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61. Hawthorne Nathaniel - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia Hawthorne Nathaniel (18041864), ameryka ski pisarz. Jeden z najznakomitszych prozaików USA w XIX w. Wywodzi si ze rodowiska puryta skiego http://portalwiedzy.onet.pl/65656,,,,hawthorne_nathaniel,haslo.html?drukuj=1 |
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64. Short Stories : Rappaccini's Daughter Published in 1854 in the collection Mosses from an Old Manse, this 1844 short story is set in 18th century Italy. http://www.geek-toy.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/H/Hawthorne_Nathaniel/Works/Shor | |
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70. Nathaniel Hawthorne Translate this page Hawthorne Nathaniel. Disponibile su BookWeb.it, la nuova libreria italiana online. http://www.bookweb.it/autori/hawthorne_nathaniel.php?reset_nav=1 |
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75. Hawthorne, Nathaniel - CARTI SCOLARE Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Faimosul romancier si nuvelist american, Nathaniel Hawthorne (18041864) sa nascut in Salem, Maine, intr-o familie care descindea din http://www.carti-scolare.ro/autori/hawthorne_nathaniel | |
76. HAWTHORNE NATHANIEL Translate this page HAWTHORNE NATHANIEL - Alepo, los libros que siempre buscaste. http://www.alepo.com.ar/autor/HAWTHORNE_NATHANIEL.html | |
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79. Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne. Codziennie aktualizowana bogata oferta ksi ek i czasopism literatura, ksi ki specjalistyczne, naukowe, ekonomiczne, prawnicze, http://prus24.pl/osoba,2,16392,hawthorne_nathaniel.htm | |
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