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         Deaver Jeffery:     more books (100)
  1. Garden of Beasts: A Novel of Berlin 1936 by Jeffery Deaver, 2008-03-25
  2. Roadside Crosses: A Kathryn Dance Novel by Jeffery Deaver, 2011-06-01
  3. A Century of Great Suspense Stories
  4. Twisted: The Collected Stories of Jeffery Deaver by Jeffery Deaver, 2004-10-26
  5. A Confederacy of Crime : New Stories of Southern-Style Mystery by Jeffery Deaver, Bret Lott, et all 2001
  6. Thriller 2: Stories You Just Can't Put Down: Through a Veil Darkly\Ghost Writer\A Calculated Risk\Remaking\The Weapon by Kathleen Antrim, Gary Braver, et all 2010-04-27
  7. The Chopin Manuscript: A Serial Thriller [With Earphones] (Playaway Adult Fiction) by Jeffery Deaver, 2009-04
  8. Burning Wire by Jeffery Deaver, 2010-06-08
  9. Praying for Sleep by Jeffery Deaver, 1995-08-17
  10. Praying for Sleep: AND Maiden's Grave by Jeffery Deaver, 2001
  11. Roadside Crosses by Jeffery Deaver, 2010
  12. Jeffery Deaver'sThe Burning Wire: A Lincoln Rhyme Novel (Hardcover)(2010) by J., (Author) Deaver, 2010
  13. The Sleeping Doll: A Novel (Kathryn Dance Novels) [Hardcover] by Jeffery Deaver (Author), 2007
  14. The Jeffery Deaver Suspense Collection by Jeffery Deaver, 2008-10-28

41. Deaver Jeffery
Translate this page Jeffery Deaver. Sie suchen Bücher von Jeffery Deaver? Vorhandene Titel bei ANTIQUARIO A Maiden s Grave Bloody River Blues Blutiger Mond Blutiger Mond.

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A Maiden''''s Grave

Bloody River Blues

Blutiger Mond

Blutiger Mond. Sonderausgabe.
Jeffery Deaver
finden Sie hier (Stand: 17.12.2007)

42. Deaver Jeffery
Albumy krajoznawcze. Biografie. Dzienniki, wspomnienia, listy. Ekonomia, biznes, prawo. Encyklopedie i S owniki. Geografia, geologia. J zyki obce, s owniki,deaver_jeffery.html
MÓJ KOSZYK KONTAKT REGULAMIN> POMOC ... Stali klienci 0,00 PLN Przejrzyj kategorie Albumy krajoznawcze Biografie Dzienniki, wspomnienia, listy Ekonomia, biznes, prawo ... Wydawnictwa inne Przejd¼ do Autorzy Tytu³y Wydawnictwa Recenzje ksi±¿ek ... Fragmenty ksi±¿ek Lista Prosta Pe³na
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Deaver Jeffery
Tañcz±cy trumniarz
Deaver Jeffery ISBN: 83-7469-123-9 Wydawca: Prószyñski i S-ka T³umaczenie: £ukasz Praski Liczba stron: 440 Wymiary: 105 mm x 171 mm Oprawa miêkka Detektyw Lincoln Rhyme, duma i chwa³a nowojorskiej policji kryminalnej, ¶ciga nieuchwytnego, seryjnego mordercê zwanego Tañcz±cym Trumniarzem. Ten niezwykle inteligentny zbrodniarz uderza znienacka, b³yskawicznie, zawsze w odmienny sposób, po czym znika bez ¶ladu. Tylko jedna z jego ofiar zauwa¿y³a charakterystyczny szczegó³, o którym przed ¶mierci± zd±¿y³a powiedzieæ policji. Nasza cena: 14,16 PLN

43. Jeffery Deaver
Translate this page Deaver Jeffery. Disponibile su, la nuova libreria italiana online.

44. Ihr Buch-Preisvergleich Für Einzelne Autoren > Deaver, Jeffery
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DVD Musik Finanzen ... Hilfe Suche nach Buch...
05.04.2008-03:10 Uhr
Antiquarische Bücher


