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         George Elizabeth:     more books (100)
  1. A Woman's High Calling: 10 Essentials for Godly Living by Elizabeth George, 2001-07-01
  2. For the Sake of Elena by Elizabeth George, 2008-04-15
  3. Life Management for Busy Women: Growth and Study Guide by Elizabeth George, 2002-07-01
  4. Loving God with All Your Mind Interactive Workbook by Elizabeth George, 2010-06-01
  5. A Woman After God's Own Heart® Deluxe Edition by Elizabeth George, 2007-01-01
  6. A Young Woman After God's Own Heart: A Teen's Guide to Friends, Faith, Family, and the Future by Elizabeth George, 2003-01-01
  7. Small Changes for a Better Life: Daily Steps to Living Gods Plan for You by Elizabeth George, 2006-01-01
  8. Following God with All Your Heart: Believing and Living God's Plan for You by Elizabeth George, 2008-08-01
  9. Elizabeth I: A Novel by Margaret George, 2011-04-05
  10. The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare, 1997-09-01
  11. Write Away: One Novelist's Approach to Fiction and the Writing Life by Elizabeth George, 2005-03-01
  12. Finding God's Path Through Your Trials: His Help for Every Difficulty You Face by Elizabeth George, 2007-07-01
  13. The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare, 1994-07-01
  14. Growing in Wisdom And Faith: James (A Woman After God's Own Heart®) by Elizabeth George, 2001-01-01

41. GEORGE Elizabeth
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R©sident de Guernesey, o¹ il poss¨de l'un des plus beaux domaines de l'®le, Guy Brouard, millionnaire de soixante neuf ans et grand s©ducteur devant l'Eternel, ignore les atteintes de l'¢ge. Les bains de mer en plein mois de d©cembre ne lui font pas peur. Jusqu'au jour o¹ l'on retrouve son cadavre sur une plage. Une pierre enfonc©e dans la gorge. La police locale - qui rechigne   croire   la culpabilit© d'un autochtone - accuse tr¨s vite du meurtre une photographe am©ricaine de passage, China River. Amie de longue date de cette derni¨re, Deborah Saint James, persuad©e que les policiers se trompent, accourt de Londres avec son mari Simon pour la faire sortir de prison. Pour Deborah, le coupable est ailleurs. Publi© par suspense   19:50:29 dans GEORGE Elizabeth Commentaires (0) Permaliens
Thomas Lynley, Barbara Havers et les autres sont sur le pied de guerre. Pour traquer un adversaire particuli¨rement redoutable: un meurtrier en s©rie, dont les cibles sont des adolescents. Pas n'importe lesquels. De jeunes m©tis, laiss©s pour compte de la soci©t©.C'est l'occasion pour le lecteur de rentrer de p©n©trer dans le Londres stri© de suie et de graffitis des zones "difficiles", aux antipodes des quartiers cossus qu'hantent Lynley et ses semblables.

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Erschienen bei Goldmann, 12.2004
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CHF Adopted Colors: Identity, Race, and the Passion for Other People's Nationalism von Hyowon Kim
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Erschienen bei VDM Verlag, 03.2008
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One Novelist's Approach to Fiction and the Writing Life
Erschienen bei Hodder And Stoughton, 02.2005
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Theory and Theology in George Herbert´s Poetry: Divinitie, and Poesie, Met
Clarke, Elizabeth In seventeenth-century England the poet George Herbert became known as ´Divine Herbert´, his poetry a model for those aspiring to the status of inspired Christian poet. This book explores the relationship between the poetry of George Herbert and the concept of divine inspiration rooted in devotional texts of the time. Clarke considers three very different treatises read and approved by Herbert: Savonarola´s De Simplicitate Christianae Vitae, Juan de Valdes´s The Hundred and Ten ... EUR 150.95* Im Shop ansehen oder bestellen Zur Hauptkategorie des Angebotes ... Encyclopedia of Religious and Spiritual Development Dowling, Elizabeth M / Scarlett, W George The features also includes: the encyclopedia includes community-based programs that focus on enhancing spiritual development and on the links between spiritual development and positive personal and social development in youth; reference lists for each entry enable readers to gain further information related to the topic; and the Advisory Board consists of academics from multiple disciplines whose work focuses on spiritual development, theologians, university librarians, and leaders of ...

49. Elizabeth George
Allreaders Elizabeth George Spotlight Detailed analysis of the plot, theme, setting and characters of her books, plus links to similar books.
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Official author site complete with novels, faq, interviews, reviews, settings, message board and recent news.
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    Translate this page POR EL BIEN DE ELENA Inspector Lynley Havers, 5. GÉNERO Intriga-Policiaca. EDITORIAL Nuevas Ediciones de Bolsillo, 05/2002
    GÉNERO: Intriga-Policiaca
    EDITORIAL: Nuevas Ediciones de Bolsillo, 05/2002 COLECCIÓN: Biblioteca Elizabeth George, 5 (Jet, 308/5) ISBN: 84-9759-002-3 (vol. 308/5) TÍTULO ORIGINAL: For the Sake of Elena TRADUCIDO POR: Eduardo G. Murillo EDITOR ORIGINAL: Bantam Books, 02/1992 83-3032-DT Elena Weaver resultaba ser una sorpresa para todo aquél que se encontraba con ella por primera vez. Con sus vestidos ceñidos y sus largos pendientes, desprendía una sexualidad que se contraponía a la inocencia que proyectaban los pósteres de unicornios de las paredes de su habitación. Mientras su amargada madre se encarga de que todo esté correctamente en su casa de Londres, en Cambridge -dónde Elena era estudiante del St. Stephen's College- su padre y su segunda esposa, tienen cada uno una imagen propia de la chica. En cuanto a Elena, su vida estuvo llena de relaciones esporádicas e intensamente físicas, hasta que alguien la esperó en el sendero donde realizaba footing cada mañana y la golpeó hasta la muerte. Reacia a dejar la investigación en manos de la policía local, la universidad llama a New Scotland Yard. De esta manera, el Detective Inspector Thomas Lynley y su compañera, la Detective Sargento Bárbara Havers, penetran en el mundo enrarecido de la Universidad de Cambridge, donde las togas ocultan a menudo intenciones criminales.

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    55. Elizabeth George - Author Information, Books, And News
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    Trier par: Meilleures Ventes Prix (Croissant) Prix (Décroissant) Date de publication (De la plus ancienne à la plus récente) Alphabétique (A à Z) Alphabétique (Z à A) Montrer les articles 1-10 de 121 agrandir What Came Before He Shot Her Auteur: Elizabeth A. George Prix de liste: EUR 5,39 Acheter Neuf: EUR 3,02 Vous épargnez: EUR 2,37 (44%) Neuf D'occasion de EUR 3,01 Classement parmi les ventes: Date de publication: Septembre 2007 Disponibilité: Expedition sous 1 a 2 jours ouvres agrandir A Place of Hiding Auteur: Elizabeth A. George Prix de liste: EUR 5,39

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    Stop, You re Killing Me! has bibliographies of your favorite mystery authors and series characters.
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    2. Focuses on Simon and Deborah Allcourt-St. James Non-series: The Evidence Exposed (1999) [SS] I, Richard: Stories of Suspense 3. Title story about Lynley
    4. Revised edition of stories in The Evidence Exposed , and includes , and another story Search SYKM About this Site Newsletter References ... Contact Webmaster Lucinda Surber or Editor Stan Ulrich

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