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         Lowell Amy:     more books (102)
  1. Amy Lowell (Twayne's United States Authors Series) by Richard Benvenuto, 1985-09
  2. Amy Lowell:Portrait of the poet in her time by Horace Gregory, 1958
  3. Amy Lowell by Clement Wood, 1973
  4. The Letters of D. H. Lawrence & Amy Lowell 1914-1925 by D. H. Lawrence, 1985-11
  5. Many Swans, Sun Myth of the North American Indians (Forgotten Books) by Amy Lawrence Lowell, 2008-02-14
  6. Amy Lowell by Anonymous, 2010-04-06
  7. Eight takes.(Yvor Winters: Selected Poems)(John Greenleaf Whittier: Selected Poems)(American Wits: An Anthology of Light Verse)(Amy Lowell: Selected Poems)(Kenneth ... Review): An article from: Poetry by David Orr, 2005-12-01
  8. Florence Ayscough And Amy Lowell: Correspondence Of A Friendship
  9. A Mosaic: Amy Lowell by George H. Sargent, 1926
  10. Florence Ayscough & Amy Lowell. Correspondence of a Friendship. by Florence and Lowell, Amy. Ayscough, 1945
  11. Amy Lowell; sketches biographical and critical by Richard Hunt, Royall H Snow, 2010-08-06
  12. Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan: Tr. By Annie Shepley Omori and Kochi Doi ... With an Introduction by Amy Lowell (1921) by No Author, 2009-06-25
  13. American Aristocracy: The Lives and Times of James Russell, Amy, and Robert Lowell by C. David Heymann, 1980-01
  14. A dome of many-coloured glass by Amy Lowell, 2010-09-08

This short poem describes the mellowness that comes after ten years in a relationship. lowell_amy A DECADE. When you came, you were like red wine and honey,

22. Biografia De Amy Lowell
Translate this page Amy Lowell. (Brookline, 1874-1925) Poetisa y cr tica norteamericana. Perteneciente a una familia rica, fue educada en colegios privados.
Inicio Buscador Las figuras clave de la historia Reportajes Los protagonistas de la actualidad Amy Lowell (Brookline, 1874-1925) Poetisa y crítica norteamericana. Perteneciente a una familia rica, fue educada en colegios privados. Pudo viajar desde muy joven y se aprovechó de ello; a causa de un mal funcionamiento glandular, engordó desmesuradamente, lo que le obligó muy pronto a una verdadera reclusión en su finca, desde donde gobernaba a su personal y a sus editores despóticamente, fumaba cigarros negros y juraba como un capitán de los heroicos tiempos de la navegación a vela. Dormía de día, trabajaba de noche e hizo todo lo posible para triunfar como poeta, a partir del día -en 1902- en que descubrió que la poesía era su "modo natural de expresión". Pero esta mujer de poderosa personalidad, terror de los editores, cuyos artículos críticos hacían ley y que osó atacar al célebre Ezra Pound, el padre del imaginismo, fracasó en el único terreno que realmente le apasionaba: el de la poesía. Sus principales colecciones, Cúpulas de vidrios multicolores Hojas de espada y simientes de amapola Hombres, mujeres y fantasmas

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Webpages concerning "Lowell, Amy"
Poetry of Amy Lowell, full-text; Amy Lowell's poems at Poetry of poet, full-text; poetry, at Details + Preview
Amy Lowell, amy lowell, Poetry, poems, poets, poetry, poetry, full-text, complete text, POETRY, LOWELL, AMY
Isle of Lesbos: Poetry of Anna Seward
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Wikipedia-Article "Amy Lowell"
Amy Lowell Amy Lawrence Lowell February 9 May 12 ) was an American poet of the imagist school, who posthumously won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in Lowell was born into Boston 's prominent Lowell family . One brother

25. Lowell, Amy - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Lowell, Amy (Brookline, Massachusetts 1874-1925), poetessa e saggista statunitense, esponente di spicco del movimento imagista. Durante la sua
var s_account="msnportalencartait"; MSN Home Hotmail My MSN Accedi ... Altro Hotmail Messenger Spaces Mobile Windows Live Amori e Incontri Annunci Aste online Borsa ... Altre risorse Reference Interattivit  Dati e statistiche Altre risorse Encarta nel mondo Prodotti Passa a Microsoft Student® Guida Elementi correlati altro... Cerca in Encarta Cerca in Encarta informazioni su Lowell, Amy
Lowell, Amy
Articolo Trova nell'articolo Anteprima di stampa Invia Lowell, Amy (Brookline, Massachusetts 1874-1925), poetessa e saggista statunitense, esponente di spicco del movimento imagista . Durante la sua carriera letteraria viaggi² di frequente, tenne cicli di conferenze sulla poesia e cur² l'edizione di tre antologie di opere imagiste. Fedele ai principi della scuola di appartenenza, Amy Lowell si distinse per l'uso sapiente del verso libero , per la precisione lessicale e per la concisione stilistica. I suoi volumi di liriche comprendono Sword Blades and Poppy Seeds Men, Women, and Ghosts What's O'Clock (1925) e Ballads for Sale (uscito postumo nel 1927). Tra le sue opere critiche figurano

