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         Lamming George:     more books (79)
  1. The Emigrants (Ann Arbor Paperbacks) by George Lamming, 1994-07-01
  2. In the Castle of My Skin by George Lamming, 1954-01-01
  3. Season of Adventure by George Lamming, 1960
  4. Sovereignty of the Imagination, Language and the Politics of Ethnicity - Conversations III by George Lamming, 2009-03-31
  5. Of Age and Innocence (Caribbean Modern Classics) by George Lamming, 2011-02-01
  6. Conversations II - Western Education & the Caribbean Intellectual by George Lamming, 2000-08-01
  7. THE LUXURY OF NATIONALIST DESPAIR. George Lamming's Fiction as Decolonizing Project. (Cross/Cultures 44) by A.J. SIMOES DASILVA, 2000-01
  8. Caliban's Curse: George Lamming and the Revisioning of History by Supriya Nair, 1996-10-15
  9. C. L. R. James's Caribbean
  10. The Pleasures of Exile (Ann Arbor Paperbacks) by George Lamming, 1991-03-01
  11. The Sovereignity of Imagination by George Lamming, 2004-06-01
  12. Water with Berries (Caribbean Modern Classics) by George Lamming, 2011-02-01
  13. A History of the Guyanese Working People, 1881-1905 (Johns Hopkins Studies in Atlantic History and Culture) by Walter Rodney, 1981-09-01
  14. Natives of My Person (Ann Arbor Paperbacks) by George Lamming, 1991-03-01

1. Brown University Department Of Africana Studies
Department of Africana Studies. Brown University. Box 1904. 155 Angell Street. Providence, RI 02912. Telephone (401) 8633137. Fax (401) 863-3559
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Department of Africana Studies Brown University Box 1904 155 Angell Street Providence, RI 02912 Telephone: (401) 863-3137 Fax: (401) 863-3559
George Lamming
Visiting Professor of Africana Studies, Creative Writing
George Lamming is Visiting Professor and writer-in-residence of Africana Studies and Creative Writing. A noted Caribbean novelist and cultural critic from Barbados, Lamming is the author of several books, novels, edited volumes of criticism and essays that offer insightful analyses on racism, colonization, and post colonial condition. His major publications include: Of Age and Innocence Natives of My Person The Emigrants The Pleasures of Exile: Season of Adventure ; and In the Castle of My Skin . He also edited Cannon Shot and Glass Beads: Modern Black Writing ; and co-edited the Barbados and Guyana independence issues of New World Quarterly
Selected Honors and Awards:
  • The Guggenheim Fellowship Brachaman Award from Yale University The Casa de Las Americas Award The Langston Hughes Award Fellow of the Institute of Jamaica
Selected Publications:
  • Season of Adventure The Emigrants In the Castle of My Skin Natives of My Person Water with Berries Pleasures of My Exhile
Courses Taught
  • The Politics of Gender in the Caribbean Novel Philosophy, Literature and the Caribbean Novel

2. Lamming, George - Ninemsn Encarta
Lamming, George (1927 ), Barbadian novelist, resident in Barbados and London. Born of mixed parentage in Carrington Village, Barbados, he worked
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Encyclopedia Article Find in this article View printer-friendly page E-mail Lamming, George (1927- ), Barbadian novelist, resident in Barbados and London. Born of mixed parentage in Carrington Village, Barbados, he worked from 1946 as a teacher at a boarding school for South Americans in Trinidad. Emigrating to England in 1950, Lamming became the presenter of a book-review programme on the BBC’s West Indian Service in 1951. Like Wilson Harris and Earl Lovelace, he writes a risk-taking and experimental prose that strives to convey through form and style the cultural variety of the Caribbean. Lamming’s first novel, the loosely autobiographical In the Castle of My Skin (1953), was the winner of the Somerset Maugham Award for Literature, and has become a classic of Caribbean writing. It uses a complex mesh of first-person narrative, third-person satirical observation, and script-like presentation of dialogue.

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The search seeks the exact word or phrase that you type, so if you don’t find your choice, try searching for a keyword in your topic or recheck the spelling of a word or name. Lamming, George Lamming, George (1927- ), Barbadian novelist, resident in Barbados and London. Born of mixed parentage in Carrington Village, Barbados, he worked from 1946 as a teacher at a boarding school for South Americans in Trinidad. Emigrating to England in 1950, Lamming became the presenter of a book-review programme on the BBC’s West Indian Service in 1951. Like Wilson Harris and Earl Lovelace, he writes a risk-taking and experimental prose that strives to convey through form and style the cultural variety of the Caribbean. Lamming’s first novel, the loosely autobiographical In the Castle of My Skin (1953), was the winner of the Somerset Maugham Award for Literature, and has become a classic of Caribbean writing. It uses a complex mesh of first-person narrative, third-person satirical observation, and script-like presentation of dialogue.

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des enfants sous la menace de l' enfer , les nègres acceptaient d' instinct que les Autres , c' est-à-dire les Blancs fussent supérieurs; et de plus, il y avait toujours la peur de s' apercevoir que c' était peut-être vrai. [ Les Iles fortnées ] George Lamming
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Suche finden Erweiterte Suche Home Bücher ... Geschenkgutschein I Unsere Bestseller I Bestseller von morgen Hilfe/Service Alle Treffer in ... English Books Treffer von Weitere Treffer anzeigen A History of the Guyanese Working People, 1881 - 1905 von Walter Rodney Taschenbuch (September 1981) Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Wochen 20,48 EUR* The Pleasures of Exile von George Lamming Taschenbuch (März 1991) Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Wochen 14,29 EUR* The Emigrants von George Lamming Taschenbuch (Juli 1994) Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Wochen 14,29 EUR* In the Castle of My Skin von George Lamming Taschenbuch (Juli 2005) Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Wochen 14,71 EUR* Season of Adventure von George Lamming Gebundene Ausgabe (April 1999) Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Wochen 49,17 EUR* Natives of My Person von George Lamming Taschenbuch (März 1991) Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Wochen 14,18 EUR* Season of Adventure von George Lamming Taschenbuch (April 1999) Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Wochen 13,43 EUR*

9. Audio CDs:: Lamming, George
Lamming, George Audio CDs - Audio books in CDs, cassettes, mp3 and more. Search Audio CDs: Audio Cassettes: Music Children's Music More Books Advanced Search View Cart Checkout Location: Home Audio CDs: Books Subjects ... L Main Menu Audio CDs: Authors A-Z Children's Books Comedy ...
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10. Lamming, George : Interviews
Interview with George Lamming http// A conversation between Lamming and Knolly Moses about his concerns for the
Top Arts Literature Authors ... Lamming George : Interviews (3) Web Sites
Interview with George Lamming
A conversation between Lamming and Knolly Moses about his concerns for the Caribbean.
Status Code: 301 - Location: Edit listing [] - Report dead link [] - Edit Category [] Interview with George Lamming -
An interview from the Caribbean Writer journal in which Lamming talks about his relationships to other writers like Sam Selvon, V.S. Naipaul and Frank Collymore.
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A 1989 interview in which Lamming talks about the travels which took him from Barbados, to Trinidad, to England, and back to Barbados.
Status Code: 200 Edit listing [] -

11. Lamming, George; Bibliography By Subject
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The number after the subject (topic or theme) tells how many books on this subject the author has. Please click on the subject to see books. Alternatively, you can see the alphabetically ordered bibliography of Lamming, George America Discovery and exploration Fiction Caribbean Area Intellectual life 20th century Lamming, George,1927 ... Contact

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