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         Euripides:     more books (100)
  1. Euripides, Volume III. Suppliant Women. Electra. Heracles (Loeb Classical Library No. 9) by Euripides, 1998-09-01
  2. Orestes and Other Plays (Oxford World's Classics) by Euripides, James Morwood, 2009-05-15
  3. Hippolytos (Italian Edition) by Euripides, Augusto Balsamo, 2010-03-16
  4. Electra and Other Plays: Euripides (Penguin Classics) by Euripides, 1999-01-01
  5. Medea - Literary Touchstone Classic by Euripides, 2005-12-01
  6. The Bacchae of Euripides: A New Version by C. K. Williams, 1990-08-23
  7. Euripides: Bacchae. Iphigenia at Aulis. Rhesus (Loeb Classical Library No. 495) by Euripides, 2003-01-30
  8. Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides (New York Review Books Classics) by Euripides, 2008-09-16
  9. The Complete Euripides: Volume I: Trojan Women and Other Plays (Greek Tragedy in New Translations)
  10. Euripides III: Hecuba, Andromache, The Trojan Women, Ion by Euripides, 2009-09-25
  11. Euripides: Bacchae by Euripides, 2009-09-25
  12. Women on the Edge: Four Plays by Euripides (The New Classical Canon)
  13. Euripides: Children of Heracles. Hippolytus. Andromache. Hecuba (Loeb Classical Library No. 484) by Euripides, 1995-02-15
  14. Euripides, Volume V. Helen. Phoenician Women. Orestes (Loeb Classical Library No. 11) by Euripides, 2002-06-15

21. The Dramas Of Euripides
euripides was born in Salamis in 480 B.C.E. Along with Aeschylus and Sophocles he was one of the three leading ancient writers of tragic plays.



Age of Reason




... Classics The Dramas of Euripides Euripides was born in Salamis in 480 B.C.E. Along with Aeschylus and Sophocles he was one of the three leading ancient writers of tragic plays. Very little is known about his personal life; it is belived that he came from a wealthy family and was politically active. Euripides left Athens in 408 B.C.E. and took up residence in Macedonia under the sponsorship of its king; he died shortly thereafter. He did not win as many competitions as Aeschylus or Sophocles, and was used as a running joke in Aristophanes' plays, where he appears as a satirical character. However his dramas became more popular than the other two 'immortals' as time went by. His greatest works are Alcestis Medea Electra and The Bacchae The Trojan Women translated by Gilbert Murray transcribed by Eliza at . Thanks Eliza! Alcestis Translated by Richard Aldington Andromache Translated by E. P. Coleridge The Bacchantes The Cyclops Translated by E. P. Coleridge

22. Euripides Quotes
66 quotes and quotations by euripides. euripides Do not plan for ventures before finishing what s at hand. euripides

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Greek Poet Quotes

Year of Birth:
480 BC Year of Death: 406 BC Nationality: Greek Find on Amazon: Euripides Related Authors: Sophocles Horace Aeschylus Hesiod ... Menander Along with success comes a reputation for wisdom. Euripides Among mortals second thoughts are wisest. Euripides Authority is never without hate. Euripides Better a serpent than a stepmother! Euripides But learn that to die is a debt we must all pay. Euripides Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent. Euripides Cleverness is not wisdom. Euripides Danger gleams like sunshine to a brave man's eyes. Euripides Do not consider painful what is good for you. Euripides Do not plan for ventures before finishing what's at hand. Euripides Down on your knees, and thank heaven, fasting, for a good man's love. Euripides Events will take their course, it is no good of being angry at them; he is happiest who wisely turns them to the best account. Euripides Forgive, son; men are men; they needs must err.

23. Euripides Quotes And Quotations Compiled By GIGA
Extensive collection of 85000+ ancient and modern quotations,euripides,euripides quotes,euripides quotations,quotes,quotations,quotations and quotes and
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Greek tragic poet
(485 BC - 406 BC) CHECK READING LIST (1) Displaying page 1 of 4
A wise man in his house should find a wife gentle and courteous, or no wife at all.

All is change; all yields its place and goes.
Along with success comes a reputation for wisdom. Success Among mortals second thoughts are wisest. Caution Authority is never without hate. Authority Bear calamities with meekness. Calamities Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent. Chance Cleverness is not wisdom. Cleverness Cowards do not count in battle; they are there but not in it. Cowardice Delusive hope still points to distant good. Hope Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things only hoped for. Hope For silence and a chaste reserve is woman's genuine praise, and to remain quiet within the house. Women For the good, when praised, feel something of disgust, if to excess commended.

