous masterpeice Stranger in a Strange Land as "a Cabellesque satire", and a later work Job, A Comedy of Justice (with the title derived from Jurgen, A Comedy of Justice) has an appearance of the Slavic god Koschei (from Jurgen). Fritz Leiber's Swords of Lankhmar was also influenced by Jurgen. Jack Vance's Dying Earth books show considerable stylistic resemblances to Cabell; Cugel the Clever in those books bears a strong resemblance, not least in his opinion of himself, to Jurgen.
Other works include:
Something about Eve
The Cream of the Jest
Smirt, Smith, Smire (trilogy)

3. James Branch Cabell Quotes
A collection of quotes attributed to American author James Branch Cabell.
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JAMES BRANCH CABELL QUOTES The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true. JAMES BRANCH CABELL, The Silver Stallion A man possesses nothing certainly save a brief loan of his own body: and yet the body of a man is capable of much curious pleasure. JAMES BRANCH CABELL, Jurgen
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4. Cabell, James Branch - Printer-friendly - MSN Encarta
Click here to print this page Print. James Branch Cabell, Article View. On the File menu, click Print to print the information.
var s_account="msnportalencarta"; Print James Branch Cabell Article View On the File menu, click Print to print the information. James Branch Cabell James Branch Cabell (1879-1958), American writer, born in Richmond, Virginia, and educated at the College of William and Mary. Before embarking on a literary career, he worked as a college teacher and newspaper reporter. In 1904 he published his first novel, The Eagle's Shadow, the first volume of the 18-volume series entitled The Biography of Manuel. The series relates the fantasies of a swineherd, Manuel, who becomes a nobleman in Poictesme, an imaginary medieval land. Two of the best-known books of the series are The Cream of the Jest (1917) and Jurgen, a Comedy of Justice Jurgen, temporarily suppressed as immoral, became very popular in the 1920s. Cabell, a member of a distinguished Virginia family, also wrote several genealogical studies of his family and other families. In addition to his more than 50 novels, he wrote two collections of autobiographical essays, Let Me Lie (1947) and Quiet Please "James Branch Cabell," Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2007

5. Cabell, James Branch : Authors C : Authors A-Z - Mega Net
Login. mega net. Search Mega Net. Home Lifestyle Books Genres Science Fiction Fantasy Authors AZ Authors C Cabell, James Branch
Login Search Mega Net: Home Lifestyle Books Genres ... Authors C : Cabell, James Branch Cabell, James Branch Fan of the controversial writer presents excerpts from his books and an analysis of the wordplay in his prose. Cabell, James Branch - Certain Hour, The Project Gutenberg presents a complete electronic text transcription of the novel by the late James Branch Cabell. Cabell, James Branch - Jurgen Subtitled, "A Comedy of Justice," this book satirizes Medieval England, as well as the fictional characters, King Jurgen and Pope Jurgen. Cabell, James Branch - Mundus Vult Decipi Another admirer of the novelist James Branch Cabell presents his biography, bibliography, and selected excerpts from his works. Cabell, James Branch - VCU From the Virginia Commonwealth University library named for the writer or ironic fantasy comes his biography, chronology of works and links.

6. Cabell James Branch Quotes - Quote Cosmos
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Saturday, April 5 2008
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There is not any memory with less satisfaction than the memory of some temptation we resisted.
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7. - Famous Quotations From James Branch Cabell
James Branch Cabell April 14, 1879 to May 2, 1958 Born in Richmond, Virginia Died in Richmond, Virginia Our collective knowledge of JBC amounts to a

