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         Miller Henry:     more books (100)
  1. Wisdom of the Heart (New Directions Paperbook) by Henry Miller, 1942-01-01
  2. The books in my life by Henry Miller, 2010-08-09
  3. The Colossus of Maroussi (Second Edition) by Henry Miller, 2010-05-18
  4. Always Merry and Bright: The Life of Henry Miller an Unauthorized Biography by Jay Martin, 1980-07-31
  5. Letters of Henry Miller and Wallace Fowlie (1943-1972) by Henry Miller, Wallace Fowlie, 1975-01
  6. Nothing but the Marvelous: Wisdoms of Henry Miller by Henry Miller, Blair Fielding, et all 1999-12
  7. A Literate Passion: Letters of Anaïs Nin & Henry Miller, 1932-1953 by Anais Nin, Henry Miller, 1989-04-22
  8. Henry Miller: Stories, Essays, Travel Sketches by Ed Fine, Henry Miller, et all 1997-07
  9. My Bike and Other Friends by Henry Miller, 1978-06
  10. Daisy Miller and Other Stories (Oxford World's Classics) by Henry James, 2009-03-15
  11. Das Lächeln am Fuße der Leiter. by Henry Miller, 2000-01-01
  12. Approaches to Teaching Henry James's Daisy Miller and the Turn of the Screw (Approaches to Teaching World Literature, Vol. 86)
  13. Crazy Cock by Henry Miller, Mary V. Dearborn, 1994-01-12
  14. Time of the Assassins a Study of Rimbaud by Henry Miller, 1962-06

21. Henry Miller Bibliography With Key Dates And Links To Further
Henry Miller December 26, 1891 to June 7, 1980 Born in New York City Died in Pacific Palisades, California Best known for writing graphically about sex

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Tropic of Cancer (Paperback)
by Miller Henry my rating: starRatings[ratingIndex++] = [ 886050, -1]; checkStars(886050, -1); Added to my books! add my review Tropic of Capricorn -Op/17 (Paperback) by Miller Henry my rating: starRatings[ratingIndex++] = [ 1202734, -1]; checkStars(1202734, -1); Added to my books! add my review Plexus (Broch©) by Miller Henry my rating: starRatings[ratingIndex++] = [ 2150337, -1]; checkStars(2150337, -1); Added to my books! add my review Nexus (Broch©) by Miller Henry my rating: starRatings[ratingIndex++] = [ 2150340, -1]; checkStars(2150340, -1); Added to my books! add my review * Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. To add more, perform a search Miller Henry's profile >>
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Bestsellers Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch (New Directions Paperbook, 161) Colossus of Maroussi ... Black Spring BizCar - English Language Books: International supplier of books in the English language Miller, Henry Sort by: Bestselling Featured Items Reviews (High to Low) Price (Low to High) Price (High to Low) Publication Date (Newer to Older) Alphabetical (A-Z) Alphabetical (Z-A) Showing items 1-10 of 42 enlarge Tropic of Cancer Author: Henry Miller List Price: $13.00 (30.60 RON) Buy New: $10.40 (24.48 RON) You Save: $2.60 (6.12 RON) (20%) Avg. Customer Rating: 157 reviews Sales Rank: Category: Book ASIN: Publication Date: January 6, 1994 Shipping: Eligible for Super Saver Shipping Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours enlarge Tropic of Capricorn Author: Henry Miller List Price: $13.00 (30.60 RON) Buy New: $10.40 (24.48 RON) You Save: $2.60 (6.12 RON) (20%)

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A Henry Miller site aiming to create a Milleresque world an exclusive interview on Henry Miller with his close friend and lawyer the late Elmer Gertz noted Chicago First Amendment attorney. collectible fine art prints for pleasure and investment. Criticism book reviews and a bibliography on the writing of Henry Miller. ... Henry Miller Museum of Art - His history ... Website of the Big Sur arts landmark named in author Henry Miller's honor. Search Web Search ArtsMoz Home Art and Artist Resources Art Books Art Calendars ... Contact Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web. Open Directory Project Become an Editor

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31. Henry Miller - Black Spring. « Kllrchrd Weblog
http// Well worth listening to. Tags black spring, clichy, george orwell, henry miller,
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Books, landscape, living with an Alpha Beagle. How to include a clock. Curing an overactive dog.
Henry Miller - Black Spring. Well worth listening to. Tags: black spring clichy george orwell henry miller ... inside the whale and other essays This entry was posted on February 20, 2008 at 10:55 pm and is filed under henry miller . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response , or trackback from your own site.
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Translate this page 1 Artikel über/von/mit miller_henry Zurück zur ABC-Auswahl. Rezi-Buch, Henry Miller - Opus Pistorum. Zurück zur ABC-Auswahl Zurück zur Forenstartseite