24. Euripedes
euripides with all his faults the most tragic of the poets, said euripides is the saddest of the poets and for that very reason not the most tragic.
from The Greek Way by Edith Hamilton
EURIPIDES "with all his faults the most tragic of the poets," said Aristotle, supreme among critics, whose claim to pronounce ever the final verdict has only of late been called into question. His judgment here points the latter-day attitude toward him: the great critic was wrong; he confused sadness and tragedy. Euripides is the saddest of the poets and for that very reason not the most tragic. A very great tragedian, beyond all question, one of the world's four greatest, to all of whom belongs that strangest power, so to present the spectacle of pain that we are lifted to what we truly call the height of tragedy.
Euripides can indeed walk "those heights exalted" but the dark depths of pain are what he knows best. He is "the poet of the world's grief." He feels, as no other writer has felt, the pitifulness of human life, as of children suffering helplessly what they do not know and can never understand. No poet's ear has ever been so sensitively attuned as his to the still, sad music of humanity, a strain little heeded by that world of long ago. And together with that, something then even more unheeded, the sense of the value of each individual human being. He alone of all the classic world so felt. It is an amazing phenomenon. Out of the pages written more than twenty-three hundred years ago sound the two notes which we feel are the dominants in our world to-day, sympathy with suffering and the conviction of the worth of everyone alive. A poet of the antique world speaks to us and we hear what seems peculiarly our own.

25. Euripides: Monologues
An index of monologues from the plays of euripides.

26. The Glory That Was Greece
In one play of euripides, a terrible scene of tragedy was followed by a song in which the Chorus prayed for escape from such sorrows on the wings of a bird
An online resource for students
by Leigh T. Denault
Drama: The Greek Theatre and Three Athenian Tragedians: Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides
Table of Contents:
Note: For English Translations of the Greek Dramas mentioned in this page, see the Online Books site for Classical Languages and Literature.
The Book of the Ancient Greeks, Chapter XIV: The Greek Theatre
Selections from: Mills, Dorothy. The Book of the Ancient Greeks: An Introduction to the History and Civilization of Greece from the Coming of the Greeks to the Conquest of Corinth by Rome in 146 B.C
The Greek drama began as a religious observance in honour of Dionysus. To the Greeks this god personified both spring and the vintage, the latter a very important time of year in a vine-growing country, and he was a symbol to them of that power there is in man of rising out of himself, of being impelled onwards by a joy within him that he cannot explain, but which makes him go forward, walking, as it were, on the wings of the wind, of the spirit that fills him with a deep sense of worship. We call this power enthusiasm , a Greek word which simply means

27. Euripides Bibliography
Searches for the secondary meaning behind the obvious in euripides. Treats euripides as primarily an observer of man and his predicament;
BIBLIOGRAPHY Allen, James T., A Concordance to Euripides (U of Calif. Pr 1954)
Anthon, Charles, An English Commentary on the Rhesus, Medea, Hippolytus,
Alcestis, Heracleidae, Supplices, and Troades of Euripides
(Harper 1877)
Appleton, Reginald B., Euripides the Idealist (NY Dutton 1927)
[Searches for the secondary meaning behind the obvious in Euripides.
A reaction to Verrall and the rationalists and realists.]
Bates, William N., Euripides: a Student of Human Nature (Dutton 1927)
[Treats Euripides as primarily an observer of man and his predicament;
a variation of the realist view.]
Blaklock, E. M., The Male Characters of Euripides: a study in realism
(Wellington, NZ Univ. Press 1952) A modern realist treatment. Burian, P., ed. Directions in Euripidean Criticism Burnett, S. P., "Virtues of Admetus," Classical Philology, LX, Oct 1965 [A new look at the character of Admetus in the Alcestis from the standpoint of his ethical situation.] Cambridge Ancient History , Vol. V, (Cambridge 1935)

28. Euripides: Poems
A collection of poems by the Greek dramatist euripides.

29. Diotima
The Alcestis is the earliest of euripides plays to survive. euripides wants to make Apollo s disgust with Admetus mother abundantly clear.
Euripides' Alcestis Translated by C. A. E. Luschnig, University of Idaho with help from L. J. Luschnig Characters Apollo god of poetry, prophecy, and plague Thanatos Death in person Chorus of elderly citizens of Thessaly Maid (in Greek, therapaina ), the personal female slave of Alcestis Alcestis wife of Admetus, daughter of Pelias Admetus husband of Alcestis, king of Thessaly, son of Pheres Children of Alcestis (a boy and a girl, probably non-speaking roles in the original) Heracles Greek hero Pheres retired king of Thessaly, father of Admetus Servant (in Greek, therapon ), male slave of Admetus
The scene is Pherai, a town in Thessaly. The play is set in the heroic age in the generation before the Trojan War.
The Alcestis was first produced in Athens in 438 BC. It was played by two actors and a chorus. It was presented fourth, after the three tragedies, in the place of the satyr play. The Alcestis is the earliest of Euripides' plays to survive. Prologue APOLLO
Hail, halls of Admetus, where I had to eat
with the underclass , though I am a god.

