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         Coleridge Samuel Taylor:     more books (100)
  1. Coleridge's Ancient Mariner and Select Poems by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 2010-07-06
  2. The Complete Poems (Penguin Classics) by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1997-10-01
  3. Lyrical Ballads: With a Few Other Poems (Penguin Classics: Poetry First Editions) by William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1999-05-06
  4. Samuel Taylor Coleridge - The Major Works (Oxford World's Classics) by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 2009-01-15
  5. Poems of Coleridge, with active table of contents by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 2008-01-10
  6. Samuel Taylor Coleridge Eman Poet Lib #18 (Everyman Poetry)
  7. Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Bloom's Modern Critical Views)
  8. Biographia Literaria: Biographical Sketches of my Literary Life & Opinions by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1985-02-01
  9. Perturbed Spirit: The Life and Personality of Samuel Taylor Coleridge by Oswald Doughty, 1981-09
  10. The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Vol. 16. Poetical Works: Part 1. Poems (Reading Text). by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 2001-10-01
  11. Classic British Poetry: complete poetical works of Coleridge, with active table of contents by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 2009-07-02
  12. The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 2 : The Watchman by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1970-01-01
  13. Coleridge's Poetry and Prose (Norton Critical Edition) by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 2003-07
  14. Lectures on Shakspeare, etc (Everyman's library) by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1951

1. Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Poems
POEMS BY SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE. Christabel The Complaint of Ninathoma Domestic Peace Epitaph on an Infant First Advent of Love Genevieve

2. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - MSN Encarta
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (17721834), English poet, critic, and philosopher, who was a leader of the Romantic movement.
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Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Encyclopedia Article Find in this article View printer-friendly page E-mail Multimedia 2 items Article Outline Introduction Development Conversational Poems Supernatural Poems ... Lyrical Ballads I
Printer-friendly version of section Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834), English poet, critic, and philosopher, who was a leader of the Romantic movement. II
Printer-friendly version of section Coleridge was born in Ottery St Mary, Devon, on October 21, 1772, the son of a vicar. From 1791 until 1794 he studied classics at Jesus College, Cambridge University, and became interested in French revolutionary politics. His heavy drinking and debauchery incurred massive debts which he attempted to clear by entering the army for a brief period. Eventually, his brother paid for him to be discharged on a plea of insanity. At university he absorbed political and theological ideas then considered radical, especially those of

3. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (17721834). Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born at Ottery St. Mary, Devon where his father was the vicar. He was educated at Christ s
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born at Ottery St. Mary, Devon where his father was the vicar. He was educated at Christ's Hospital school in London and Jesus College, Cambridge, but left without taking his degree. Caught up in the revolutionary fervour of the age, he and Robert Southey planned to found a communist colony in New England but this never materialised. He collaborated with Wordsworth on Lyrical Ballads , published in 1798 which contained his most famous poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner His later life was dogged by relationship problems, depression, and opium addiction but he continued to write poetry, three plays and valuable translations and commentary on the major German philosophers. His greatest poetry was written ealier and contains a sense of mystery. Together with Wordsworth he is regarded as one of the founders of the Romantic movement. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
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Christabel. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. See the entry for Coleridge. October 21, 1772 – July 25, 1834. PART I T is the middle of night by the
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October 21, 1772 – July 25, 1834

