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         Lovecraft H P:     more books (100)
  1. The Dream World of H. P. Lovecraft: His Life, His Demons, His Universe by Donald Tyson, 2010-11-08
  2. The Road to Madness by H. P. Lovecraft, John Jude Palencar, et all 1996-10-01
  3. At the Mountains of Madness: And Other Tales of Terror by H. P. Lovecraft, 1991-09-13
  4. The Definitive H.P. Lovecraft: 67 Tales of Horror in One Volume (Halcyon Classics) by H.P. Lovecraft, 2009-06-19
  5. H. P. Lovecraft: The Ultimate Collection: 101 Stories, 45 Poems, Biography, and Bibliography in One Volume by H. P. Lovecraft, 2009-12-27
  6. Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos by H. P. Lovecraft, 1998-09-14
  7. The Dunwitch Horror: AND The Thing on the Doorstep (H.P. Lovecraft Collection) by H.P. Lovecraft, 2010-04-05
  8. The Call of Cthulhu by H. P. Lovecraft, 2010-10-15
  9. H.P. Lovecraft's Call of Cthulhu by Garth Ennis, 1998-10-05
  10. Call Of Cthulhu: Horror Roleplaying In the Worlds Of H.P. Lovecraft (5.6.1 Edition / Version 5.6.1) by Sandy Petersen, Lynn Willis, 2000-01
  11. H. P. LOVECRAFT'S BOOK OF HORROR by Stephen & Carson, Dave (Editors) Jones, 2008
  12. The Dark Worlds of H. P. Lovecraft, Vol. 4 by H. P. Lovecraft, 2006-04-01
  13. O Fortunate Floridian: H. P. Lovecraft's Letters to R. H. Barlow by H. P. Lovecraft, 2007-12-15
  14. The Essential H.P. Lovecraft Collection by H.P. Lovecraft, 2010-08-26

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23. H. P. Lovecraft: Opinión H. P. Lovecraft Opinión De Consumidores
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El Caso de Charles Dexter Ward
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El Horror de Dunwich
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En las montañas de la locura
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Howard Philips Lovecraft, el escritor
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Envíe a un amigo ¿Falta una categoría? Notes Autores del siglo XX > H. P. Lovecraft H. P. Lovecraft - Los Mitos d[...] El Caso de Charles Dexter Ward Howard Philips Lovecraft, el [...] El Necronomicón ... En las montañas de la locura
TOP 5 categorías Lo más criticado : La Isla de los Famosos No es país para viejos (2008) Casi 300 Santi Acosta ... Seda (2008)
/ 2 opiniones Los Mitos de Cthulhu Para : Opiniones de davidsr
?Los mitos de Cthulu? es un clásico de la literatura de terror. El ciclo se compone de una serie de cuentos cortos escritos por Lovecraft y varios otros autores en los años 20 y 30 del siglo XX. Algunos cuentos está[...]

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... The Best of H. P. Lovecraft: Bloodcurdling Tales of Horror and the Macabre
H P Lovecraft Robert Bloch
ISBN: 0345350804/Paperback
Publisher: Del Rey/1987-05-12
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This is the collection that true fans of horror fiction have been waiting for: sixteen of H.P. Lovecraft's most horrifying visions, including Lovecraft's masterpiece, THE SHADOW OUT OF TIMEthe shocking revelation of the mysterious forces that hold ... Read more
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Customer Reviews Add to Wish List ... H. P. Lovecraft: Tales (Library of America) Author: H P Lovecraft ISBN: 1931082723/Hardcover Publisher: Library of America/2005-02-03 List Price: More Details Similar Books Customer Reviews Add to Wish List ... The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics) Author: Howard Phillips Lovecraft ISBN: 0141182342/Paperback Publisher: Penguin Classics/1999-10-01 List Price: An unparalleled selection of fiction from H. P. Lovecraft, master of the American horror taleLong after his death, H. P. Lovecraft continues to enthrall readers with his gripping tales of madness and cosmic terror, and his effect on modern h ...

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Zeigen der Artikel 1-10 von 48 vergrössern Berge des Wahnsinns. 5 CDs. Gänsehaut für die Ohren Autoren: Howard Ph. Lovecraft Lars Peter Lueg Kaufen Neu: EUR 25,95 Bewertung: 2 Rezensionen Verkaufsrang: Publikation: März 2008 Versand: Kostenfrei Verfügbarkeit: Gewöhnlich versandfertig bei Amazon in 24 Stunden vergrössern The Best of H.P. Lovecraft Autor: Howard Ph. Lovecraft Kaufen Neu: EUR 9,00 Bewertung: 8 Rezensionen Verkaufsrang: Publikation: Juli 2002 Versand: Kostenfrei Verfügbarkeit: Gewöhnlich versandfertig bei Amazon in 24 Stunden vergrössern Gruselkabinett 24/25: Der Fall Charles Dexter Ward Autor: Howard Ph. Lovecraft Kaufen Neu: EUR 15,95 Verkaufsrang: Publikation: April 15, 2008 (An 10 Tage) Versand: Kostenfrei Verfügbarkeit: Noch nicht erschienen. vergrössern Stadt ohne Namen. Horrorgeschichten. Autor: Howard Ph. Lovecraft Kaufen Neu: EUR 10,00 Bewertung: 10 Rezensionen Verkaufsrang: Publikation: September 1997 Versand: Kostenfrei Verfügbarkeit: Gewöhnlich versandfertig bei Amazon in 24 Stunden vergrössern Suhrkamp Taschenbücher, Nr.29, Cthulhu, Geistergeschichten

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