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Bokavisen er en internettavis som skriver om bøker og litteratur.
Internettavisen for boklesere Forsiden Om Bokavisen Artikler Bokanmeldelser ... Kalenderen Kategorier: Barnebøker Biografier Debattbøker Essay ... Ungdomsroman Søk i anmeldelsene Månedsarkiv: April 2008 Mars 2008 Februar 2008 Januar 2008 ... Mars 2006 Miller, Henry 23. Juli 2007: Leendet vid stegens fot . (Dagbladet) Les anmeldelsen Aviser: ABC Nyheter Adresseavisa Aftenposten Agderposten ... Vårt Land Søk i alle aviser Månedsarkiv: April 2008 Mars 2008 Februar 2008 Januar 2008 ... Øyehaug, Gunnhild (3)

34. Biografia De Henry Miller
Translate this page Henry Miller. (1891-1980) Escritor estadounidense, nacido en Nueva York y fallecido en Los Ángeles. Con sus padres, americanos de procedencia alemana,
Inicio Buscador Las figuras clave de la historia Reportajes Los protagonistas de la actualidad Henry Miller (Nueva York, 1891 - Los Ángeles, 1980) Escritor norteamericano. Henry Miller es sin duda uno de los talentos más destacados de la literatura norteamericana contemporánea y el paradigma del disidente y anarquista pacífico de su tiempo. Toda su obra es autobiográfica y vivencial, de ahí lo profundo de sus convicciones expresadas en su entrega a la literatura como camino personal irrenunciable. Su naturalidad para tratar temas como el sexo y su denuncia de la hipocresía social en esta materia le valió la admiración de infinidad de lectores de todo el mundo y el tener entre sus adeptos incondicionales a las generaciones de inconformistas de su propio país de las décadas de los años cincuenta y sesenta de la pasada centuria. Sus padres eran judíos. Su asistencia, en 1901, al City College sólo dura dos meses: lo abandona para emplearse en una fábrica de cemento. Luego de una serie de viajes por el sur de los Estados Unidos, durante los que se mantiene realizando cualquier tipo de trabajo, regresa a Nueva York en 1914 y se emplea en la sastrería de su padre. En 1923 realiza su primer viaje a Europa con su segunda esposa, June Edith Smith. Pero no es hasta 1930 que Miller decide establecerse en París, donde encontró bastantes temas para sus libros y un ambiente propicio para su vida bohemia y turbulenta. En 1934 publica Trópico de Cáncer Tropic of Cancer ), obra que será editada simultáneamente en inglés y francés. Los conflictos con la censura mantendrán esta obra inédita en Norteamérica hasta 1961; en esta época, Miller será ungido maestro de la proclamada revolución sexual del momento, pues trataba sin tapujos las situaciones de sexo explícito y mostraba una corrosiva ironía al referirse a los supuestos valores del puritanismo, ya sea en su versión francesa o norteamericana.

35. - Miller Henry
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36. Antenati: Henry Miller
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Henry Miller
Henry Miller
Henry Miller è nato a New York nel 1891 (è morto a Los Angeles nel 1980). Vissuto all'interno di una cultura piccolo-borghese, scelse il vitalismo anarcoide attraverso le letture di Nietzsche, Stirner, Proudhon. Nel 1930, indifferente alla "grande depressione" andò a vivere a Paris. L'ambiente parigino fu molto importante nella sua esperienza.
Scrisse Tropico del cancro Tropico del capricorno (Tropic of capricorn) forse la sua cosa migliore. Rievoca la Grecia e l'incontro con L. Durrell ne Il colosso di Marussi (The colossus of Marussi, 1941), "guida alla Grecia". Nel 1940 torna negli Stati Uniti. Scrisse una serie di feroci riflessioni: L'incubo ad aria condizionata (The air-conditioned nightmare, 1945), Ricordati di ricordare (Remember to remember, 1947).
Nel 1947 si trasferì sulla costa californiana, e iniziò la trilogia di "autonovels", autoromanzi

37. Primavera Nera Miller Henry
Translate this page Primavera nera Miller Henry Libri; Scheda Libro Primavera nera , produttore Feltrinelli , genere Letteratura straniera.
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Primavera nera
di Miller Henry
Dettagli del Libro: Autore: Miller Henry Editore: Feltrinelli Genere: letteratura straniera Collana: I narratori ISBN: Data pubblicazione: 1983 Prezzo: € 1,29
Gestione prodotto Segnala ad un Amico Invia un commento al libro Leggi i commenti al libro I vostri commenti al libro Inserisci un tuo commento al libro Nessun Commento disponibile a Primavera nera Miller Henry Torna su Altri libri del genere letteratura straniera Nel buio che precede l'alba
di Boyden Joseph Un giovane uomo che vuole solo morire. Un'anziana donna che può curarlo solo con il potere delle parole. Definito da Isabel Allende "un romanzo che lascia il segno", l'esordio narrativo di un talento eccezionale. Una storia potente, commovente, tragi... Prezzo di listino: € 18,00 Avventure della ragazza cattiva
di Vargas Llosa Mario Una magistrale prova di scrittura, una storia d'amore estremo sullo sfondo della «nostra» storia, dagli anni Sessanta in poi. Un'indimenticabile storia d'amore, una passione estrema, percorre e stravolge la vita di Ricardo. Un racconto che inizia ne...

38. Henry Miller | Knižní Web
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