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Titel Abbildung Preis suchen Active Credit Portfolio Management. A Practical Guide to Credit Risk Management Strategies
Dezember 2005
[Mehr Details zum Produkt]
Preisvergleich starten Allgemeinbildung Geld. Der Weg zur finanziellen Selbstbestimmung.
September 2004 [Mehr Details zum Produkt] Preisvergleich starten Berichte für das Top-Management. Ergebnisse einer Benchmarking-Studie Februar 2005 [Mehr Details zum Produkt] Preisvergleich starten Beteiligungsfinanzierung personenbezogener Unternehmungen. Aktien und Genussscheine [Mehr Details zum Produkt] ... Biographie W. A. Mozarts August 1991 [Mehr Details zum Produkt] Preisvergleich starten Bonstettiana. Bd 3, 2 Tle. Teil 1: 1776-1778. Teil 2: 1779-1780 Oktober 1999 [Mehr Details zum Produkt] Preisvergleich starten Businessplan für Dummies September 2005 [Mehr Details zum Produkt] Preisvergleich starten CICE 2004. IV International Conference on Applied Enterprise Science (International Symposium on Business Informatics), Santa Clara, Cuba, October 20-23, 2004 - Proceedings Dezember 2004 [Mehr Details zum Produkt] Preisvergleich starten Coaching für Dummies Januar 2001 [Mehr Details zum Produkt] Preisvergleich starten Complete Tales of Winnie-The-Pooh Oktober 1996 [Mehr Details zum Produkt] Preisvergleich starten Contemporary Management with DVD 06. Januar 2005

45. Autumnnight
Translate this page jeffery deaver die tränen des teufels (goldmann verlag - 2001 - isbn 3442450365). die idee ist gut - aber nichts für mich der roman umfasst ca.
jeffery deaver
die tränen des teufels (goldmann verlag - 2001 - isbn 3442450365)
die idee ist gut - aber nichts für mich
der roman umfasst ca. 440 seiten und spielt in knapp zwei tagen.. also ist immer gewaltig was los!! man könnte auch sagen: für meine geschmack zu viel des guten..
was in der beschreibung fehlte und was mich lockte, das buch zu kaufen (es wurde mir empfohlen): der erpresser hat einen "handlanger" damit beauftragt, an viel besuchte plätze zu gehen und einfach rundherum zu schiessen.. wahllos.. auf alles und jeden.. es sei denn, der erpresser erhält 20 millionen..
das dumme ist nur: der erpresser kommt bei einem autounfall ums leben und der mörder tötet so lange weiter, bis ein STOP kommt.. was natürlich nicht kommt.. und jetzt gilt es, anhand des erpresserbriefes nicht den auftraggeber, sondern den mörder ausfindig zu machen..
wie gesagt: ganz schön viel los in den 440 seiten.. ein paar dinge sind vorhersehbar.. leider..
alles in allem: nicht weiter zu empfehlen..

46. Deaver, Jeffery - CARTI SCOLARE
Deaver, Jeffery. Biografie. Jeffery Deaver sa nascut in 1950, intro suburbie a orasului Chicago. A scris prima carte la numai 11 ani.
Titlurile autorului
Deaver, Jeffery
Jeffery Deaver s-a nascut in 1950, intr-o suburbie a orasului Chicago. A scris prima carte la numai 11 ani. Dupa o cariera stralucita in jurnalism (a fost corespondent la New York Times si Wall Street Journal ), apoi in avocatura, incepind din 1990 s-a dedicat in intregime scrisului. A publicat pina in prezent 21 de romane care s-au bucurat de un enorm succes, fiind traduse in 35 de limbi si figurind pe cele mai importante liste de bestselleruri din intreaga lume. A fost nominalizat de sase ori la Edgar Award, decernat de Mystery Writers of America, si a obtinut un premiu Anthony, Gumshoe Award, trei Ellery Queen Reader's Awards for Best Short Story of the Year si W.H. Smith Thumping Good Read Award. De asemenea, i s-au mai decernat The Crime Writers' Association of Great Britain's Ian Fleming Steel Dagger Award si The Short Story Dagger. Colectionarul de oase este primul sau roman tradus in limba romana si face parte din seria investigatiilor lui Lincoln Rhyme.
Titlurile autorului Deaver, Jeffery (3)

