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Mccabe Patrick: more books (93) | ||||||||||||||
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3. McCabe, Patrick - Ninemsn Encarta McCabe, Patrick (1955 ), Irish playwright and novelist, known for his anarchic depictions of small-town Irish life. McCabe was born on March 27, http://au.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_1481601912/mccabe_patrick.html | |
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10. McCABE, Patrick Translate this page Les Ecrivains Irlandais du XIXe siècle à nos jours. http://www.librairie-compagnie.fr/irlande/auteurs/m/mccabe_patrick.htm | |
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15. McCabe, Patrick / Utenlandske / Forfattere / Hovedsiden - Forlaget McCabe, Patrick. Fornavn. Patrick. Etternavn. McCabe. Portrettbilde. Fotograf. McCabe. Bio. Patrick McCabe er født i Irland i 1955 og bor i Dublin. http://www.oktober.no/eng/forfattere/utenlandske/mccabe_patrick |
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