30. Euripides - History For Kids!
euripides was the youngest of the three great tragic playwrights of classical Athens. He lived in the last part of the 400 s BC, during the Peloponnesian
Euripides for Kids - an ancient Greek playwright
Euripides was the youngest of the three great tragic playwrights of classical Athens. He lived in the last part of the 400's BC , during the Peloponnesian War . He competed against Sophocles in many dramatic competitions, and sometimes Euripides won, and sometimes Sophocles. Many of Euripides' plays, like Medea and Phaedra , have important female characters, and he is sometimes thought of as very sympathetic to women and thinking that women should be treated more fairly. But this is probably not true, or only partly true. Euripides is using women to represent the irrational , or craziness, not thinking, following your nature instead of your mind. The action in the plays is between this irrational female character, and a rational man. But it is not always the rational man who wins. Euripides insists that we all must acknowledge both sides of ourselves, the animal and the godly, and not pretend that we can always rule our bodies with our minds, like Star Trek's Vulcans. In the Bacchae , for instance, Pentheus tries to be rational, but ends up being torn into pieces because he will not let himself go dance.

31. New Page 2
euripides Bacchae, the last extant classical Greek tragedy, has for a long time been the focus of an intense interpretative argument, probably more so than
An Introductory Note to Euripides' Bacchae [This introductory note has been prepared by Ian Johnston of Malaspina University-College, Nanaimo, British Columbia, for students in search of a brief general interpretative introduction to The Bacchae. For comments and questions please contact Ian Johnston. For a direct link to a new translation of the play, click on The Bacchae This text is in the public domain and may be used, in whole or in part, by anyone, without permission and without charge, provided the source is acknowledgedreleased November 2001. This text was last revised on November 25, 2001] Introduction Euripides' Bacchae , the last extant classical Greek tragedy, has for a long time been the focus of an intense interpretative argument, probably more so than any other Greek tragedy (especially in the wide range of very different interpretations the play). In this necessarily brief introduction, I wish to sketch out some details of the source of this disagreement and review some of the more common interpretative possibilities. In the course of this discussion, my own preferences will be clear enough, but I hope to do justice to some viewpoints with which I disagree. Some Obvious Initial Points To start with, let me review some of the more obvious and important facts of the play, things about which we are unlikely to disagree and which any interpretation is going to have to take into account. After this quick and brief review of the salient points, I'll address some of the ways people have sought to interpret them.

32. Euripides' Bacchae
The Bacchae of euripides is a major source for the ancient Greek conception of Dionysus, but not the only source. Aristophanes gives us a very different,
Euripides' Bacchae
Attic Red Figure Psykter, c. 520-510 BC. Pentheus Being Torn Apart.
Iconography Other Primary Sources Modern Views Outline ... Other Resources
The Iconography of Dionysus and the Bacchants
This section displays images from the Perseus web site rendered in small sizes to make the page manageable. Clicking on the images will take you to the full sized version at Perseus in a new browser window. Some of these images are viewable only with privileged access to the Perseus site (automatic for all Reed users). The Dionysus of the Bacchae is a young god. Pentheus comments on his appearance (the passage suggests the sort of homoerotic longing which the Greeks believed to be characteristic of that stage of life between boyhood and manhood, a time of potential confusion about sexuality and gender identity): So, you are attractive, stranger, at least to women
Which explains, I think, your presence here in Thebes.
Your curls are long. You do not wrestle, I take it.
And what fair skin you have you must take care of it
No daylight complexion; no, it comes from the night

33. Euripides, The Bacchae
(after euripides died in exile in Macedonia, the news of which event had reached Athens CODA Chorus chants a standard `moral (euripides used the same
Euripides, The Bacchae (Powell, Classical Myth , pp. 272-283.)
(after Euripides died in exile in Macedonia, the news of which event had reached Athens before the Dionysia of 406,
in Elaphabolion, the 9th Athenian month, ca. March 406.)
  • AGAVE, daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia, and mother of Pentheus CADMUS, former king of Thebes in Boeotia CHORUS, of women, `Bacchantes' (Maenads), from Lydia in Asia Minor DIONYSUS the god, leader of the Chorus of Bacchae, the `Stranger' PENTHEUS his first-cousin, present King of Thebes, son of Echion and Agave; another first-cousin was apparently Labdacus, the grandfather of Oedipus; his (putative) grandchildren were Creon and Jocasta. TEIRESIAS the famous seer of Thebes (also a character in Oedipus Tyrannos and the Odyssey)

DIONYSUS (the Protagonist) PARODOS
(a) Prelude 64-71
(b) Hymn 72-134 (`ode' 2 strophes)
(c) Epode 135-169 FIRST EPISODE (Scene I) FIRST STASIMON (Choral Interlude I) CHORUS, commenting on Scene I: the denunciation of Pentheus' hybris; desire of the Chorus to escape to some land where their religion is acceptable to people (as it is not to Pentheus).