26. - Lowell Amy
Translate this page Suche finden Erweiterte Suche. Home B cher English Books H rb cher eBooks H rbuch Download DVD/Video Musik Preishits
Suche finden Erweiterte Suche Home Bücher ... Geschenkgutschein I Unsere Bestseller I Bestseller von morgen Hilfe/Service Alle Treffer in ... English Books eBooks Treffer von Weitere Treffer anzeigen Memorandum Confided by a Yucca to a Passion Vine von Amy Lowell Taschenbuch (Dezember 2005) Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Wochen 12,30 EUR* The Statue in the Garden von Amy Lowell Taschenbuch (Dezember 2005) Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Wochen 13,10 EUR* Men, Women and Ghosts von Amy Lowell Gebundene Ausgabe (September 2003) Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Wochen 69,69 EUR* Men, Women and Ghosts von Amy Lowell eBook Sofort lieferbar (Download) 4,18 EUR* Dried Marjoram von Amy Lowell Taschenbuch (Dezember 2005) Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Wochen 12,30 EUR* Sword Blades and Poppy Seed von Amy Lowell eBook Sofort lieferbar (Download) 4,18 EUR* A Legend of Porcelain von Amy Lowell Taschenbuch (Dezember 2005) Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Wochen 13,10 EUR*

27. Buch Portofrei & Günstig: Ex Libris: Kartonierter Einband (Kt) - A Dome Of Ma
Translate this page Buch Portofrei g nstig Ex Libris Kartonierter Einband (Kt) - A Dome of Many Colored Glass - Amy Lowell -
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Charts Belletristik Ken Follett - Die Tore der Welt Martin Suter - Der letzte Weynfeldt Hansj¶rg Schneider - Hunkeler und die goldene Hand Littell, Jonathan - Die Wohlgesinnten ... Top Belletristik Sachb¼cher Rhonda Byrne - The Secret - Das Geheimnis Kerkeling Hape - Ich bin dann mal weg Hicks, Esther / Hicks, Jerry - The Law of Attraction Der Duden in 12 B¤nden: Die deutsche Rechtschreibung - Bd. 1 ... Top Sachb¼cher Wirtschaftsb¼cher Meckel, Miriam - Das Gl¼ck der Unerreichbarkeit Bauer, Joachim - Prinzip Menschlichkeit Bauer-Jelinek, Christine - Die geheimen Spielregeln der Macht Roth, Gerhard - Pers¶nlichkeit, Entscheidung und Verhalten ... Top Wirtschaftsb¼cher Kinder- und Jugendb¼cher Globi - Globi und der Polarforscher Stephenie Meyer - Biss zum Abendrot N©met, Andreas / Schmidt, Hans-Christian - Wo sind bloss die Ostereier? Finsterbusch, Monika - Prinzessin Lillifee und der kleine Delfin ... Top Kinder- und Jugendb¼cher A Dome of Many Colored Glass Lowell, Amy

28. Amy Lowell
Amy Lowell A Legacy of Names for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer communities.

Histories Index

Michael J. LaChiusa

Selma Lagerlöf

Kay T. Lahusen
Barbara Love

Amy Lowell
Charles Ludlam

George Platt Lynes

Phyllis Lyon

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Amy Lowell (1874 - 1925)
Online Resources Texts: Amy Lowell Texts: Queer Histories Texts: Authors Index ... Suggest a Name Names Index: A B C D ... Scholars Index Pictures of the Floating World (The Collected Works of Amy Lowell) by Amy Lowell Holly Amy Lowell From . Site hosts several poems by Lowell. Excerpt: Amy Lowell, American Imagist poet, was a woman of great accomplishment. She was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, to a prominent family of high-achievers. Her environment was literary and sophisticated, and when she left private school at 17 to care for her elderly parents, she embarked on a program of self-education. Her poetic career began in 1902 when she saw Eleonora Duse, a famous actress, perform on stage. Overcome with Eleonora's beauty and talent, she wrote her first poem addressed to the actress. They met only a couple times and never developed a relationship, but Eleonora inspired many poems from Amy and triggered her career... Amy Lowell, Impressionist Poet

29. Classic Literature Links
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30. Amy Lowell: Poems
RELATED LINKS. Amy Lowell Bibliography A bibliography of the works of Amy Lowell; includes a list of critical and biographical resources.

31. Lowell, Amy; Bibliography By Subject
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The number after the subject (topic or theme) tells how many books on this subject the author has. Please click on the subject to see books. Alternatively, you can see the alphabetically ordered bibliography of Lowell, Amy Electronic books American poetry Imagist poetry ... Contact

Translate this page LOWELL AMY. Altro su World. Scheda; Commenti. Lowell Amy, poetessa statunitense (Brooklyn 1874-1925), membro del movimento imagista o amygista ,

user pass Password dimenticata Registrati.. Tienimi aggiornato su Vuoi essere aggiornato quotidianamente su Ovunque, Ogni argomento Registrati subito! w here <- Ricerca Geografica w hat <- Ricerca Argomento w hen Tutti i giorni di ogni mese di ogni anno Scegli la lingua del portale LOWELL AMY Altro su World Lowell Amy, poetessa statunitense (Brooklyn 1874-1925), membro del movimento imagista o "amygista", come fu chiamato da Ezra Pound dopo la rottura con la poetessa. Fu influenzata in seguito dalla seconda generazione del simbolismo francese, soprattutto da Paul Fort. Tra le sue opere, "Immagini di un mondo fluttuante" (1919), "Ballate da vendere" (1927). Condividi con: GTN ID: 1693649 Publisher:
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