47. Deaver Jeffery -
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48. The Big Book Store!: Art, Architecture & Photography: Deaver, Jeffery
Deaver, Jeffery Art, Architecture Photography - The Big Book Store is dedicated to bringing you all the latest releases, books covering every subject
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Deaver, Jeffery
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Showing items 1-10 of 207 The Broken Window
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Publication Date: July 24, 2008 (In 110 Days)
Shipping: Eligible for Super Saver Shipping Availability: Not yet published enlarge The Coffin Dancer Author: Jeffery Deaver List Price: Buy Used: You Save: New Used from £0.01

49. Autor - Deaver Jeffery - Booklandia
Ksi garnia Booklandia. Oferuje Autor Deaver Jeffery ksi ki, czasopisma.,a1514803375
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Deaver Jeffery
Wydawnictwo Pocket Books
Rok wydania More diabolical tales of suspense. More nerve-jangling shocks. Cena rynkowa: 31 zł
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Deaver Jeffery
Wydawnictwo PR“SZYŃSKI i S-KA
Rok wydania Pragnąca wr³cić do normalnego życia po stracie męża młoda kobieta umawiająca się lekkomyślnie z nieznajomym; zakładnik starający się przekonać porywaczy o niedorzeczności ich pomysłu; piękna modelka walcząca z prześladującym... Cena rynkowa: 29.9 zł
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Deaver Jeffery
Wydawnictwo PR“SZYŃSKI i S-KA
Rok wydania Z kalifornijskiego więzienia ucieka Daniel Pell, skazany na dożywocie za wymordowanie rodziny zamożnego biznesmena. Zbieg przystępuje do realizacji swojego planu, zabijając kolejne ofiary i manipulując ludźmi, z kt³rych czyni posłuszne... Cena rynkowa: 29.9 zł

50. Jeffery Deaver
Jeffery Deaver. Codziennie aktualizowana bogata oferta ksi ek i czasopism literatura, ksi ki specjalistyczne, naukowe, ekonomiczne, prawnicze,,2,17698,deaver_jeffery.htm
Ksiêgarnia internetowa Prus24 wymaga obs³ugi Javascriptu.Jeste¶ na stronie o: Jeffery Deaver
Ksiêgarnia internetowa Prus24 wymaga obs³ugi Javascriptu. Jeste¶ na stronie o: Jeffery Deaver
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Katalog autorów: JEFFERY DEAVER
[Znaleziono 18 tytu³ów] Sortuj wg: Tytu³u ( R M ) Daty dodania ( R M ) Ceny ( R M
Autor: JEFFERY DEAVER Wydawnictwo: PRÓSZYÑSKI I S-KA S.A. ISBN: 9788374695633 cena: 27,81 z³ 29,90 z³
z dnia: 09.11.2007 DAR JÊZYKÓW BR Autor: JEFFERY DEAVER Wydawnictwo: PRÓSZYÑSKI I S-KA S.A. ISBN: 9788374697118 cena: 27,81 z³ 29,90 z³
z dnia: 04.04.2008 GARDEN OF BEASTS Autor: JEFFERY DEAVER Wydawnictwo: HODDER AND STOUGHTON ISBN: 0340734558 cena: 30,69 z³ 33,00 z³
z dnia: 04.04.2008 KAMIENNA MA£PA BR Autor: JEFFERY DEAVER Wydawnictwo: PRÓSZYÑSKI I S-KA S.A.

51. Deaver, Jeffery - Bo...
12 results found. 1. The Empty Chair (A Lincoln Rhyme Novel) add to cart List Price $25.00 Price $3.61 You Save $21.39 (86%) 33 Merchants Used new
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Cyclist Tammy Thomas guilty of perjury (AP) Clintons' earnings exceed $100m results found. The Empty Chair (A Lincoln Rhyme Novel) List Price: Price: You Save: 37 Merchants The COFFIN DANCER THE : A Novel Price: 14 Merchants The Twelfth Card (A Lincoln Rhyme Novel) List Price: Price: You Save: 20 Merchants Stone Monkey (A Lincoln Rhyme Novel) List Price: Price: You Save: 62 Merchants Twisted: Selected Unabridged Stories of Jeffery Deaver List Price: Price: You Save: 16 Merchants The Vanished Man (A Lincoln Rhyme Novel) List Price: Price: You Save: 53 Merchants List Price: Price: You Save: 44 Merchants Garden of Beasts: A Novel of Berlin 1936 List Price: Price: You Save: 18 Merchants The Blue Nowhere List Price: Price: You Save: 54 Merchants Speaking In Tongues List Price: Price: You Save: 46 Merchants Page: of 2 Next Top Sellers Sort by Featured items Price: low to high Price: high to low Expand Results Remove : Custom Stores Remove : Formats Remove : Audiobooks Remove : Books on Cassette ... Remove : Deaver, Jeffery [Books] Sign In Home

