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         Golding William:     more books (98)
  1. Close Quarters by William Golding, 1999-12-01
  2. The Complete Poetry & Prose of William Blake by William Blake, William Golding, 1982-04-16
  3. The Inheritors by William Golding, 1997-07-22
  4. William Golding's Lord of the Flies by Terence Dewsnap, 1989-02
  5. Critical Essays on William Golding (Critical Essays on British Literature)
  6. The Void and the Metaphor: A New Reading of William Golding's Fiction by Yasunori Sugimura, 2008-06-30
  7. The Double Tongue by William Golding, 1999-10-01
  8. William Golding (A Critical Study) by Pralhad A. Kulkarni, 1994-12
  9. Scorpion God by William Golding, 1984-03-15
  10. William Golding: Some Critical Considerations by Jack I. Biles, Robert O. Evans, 1978-07
  11. William Golding (Essays on Modern Writers) by Samuel Hynes, 1965-01
  12. Talk: Conversations with William Golding by Jack I. Biles, 1971-01-07
  13. The Inheritors by William Golding, 2005-04-30
  14. Lord of the flies;: A novel (A Putnam Capricorn book, Cap 14) by William Golding, 1959

21. Golding, William - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Golding, William (1911-1993), romancier britannique, auteur de Sa Majesté des Mouches.
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Golding, William
Article Rechercher dans tout le texte de l'article Afficher cet article au format imprimable Envoyer M©dias 1 ©l©ment Plan de l'article Pr©sentation L’exp©rience de la barbarie Une parabole de la condition humaine
Afficher cette section au format imprimable Golding, William (1911-1993), romancier britannique, auteur de Sa Majest© des Mouches.
L’exp©rience de la barbarie
Afficher cette section au format imprimable N©   Saint Columb Minor (Cornouailles), William Gerald Golding fr©quente l’universit© d'Oxford, o¹ il devient lecteur d’anglais. Il se tourne pendant quelque temps vers le th©¢tre, avant d’entrer dans l’enseignement,   Salisbury. Pendant la guerre, il est enr´l© dans la marine ; cette exp©rience le marque profond©ment et conditionne le pessimisme de ses romans. Apr¨s la guerre, il reprend son m©tier d’instituteur, qu’il ne quitte qu’en 1961.
Une parabole de la condition humaine
Afficher cette section au format imprimable Son premier roman

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Golding, William
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31. William Golding - World's Greatest Classic Books
A biography of William Golding, plus all of his books available for sale from The World s Greatest Classic Books.
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PosterNow PushPosters ... Tower Records Born: September 19, 1911, in Cornwall, England Died: June 19, 1993, in Wiltshire, England Born in 1911 Saint Columb Minor in Cornwall, England, Sir William Gerald Golding was educated at the Marlborough Grammar School, where his father taught, and later at Brasenose College, Oxford. Although educated to be a scientist at the wishes of his father, he soon developed a great interest in literature, becoming first devoted to Anglo-Saxon and then writing poetry. At Oxford he studied English literature and philosophy. Following a short period of time in which he worked at a settlement house and in small theater companies as both an actor and a writer, Golding became a schoolmaster at Bishop Wordsworth's School in Salisbury. During the second world war he joined the Royal Navy and was involved in the sinking of the German battleship Bismarck, but following the war he returned to Bishop Wordsworth's School, where he taught until the early sixties. In 1954, Golding published his first novel

32. Golding, William: Books: WOW Coupons Mega Store, MegaStore
Golding, William Books - WOW Coupons Mega Store, MegaStore.

33. The Big Book Store! Fiction Golding, William
Golding, William Fiction - The Big Book Store is dedicated to bringing you all the latest releases, books covering every subject under the sun and

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38. Merlin's Cave: Books: Golding, William
Golding, William Books - Merlin s Cave Online Shop.
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    Il signore delle mosche - William Golding

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    La doppia voce - William Golding

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    40. Libros De Golding William Antiguos
    Translate this page libros de Golding William, libros antiguos de Golding William, descatalogados, primerias ediciones e incunables.
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    libros de Golding, William.
    MInotauro 1968. Papel oscurecido. 189 páginas. 13581. Precio
    libros de Golding, William
    Geografía de África.(916.20)
    Barcelona. 22x15 cm. 218 p. Encuadernación en rústica de editorial. Colección 'Avatares,', 1. Traducido del Inglés. Traducido por Crespo, Manuel .(=72955=)ISBN: 978-84-7628-059-1; 84-7628-059-9 Ver imagen Precio
    libros de Golding, William
    Literatura inglesa. (821.111) ; Literatura inglesa. Novela y cuento. Siglo XX. (820-32"19")
    Madrid. 18x11 cm. 192 p. Encuadernación en rústica de editorial. Traducido del Inglés. Traducido por Champourcin, Ernestina de .(=74015=)ISBN: 978-84-206-9213-5; 84-206-9213-1 Ver imagen Precio
    libros de Golding, Louis.
    Libro Plaza nº 153, 1959. 176 páginas. 8362. Precio

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