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         Leyner Mark:     more books (48)
  1. The Tetherballs of Bougainville: A Novel by Mark Leyner, 1998-09-01
  2. Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex?: More Questions You'd Only Ask a Doctor After Your Third Whiskey Sour by Mark Leyner, Billy Goldberg M.D., 2006-08-01
  3. Let's Play Doctor: The Instant Guide to Walking, Talking, and Probing Like a Real M.D. by Mark Leyner, Billy Md Goldberg, 2008-12-02
  4. Et Tu, Babe by Mark Leyner, 1992
  5. Tooth Imprints On a Corn Dog by Mark Leyner, 1996-01-03
  6. My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist: A novel by Mark Leyner, 1993-05-10
  7. Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex CD by Mark Leyner, Billy Goldberg, 2006-08-01
  8. American Made: New Fiction from the Fiction Collective
  9. I Smell Esther Williams by Mark Leyner, 1995-01-31
  10. MEGALOMACHINE by Mark Leyner, 2004-10-28
  11. Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex? by Mark/ Goldberg, Billy, M.D. Leyner, 2006-08-01
  12. Doktor spielen: Das müssen Sie wissen, um als Mediziner durchzugehen by Mark Leyner,
  13. I Smell Esther Williams
  14. A Dream Date With Di And Other Pieces by Mark Leyner, 1995

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Is There a Doctor in the House?
. . . then Why Do Men Have Nipples? is the book for you.
Compiled by Billy Goldberg, an emergency medicine physician, and Mark Leyner, bestselling author and well-known satirist, Why Do Men Have Nipples? offers real factual and really funny answers to some of the big questions about the oddities of our bodies.
From the Trade Paperback edition.
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Leyner Mark, Mark Leyner Tooth Imprints on a Corn Dog. Vintage Books Usa , 1996 Quality paperback, 240 pages. Our price £4.28 You save 30%
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Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex?

Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex?; 2006 .
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Autor: MARK LEYNER Wydawnictwo: WYDAWNICTWO NATALIS ISBN: 836032610X cena: 18,51 z³ 19,90 z³
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12. Mark Leyner
World Historic Rant http// Trevor Dodge s rant based on Mark Lerner s Et tu, Babe. Status Code 301 - Location
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World Historic Rant
Trevor Dodge's rant based on Mark Lerner's Et tu, Babe.
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13. Leyner, Mark
Why Do Men Have Nipples? Hundreds of Questions You d Only Ask a Doctor After Your Third Martini, Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex?
Leyner, Mark
Average customer rating:
  • Great fun to read Very Informative and Puts a Lot of Myths and Old Wives Tales to Rest Kinda interesting, but not worth the hype great conversation starter Good bathroom reader
Why Do Men Have Nipples? Hundreds of Questions You'd Only Ask a Doctor After Your Third Martini
Mark Leyner , and Billy Goldberg
Manufacturer: Three Rivers Press
ProductGroup: Book
Binding: Paperback
Similar Items:
  • Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex?: More Questions You'd Only Ask a Doctor After Your Third Whiskey Sour Freakonomics [Revised and Expanded]: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything On Bullshit BLA BLA 600 Incredibly Useless Facts: Something to Talk About When You Have Nothing Else To Say Can a Guy Get Pregnant? : Scientific Answers to Everyday (and Not-So-Everyday) Questions

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    Book Description Is There a Doctor in the House?
    . . . then Why Do Men Have Nipples? is the book for you.
    Compiled by Billy Goldberg, an emergency medicine physician, and Mark Leyner, bestselling author and well-known satirist, Why Do Men Have Nipples? offers real factual and really funny answers to some of the big questions about the oddities of our bodies. Download Description Mark Leyner is the author of My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist; Tooth Imprints on a Corn Dog; I Smell Esther Williams; Et Tu Babe; and The Tetherballs of Bougainville. He has written scripts for a variety of films and television shows. His writing appears regularly in The New Yorker, Time, and GQ.

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