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         Levine Philip:     more books (102)
  1. New Selected Poems by Philip Levine, 1992-04-21
  2. The Simple Truth: Poems by Philip Levine, 1996-09-03
  3. What Work Is by Philip Levine, 1992-04-21
  4. News of the World: Poems by Philip Levine, 2009-10-06
  5. Ashes: Poems new & old by Philip Levine, 1979
  6. Breath: Poems by Philip Levine, 2006-01-17
  7. So Ask: Essays, Conversations, and Interviews (Poets on Poetry) by Philip Levine, 2002-09-16
  8. They Feed They Lion and The Names of the Lost: Poems by Philip Levine, 1999-03-30
  9. The Bread of Time: Toward an Autobiography (Poets on Poetry) by Philip Levine, 2001-12-10
  10. The Names of the Lost: Poems by Philip Levine, 1976-09
  11. The Mercy: Poems by Philip Levine, 2000-10-24
  12. Awake (Lynx House Book) by Dorianne Laux, 2007-12
  13. One for the Rose: Poems by Philip, Levine, 1981-12
  14. Red Dust: Poems by Philip Levine, 1971-01-01

1. SUNY Ulster - Philip Levine
This section contains descriptions of the many aspects of campus life at SUNY Ulster, including student activities, student services, community activities,

2. Philip Levine - MSN Encarta
Levine, Philip, born in 1928, American poet, known for his straightforward, proselike verse that documents and celebrates the lives of working people
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Philip Levine
Encyclopedia Article Find Print E-mail Blog It Multimedia 1 item Philip Levine , born in 1928, American poet, known for his straightforward, proselike verse that documents and celebrates the lives of working people fighting boredom and hopelessness in the modern industrial workplace. His collection Simple Truth (1994) was awarded the 1995 Pulitzer Prize for poetry. Levine was born in Detroit, Michigan, to Russian-Jewish immigrant parents. He was educated at Wayne University (now Wayne State University) in Detroit, earning a B.A. degree in 1950 and an M.A. degree in 1954. During his college years Levine worked at a succession of industrial jobs. In 1955 he joined the faculty at the University of Iowa, where he received an M. F. A. (master of fine arts) degree in 1957. In 1958 he began teaching at California State University in Fresno, and in 1981 he became a professor at Tufts University. In 1993 he retired from teaching. Levine’s first book

3. Philip Levine Bibliography With Key Dates Links To Further
Philip Levine January 10, 1928 Born in Detroit, Michigan Poet who has won numerous prizes including two National Book Awards and the Pulitzer Prize.

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6. Podkarpacki Instytut Książki I Marketingu, Podkarpacki Instytut KsiąÅÂ
Philip Levine jest autorem szesnastu ksi ek poetyckich i dwóch zbiorów esejów. Za swoj poezj otrzyma wiele nagród, National Book Award w 1980
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Suche finden Erweiterte Suche Home Bücher ... Geschenkgutschein I Unsere Bestseller I Bestseller von morgen Hilfe/Service Alle Treffer in ... English Books Treffer von Weitere Treffer anzeigen Breath: Poems von Philip Levine Gebundene Ausgabe (September 2004) Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Wochen 17,86 EUR* Someone Going Home Late: Poems von Daryl Jones Gebundene Ausgabe (Dezember 1990) Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Wochen 12,98 EUR* Not This Pig: Poems von Philip Levine Taschenbuch (Februar 1982) Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Wochen 11,27 EUR* The Bread of Time: Toward an Autobiography von Philip Levine Taschenbuch (Dezember 2001) Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Wochen 16,26 EUR* Elegy von Larry Lewis, Larry Levis Taschenbuch (Oktober 1997) Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Wochen 11,97 EUR* The Simple Truth: Poems von Philip Levine Taschenbuch (September 1996) Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Wochen 10,88 EUR* Essential Keats von John Keats Taschenbuch (März 2006) Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Wochen 7,36 EUR*

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9. Philip Levine
Codziennie aktualizowana bogata oferta ksi ek i czasopism literatura, ksi ki specjalistyczne, naukowe, ekonomiczne, prawnicze, historyczne, medyczne.,2,7057,levine_philip.htm
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Katalog autorów: PHILIP LEVINE
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Autor: PHILIP LEVINE Wydawnictwo: PODKARPACKI INSTYTUT KSI¡¯KI I MARKETINGU JERZY F¡FARA ISBN: 8389891271 cena: 15,81 z³ 17,00 z³
z dnia: 21.03.2008 PROSTA PRAWDA T.1 Autor: PHILIP LEVINE Wydawnictwo: WYDAWNICTWO NOWY ¦WIAT ISBN: 8373860525 cena: 18,60 z³ 20,00 z³
z dnia: 04.04.2008 Koszyk Twój koszyk jest pusty
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Has³o Zapomnia³e¶ has³o? [ Zarejestruj siê ] i korzystaj z przywilejów. Baza Data aktualizacji bazy: Pi±tek 04.04.2008

10. Autor - Levine Philip - Booklandia
Ksi garnia Booklandia. Oferuje Autor Levine Philip ksi ki, czasopisma.,a1955906056
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Levine, Philip
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12. Asian Islands: Levine, Philip
Levine, Philip Asian Islands - Caribbean Islands Luxury Travel Books and Info Our Caribbean and Island travel destination guides contain thousands of

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The number after the subject (topic or theme) tells how many books on this subject the author has. Please click on the subject to see books. Alternatively, you can see the alphabetically ordered bibliography of Levine, Philip Poetics Levine, Philip,1928-Interviews Poets, American 20th century Biography ... Contact

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Levine, Philip
Sort by: Bestselling Featured Items Price (Low to High) Price (High to Low) Alphabetical (A-Z) Alphabetical (Z-A) Showing items 1-10 of 35 enlarge Imago Author: Joseph O. Legaspi List Price: Buy New: You Save: Qty 1 In Stock New Used from $8.50 Avg. Customer Rating: 1 reviews Sales Rank: Category: Book ASIN: Publication Date: September 1, 2007

15. History Books Store Australia Oceania Levine, Philip
Levine, Philip Australia Oceania - Buy New Used Cheap History Books. More History Books from around the world. If you looking for History Books from

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