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21. Vinyl Records By Ginsberg, Allen No Image Available, The Lion For Real Spoken Word Used LP GJ 6004 Great Jones Hard To Find 1989 Vinyl Featuring Bill Frisell, Beaver Harris, Arto Lindsay, http://www.vinyl-records.biz/Ginsberg_Allen.htm | |
22. New York City Guide: Ginsberg, Allen Ginsberg, Allen. 19261997. For poet and activist Allen Ginsberg, New York was full of angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to http://www.opuspublishing.com/nycguide/famous_new_yorkers/ginsberg_allen.html | |
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25. Allen Ginsberg Bibliography With Key Dates Links To Further Allen Ginsberg June 3, 1926 to April 5, 1997 Born in Newark, New Jersey Died in New York City Most widely known as the author of Howl. http://www.happydeadtrees.com/Authors/Ginsberg_Allen.html |
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34. More Info About The Poet: Allen Ginsberg - References Bibliography http//www.erowid.org/culture/characters/ginsberg_allen/ginsberg_allen.shtml Allen Ginsberg Biographical profile of the American Beat poet. http://www.poemhunter.com/allen-ginsberg/resources/ | |
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