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         Lorrah Jean:     more books (73)
  1. The Vulcan Academy Murders (Star Trek) by Jean Lorrah, 1987
  2. Metamorphosis by Jean Lorrah, 1990
  3. Blood Will Tell by Jean Lorrah, 2007-04-27
  4. Survivors (Star Trek The Next Generation, No 4) by Jean Lorrah, 1991-03-15
  5. Dragon Lord of the Savage Empire by Jean Lorrah, 1984-02-01
  6. Flight to Savage Empire by Jean Lorrah, Howlett, 1986-03-04
  7. Savage Empire Prophecies: Flight to the Savage Empire, Sorcerers of the Frozen Isles by Jean Lorrah, Winston A. Howlett, 2004-06-10
  8. IDIC EPIDEMIC (CLASSIC STAR TREK 38) by Jean Lorrah, 1990-01-02
  9. Captives of the Savage Empire by Jean Lorrah, 1984-02-01
  10. Savage Empire: Dark Moon Rising by Jean Lorrah, 2004-06-10
  11. Channel's Destiny by Jean Lorrah, Jacqueline Lichtenberg, 1983-12-06
  12. Wulfston's Odyssey by Jean Lorrah, Howlett, 1987-11-03
  13. Sime~Gen: The Unity Trilogy by Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Jean Lorrah, 2004-11-10
  14. Star Trek: The Vulcan Academy Murders by Jean Lorrah, 1984-01-01

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13. Jean Lorrah - Author Information, Books, And News
Jean Lorrah Author Information, bibliography, news, and links.
Jean Lorrah
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Books In Classes: [Science Fiction] [Mystery] [Fantasy] [Romance]
Books In Genres: [Star Trek TNG] [Star Trek] [Police Procedural]
Books In Database: 21 Note: The database is maintained by one person on a part time basis so we don't always have every book by an author listed. Website : SIMEGEN mailing Lists Website : Sime~GenTM Roleplaying on IRC Website : Website : Virtual Tecton Author Indexes All Authors Recently Updated Computer Cookbook ... CLICK HERE to send us an update.
Bibliography - Fiction Books by Jean Lorrah
Jump Directly to series: Savage Empire Sime-Gen Universe Star Trek Star Trek: The Next Generation
Book Info
Blood Will Tell (©2003) 304 pp.

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The number after the subject (topic or theme) tells how many books on this subject the author has. Please click on the subject to see books. Alternatively, you can see the alphabetically ordered bibliography of Lorrah, Jean Science fiction Radio and television novels
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Folder name File name Adams Douglas Adamski George Agrippa Jindøich Aldiss Brian W Allen Woody Alter Egon Altov G Anderson Poul Anton Uwe Arnaud G. J Asimov Isaac Asprin Robert Ayme Marcel Bagrjak Pavel Bakunin M. A Baldwin Bill Ball Margaret Balla Ballard J. G Bardon František Barker Clive Barnes Steven Barry Dave Bass Eduard Batlièka Otakar Baxter Stephen Beagle Peter S Bear Greg Beard Henry N Beckett Samuel Benford Gregory Berková Alexandra Bester Alfred bez autora Bialolecká Ewa Bibby James Bilenkin Dmitrij Bischoff D Bisson Terry Blanchard Kenneth Blatty William Peter Blish James Block Lawrence Block Thomas H Bonanno Margaret Wander Bondy Egon Borovièka V. P Boyne Walter J Bradbury Ray Bradley Marion Zimmer Brand Kurt Brecht Bertolt Brett Simon Bricaud Joanny Brin David Brosnan John Brossmann Jiøí X Brown Dale Brown Fredric Brož Jindøich Brunner John Buerger Gottfried. A Bukowski Charles Bulyèov Kirill Bundy Richard Burgess Anthony Burian Jan Burroughs Edgar Rice Burrougs Willian S Buškov Alexander Bìlohlávek František Caine Staff Campbell W. John, jr Canfield Jack Canter Cal Card Orson Scott Carey Diane Carnegi Carrol Lewis Carter Carmen Chandler Raymond Chandler Robert Chase James Hadley Cherryová Carolyn Janice Chesterton Gilbert Keith Chrastina Vladimír Christie Agatha Clancy Tom Clark Simon Clarke Arthur C Clostermann Pierre Coelho Paulo Cole Martina Connelly Michael Cramer John Crichton Michael Crispin A. C

16. Jean Lorrah
Jean Lorrah is a science fiction and fantasy author whose published works include the Savage Empire series, the Sime/Gen series (with Jacqueline
Top Arts Literature Authors ... L : Lorrah, Jean (6) Categories Sime Gen
Web Sites
Agent With Style

Purchase a copy of Spockanalia #3, a Star Trek fanzine containing Jean Lorrah's "Visit to a Weird Planet". Find it in the Star Trek TOS section.
Status Code: 200 Edit listing [] - Report dead link [] - Edit Category [] Blake's 7 - Raising Hell 1
Review of a Blake's 7 fanzine containing writing by Jean Lorrah. Site includes a link to buy copies.
Status Code: 200 Edit listing [] - Report dead link [] - Edit Category [] Blake's 7 DESTINY
Jean Lorrah wrote a story in one issue of this fanzine. Site contains a list of all contents of the zine and links to purchase copies.
Status Code: 200 Edit listing [] - Report dead link [] - Edit Category [] Jean Lorrah's Home Page
Her home page on, including information on her writing, hobbies, and work.
Status Code: 200 Edit listing [] - Report dead link [] - Edit Category [] John Ordover chat Jean is mentioned in this transcript of an interview with John Ordover, Star Trek novel editor at Pocket Books. Status Code: 200 Edit listing [] -

17. CZTorrent - 1. CZ Free Tracker - Torrent Details
File Name knihy. Torrent knihy. Info Hash fd89a6778fa92ba2d329f3efe2ec10c7274464f9. Latest check, anja 200043 12.6.2007.

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