34. Euripides Quotes And Biography. Euripides Quotations.
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35. Euripides' Bacchae
Learn about euripides Bacchae using this exceptional online study guide with links to multiple resources on CTCWeb.
Table of Contents Aristotle's Poetics
The setting of the Bacchae , as in the case of most Greek tragedies, does not require a change of scene Throughout the play the skene with at least one door represents the facade of the royal palace of Thebes Even when the poet shifts the audience's attention from the palace to events in the woods, there is no shift of scene These events are described in two speeches delivered by messengers and one by an attendant rather than enacted before the audience (434-450;677-774; 1043-1152). Even when action takes place inside the palace, as in the case of Dionysus humiliation of Pentheus (610-641), there is no shift of scene, but the god himself narrates this interior action to the Chorus The Messenger speech eliminates the need for scene changes, which, due to the limited resources of the ancient theater, would have been difficult and awkward In addition, these four speeches describe actions which could not be effectively portrayed on-stage Euripides , however, like Aeschylus and Sophocles , made a virtue of the necessity of this convention of the ancient theater by writing elaborate Messenger speeches which provide a vivid word picture of the offstage action.

Brief biography of Greek playwright, euripides.
c.480 - 406 BC
Greek Playwright
Euripides was the youngest of Athens' three greatest tragic poets. He altered the content of the epics by lessening the heroic image and he became a percursor of bourgeois drama. Euripides was the most revolutionary of the Greek tragedians. The early poets still shared the traditional beliefs with the majority of their audiences, but a younger man, like Euripides, who was influenced by the free-thinking spirit of his time, no longer believed in the power of a god like Dionysus, whose festival he, as a tragic poet, was required to celebrate. Euripides solved his dilemna by presenting his plot in a way that implicitly contradicted the many answers his divine messengers provided for the difficulties of life. Of the 90 plays he wrote, 18 tragedies survive. www link :
Euripides Home Page

37. Euripides, Greece, Ancient History
One of the most important Greek dramatists, euripides was born in Salamis on the day of the great battle between the Greeks and the Persians (Sept. 23).
(c.480-406BC) One of the most important Greek dramatists, Euripides was born in Salamis on the day of the great battle between the Greeks and the Persians (Sept. 23).
He got a thorough education, and his first play entered the Athenian drama festivals in 454BC, without success though. Twelve years later he won the first prize, and was to win a total of five prizes in his life.
Euripides saw himself as a misunderstood writer and was often criticised by people like Aristophanes (The Frogs). He kept to himself and did not involve himself with politics.
Influenced by the Sophists and Protagoras, Anaxagoras and Socrates, Eurupides wrote about the Greek legends and myths in an everyday language and without traditional religious and moral values.
Euripides wanted to make his characters as people really were, not what they should be. He was also interested in the individual, rather than the gods and heroes. Many of his protagonists were female characters.
He was very famous in his time, but not exceedingly popular. The writer ended his days at the court of the Macedonian king Archelaos, where he accidentally was killed by the kings' hunting dogs.

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39. Euripides -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Britannica online encyclopedia article on euripides last of classical Athens three great tragic dramatists, following Aeschylus and Sophocles.
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Euripides Greek dramatist
born c. BC , Athens [Greece] died 406, Macedonia
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Table of Contents

40. Focus Publishing ~ Euripides: Hecuba
euripidesÂ’ Hecuba is one of the few tragedies that evoke a sense of utter desolation and destruction in the audience. The drama focuses on the status of
home contact info policies search ... Feedback Form Euripides: Hecuba Euripides: Hecuba
Robin Mitchell-Boyask Temple University About the Author Contents Introduction Description Author Robin Mitchell-Boyask is Associate Professor of Classics at Temple University and has been a Junior Fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies and a Visiting Fellow at Wolfson College, Cambridge University. He has published numerous articles on Greek and Latin literature as well as Approaches to Teaching the Dramas of Euripides (MLA 2002). He is currently completing a book on the plague of Athens and Greek drama. Table of Contents Introduction 1

Interpretive Essay
Bibliography From the Introduction The first readers of this translation were the students in my introductory Greek Drama and Culture course in the spring of 2002 at Temple University. I inflicted an extremely awkward first draft on them, and asked them to help me write the notes and commentary by telling me what they needed to know. As complete novices, they were the best judges of what other students would need in the final edition. I am extremely grateful to them for their help. Readers will notice that some passages are placed inside brackets. These are used to represent where modern editors have reached a conclusion that a part of the received manuscript is not genuine; those lines were added subsequently, usually by actors. These additions are called interpolations.

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