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Sort by: Bestselling Featured Items Reviews (High to Low) Price (Low to High) Price (High to Low) Publication Date (Newer to Older) Alphabetical (A-Z) Alphabetical (Z-A) Showing items 1-10 of 39 enlarge The Sleeping Doll: A Novel (Kathryn Dance Novels) Author: Jeffery Deaver List Price: Buy New: You Save: New Used Collectible from $0.63 Sales Rank: Category: Book ASIN: Publication Date: June 5, 2007 Shipping: Eligible for Super Saver Shipping Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours enlarge The Empty Chair (Lincoln Rhyme Novels) Author: Jeffery Deaver Buy New: New Used Collectible from $0.01 Sales Rank: Category: Book ASIN: Publication Date: April 1, 2001 Shipping: Eligible for Super Saver Shipping Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours enlarge The Bone Collector (A Lincoln Rhyme Novel) Author: Jeffery Deaver Buy New: New Used Collectible from $0.01

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56. La Sedia Vuota - Jeffery Deaver [Archivio] - P2P Forum Italia
Translate this page (http// deaver_jeffery.html) Pagine 465 Editore Sonzogno
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La sedia vuota - Jeffery Deaver
Titolo: La sedia vuota
Autore: Jeffery Deaver
Pagine: 465
Editore: Sonzogno
Quadriplegico da anni, Rhyme vuole recuperare almeno in parte la sua mobilità. Con Amelia si reca perciò nel North Carolina per sottoporsi all'operazione. Ma appena arrivati le autorità chiedono il loro aiuto in un'indagine: nell'arco di ventiquattr'ore nella cittadina di Tanner's Corner ci sono stati un omicidio e il rapimento di due giovani donne. Il principale sospetto è uno strano adolescente di nome Insetto. Rhyme e Amelia riusciranno ad inchiodare il giovane, ma nemmeno Rhyme potrebbe mai sospettare che Amelia non sarà d'accordo con lui e fuggirà nella palude insieme al ragazzo che lui considera uno spietato assassino. E così Rhyme si trova ad affrontare la sfida più difficile: quella con la donna cui ha insegnato tutto ciò che sa.
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cytat Czytelnica (07.05.18 1332) Deaver Jeffery X 5 ebooks http// /cytat . Wpisz kod z obrazka

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60. Jeffery Deaver
Stop, You re Killing Me! has bibliographies of your favorite mystery authors and series characters.
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Rune, an aspiring filmmaker with punk tendencies, in New York City: Manhattan Is My Beat Death of a Blue Movie Star Hard News Lincoln Rhyme, a disabled ex-head of NYPD forensics, and Amelia Sachs, a rookie beat cop in New York City: The Bone Collector The Coffin Dancer The Empty Chair Stone Monkey ... The Broken Window (due June 3, 2008) 1. Kathryn Dance appears as secondary character Kathryn Dance, an investigator with the California Bureau of Investigation: The Sleeping Doll Non-series: Lesson of Her Death Mistress of Justice Praying for Sleep Devil's Teardrop ... Twisted: Collected Stories of Jeffery Deaver (2004) [SS] More Twisted: Collected Stories, Vol. II (2006) [SS] Written as William Jefferies
John Pellam, a location scout for a movie studio: Shallow Graves Bloody River Blues
Finalist 2002 Edgar Award for Best Paperback Original Search SYKM About this Site Newsletter References ... Contact Webmaster Lucinda Surber or Editor Stan Ulrich

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