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9. Cabell, James Branch - MSN Encarta
Cabell, James Branch (18791958), American writer, born in Richmond, Virginia, and educated at the College of William and Mary. Before embarking on a
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James Branch Cabell
Encyclopedia Article Find Print E-mail James Branch Cabell (1879-1958), American writer, born in Richmond, Virginia, and educated at the College of William and Mary. Before embarking on a literary career, he worked as a college teacher and newspaper reporter. In 1904 he published his first novel, The Eagle's Shadow, the first volume of the 18-volume series entitled The Biography of Manuel. The series relates the fantasies of a swineherd, Manuel, who becomes a nobleman in Poictesme, an imaginary medieval land. Two of the best-known books of the series are The Cream of the Jest (1917) and Jurgen, a Comedy of Justice Jurgen, temporarily suppressed as immoral, became very popular in the 1920s. Cabell, a member of a distinguished Virginia family, also wrote several genealogical studies of his family and other families. In addition to his more than 50 novels, he wrote two collections of autobiographical essays, Let Me Lie (1947) and Quiet Please More from Encarta Top-10 lists Fun facts about topics from A-Z Browse the lists.

10. Cabell James Branch - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia
Cabell James Branch (18791958), pisarz ameryka ski. Autor cyklu powie ci fantastyczno-alegorycznych, które zdoby y du y rozg os i przyczyni y,,,,cabell_james_branch,haslo.html
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cabell james branch Informacje o serwisie Kursy on-line Napisz do nas O nas Pomoc ... Aktualizacja encyklopedii wszystkie encyklopedia prawa wielka ksiêga imion s³ownik informatyczny Poka¿ tylko zdjêcia, filmy i mapy Jak szukaæ?
Cabell James Branch
Dodaj do notesu Literatura, Ameryka Pó³nocna, Stany Zjednoczone, XIX i pocz±tek XX w., I wojna ¶wiatowa Cabell James Branch (1879-1958), pisarz amerykañski. Autor cyklu powie¶ci fantastyczno-alegorycznych, które zdoby³y du¿y rozg³os i przyczyni³y siê do rozwoju nurtu satyry spo³ecznej w latach 20., szczególnie atakuj±cy amerykañsk± obyczajowo¶æ i pruderiê (np. Jurgen 1919). Stworzy³ wizjê ¿ycia mieszkañców mitycznej krainy Poictesme, uosabiaj±cych Amerykanów. Tak¿e powie¶ci historyczne, wiersze, opowiadania, eseje. Strona do Druku Encyklopedia WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra Twój notes jest pusty. Mo¿esz dodawaæ do niego has³a i multimedia z Encyklopedii oraz ksi±¿ki z Biblioteki. Bêdziesz móg³ potem do nich ³atwo wróciæ. Notes mo¿esz uzupe³niaæ klikaj±c w "Dodaj do notesu" przy wybranym ha¶le, multimedium lub ksi±¿ce.

11. Cabell James Branch
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12. James Branch Cabell - Biographie De James Branch Cabell - Dicocitations ™
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L' optimiste proclame que nous vivons dans le meilleur de tous les mondes possibles , et le pessimiste craint que ce ne soit vrai. [ The Silver Stallion, XXVI ] James Branch Cabell
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13. Buch Portofrei & Günstig: Ex Libris: Fester Einband - Quiet, Please - James B
Translate this page Buch Portofrei günstig Ex Libris Fester Einband - Quiet, Please - James Branch Cabell -
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14. Cabell, James Branch : Works
Chivalry Dizain des Reines http// In plain text, HTML or zip file, from Project Gutenberg.
Top Arts Literature Genres ... Cabell James Branch : Works (16) Categories Jurgen The Certain Hour
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Chivalry: Dizain des Reines
In plain text, HTML or zip file, from Project Gutenberg.
Status Code: 200 - Location: 11752.html.utf8 Edit listing [] - Report dead link [] - Edit Category [] Domnei: A Comedy of Woman-Worship -
Plain text (two versions) or as a zip file, from Project Gutenberg.
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In plain text, HTML or zip file, from Project Gutenberg.
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Plain text and zip file, at Project Gutenberg.
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The number after the subject (topic or theme) tells how many books on this subject the author has. Please click on the subject to see books. Alternatively, you can see the alphabetically ordered bibliography of Cabell, James Branch Middle Ages Fiction Electronic books Fiction History and criticism ... Contact

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