5. Famous Quote By Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Visit this site for famous quotes look for a well known Samuel Taylor Coleridge quote from this celebrity! Read this Famous Quote by Samuel Taylor
If you would stand well with a great mind, leave him with a favorable impression of yourself; if with a little mind, leave him with a favorable impression of himself.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Famous Quotes by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The famous and celebrated quotes detailed in this section are well known as examples of the famed verbal and spoken communication, citation or quotations used by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The famous Samuel Taylor Coleridge quotes can be in the form of extracts, passages or lines from famous speeches and quotes providing an illustration of or allusion citing the famous events of the day. Some of these quotes by Samuel Taylor Coleridge will be familiar and some even deemed to be legendary or notorious Samuel Taylor Coleridge quotes! This Famous Online Quotations site, with examples of Samuel Taylor Coleridge famous quotes, provide a vast selection of topics and examples of categories which might include examples of funny quotes, motivational quotes, inspirational quotes, cute quotes, sad or even love quotes!
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6. Coleridge Samuel Taylor
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Coleridge Samuel Taylor
Jsi lepÅ¡­ než ostatn­ uchazeči o studium na VÅ ? Zkus­Å¡ testy FAKTUM? Z Přej­t na: navigace hled¡n­ Anglick½ romantick½ b¡sn­k, dramatik, filosof a liter¡rn­ kritik, autor teologick½ch a politicko-sociologick½ch prac­. Studoval na Cambridgi, časem ale přijal revolučn­ myÅ¡lenky a studi­ zanechal. NevyÅ¡el mu pokus založit ve Spojen½ch st¡tech komunistickou stranu, tak začal učit v Bristolu. N¡sledn© sezn¡men­ s Williamem Wordsworthem mu liter¡rně prospělo. Při n¡vÅ¡těvě Německa (1798-9) si obl­bil německ© filosofy. Časem vÅ¡ak propadl opiu a začal odm­tat i Wordsworthovy animistick© pohledy na svět. V letech 1809-10 vyd¡val t½den­k 'The Friend'. Pokračov¡n­ je př­stupn© pouze pro registrovan©. PřihlaÅ¡ se nebo se zaregistruj. Citov¡no z „

7. Coleridge Samuel Taylor - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia
Coleridge Samuel Taylor (17721834), wybitny angielski poeta, krytyk literacki, filozof. W m odo ci opowiedzia si za,,,,coleridge_samuel_taylor,haslo.html
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coleridge samuel taylor Informacje o serwisie Kursy on-line Napisz do nas O nas Pomoc ... Aktualizacja encyklopedii wszystkie encyklopedia prawa wielka ksiêga imion s³ownik informatyczny Poka¿ tylko zdjêcia, filmy i mapy Jak szukaæ?
Coleridge Samuel Taylor
Dodaj do notesu Literatura, Europa, Wielka Brytania, Historia nowo¿ytna, XIX i pocz±tek XX w. Coleridge Samuel Taylor (1772-1834), wybitny angielski poeta, krytyk literacki, filozof. W m³odo¶ci opowiedzia³ siê za republikañsko-demokratycznymi ideami rewolucji francuskiej
1797 wyda³ wspólnie z W. Wordsworthem tom Lyrical Ballads , uznany za manifest angielskiego romantyzmu oraz pocz±tek nurtu poetyckiego tzw. Lake School ( szko³y jezior ). Z czasem przeszed³ na pozycje konserwatywne. Jego ¿ycie wyniszcza³ na³óg palenia opium.
Twórczo¶æ poetyck± Coleridge'a cechuj±: niezwyk³o¶æ, fantastyka, atmosfera fatalizmu, wizjonerska wyobra¼nia. Najpopularniejsze jego utwory to: Pie¶ñ o starym ¿eglarzu (1798, wydanie polskie 1872)

8. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (Ottery St Mary 1772 - Londra 1834), poeta britannico, tra le figure più importanti del movimento romantico.
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Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Articolo Trova nell'articolo Anteprima di stampa Invia Multimedia 1 elemento Struttura articolo Introduzione La ballata del vecchio marinaio L’incontro con la cultura tedesca La prosa
Anteprima della sezione Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (Ottery St Mary 1772 - Londra 1834), poeta britannico, tra le figure pi¹ importanti del movimento romantico In giovent¹ ader¬ a idee politiche e teologiche a quel tempo considerate radicali, specialmente quelle relative alla dottrina dell' unitarianismo . Abbandonata l'universit  senza aver conseguito la laurea, insieme col poeta Robert Southey avvi² il progetto, presto abbandonato, di fondare in Pennsylvania una societ  utopica basata sulle idee di William Godwin . Nel 1796 pubblic² Poesie su vari argomenti
La ballata del vecchio marinaio
Anteprima della sezione Un anno prima Coleridge aveva conosciuto il poeta William Wordsworth , con il quale nacque un'amicizia che sarebbe durata tutta la vita, e sua sorella Dorothy. Nel 1798, i due amici pubblicarono insieme una raccolta poetica intitolata

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