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         Pinter Harold:     more books (100)
  1. Harold Pinter the Birthday Party, the Caretaker, the Homecoming: Faber Critical Guides by Bill Naismith, 2001-03
  2. Party Time and The New World Order by Harold Pinter, 1993-12-29
  3. The Pinter Ethic: The Erotic Aesthetic by Penelo Prentice, 1993-12-01
  4. The Hothouse by Harold Pinter, 1999-03-01
  5. The Lover by Harold Pinter, 1998-01-01
  6. One for the Road by Harold Pinter, 1986-06
  7. Harold Pinter (Bloom's Modern Critical Views)
  8. Plays: Four (Old Time, No Man's Land, Betrayal, Monologue, Family Voices , A Kind of Alaska, One for the Road, Mountain Language) by Harold Pinter, 1991-02-04
  9. Plays: "Birthday Party", "The Room", "Dumb Waiter", "Slight Ache", "The Hothouse", "Night Out", Black and White (Prose), "The Examination" v. 1 (Faber Contemporary Classics) by Harold Pinter, 1996-09-10
  10. Harold Pinter by 2005-12-08
  11. Landscape by Harold Pinter, 1991-07-08
  12. Harold Pinter's Politics: A Silence Beyond Echo by Charles Grimes, 2005-11
  13. Harold Pinter: A Celebration
  14. Pinter In Play: Critical Strategies and the Plays of Harold Pinter by SusanHollis Merritt, 1995-01-01

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No Country for Old Men de Joel et Etahn Coen
Retour en force des frères Coen, qui renouent avec l'un de leurs thèmes favoris, abandonné depuis 11 ans, plus exactement depuis Fargo . En effet No Country for Old Man , ressuscite le conflit entre le bien et le mal, un bien fatigué et un mal aveugle selon les deux frères, qui ont tenté de décrire ces deux aspects tout au long de leurs multiples réalisations telles Fargo Barton Fink Miller's Crossing ou Sang pour Sang Tommy Lee Jones Javier Bardem et Woody Harrelson sont au casting.
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British Playwrights, 1956-1995: A Research and Production Sourcebook
Herausgeber: Demastes, William W. This reference study chronicles the history of British theatre from 1956 to 1995, by providing extensive information about the playrights of that period. The year 1956 marked a point when British drama and theatre fell into the hands of a group of young playwrights who revolutionized the stage. Playwrights, such as Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter made the British theatre as rich, varied and significant as any National theatre in history. This includes entries for some three dozen British ... EUR 115.95* Im Shop ansehen oder bestellen Zur Hauptkategorie des Angebotes ... Harold Pinter and the New British Theatre Peacock, D. Keith Harold Pinter is universally described as ´´Britain´s leading dramatist´´. This book evaluates the justification for this appellation. It examines his work in relation to changes taking place in the New British Theatre after the so-called theatrical revolution of 1956, and draws attention to those autobiographical experiences that have been transmuted into his art. Beginning with a look at the nature of British theatre prior to 1956, Peacock then describes Pinter´s early life in the East End ...

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45. Pinter, Harold - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Pinter, Harold (Londra 1930), drammaturgo britannico, insignito del premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 2005. Nato in una famiglia modesta (il padre
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Pinter, Harold
Articolo Trova nell'articolo Anteprima di stampa Invia Multimedia 1 elemento Pinter, Harold (Londra 1930), drammaturgo britannico, insignito del premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 2005. Nato in una famiglia modesta (il padre era un sarto), studi² in prestigiose scuole di teatro, tra cui la Royal Academy di Londra; dal 1948 recit² per dieci anni con varie compagnie e comp¬ tourn©e in Gran Bretagna e in Irlanda. Il primo testo di Pinter, l’atto unico La stanza , che contiene gi  gli ingredienti tipici della sua drammaturgia – una scena, due persone e una porta – apparve nel 1957. Il secondo atto unico ¨ Il calapranzi (1957, rappresentato nel 1960), in cui due sicari, in un interrato dove c’¨ un calavivande, attendono istruzioni per uccidere. Seguirono le commedie: Il compleanno (scritto nel 1958)

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Sites related to absurdist playwright Harold Pinter.
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BBC Four - Harold Pinter Timeline

Timeline showing Harold Pinter's life alongside contemporary social and political events.
Status Code: 200 Edit listing [] - Report dead link [] - Edit Category [] BBC News - Pinter Leaves Loud Play
Acclaimed playwright Harold Pinter walked out on a new play after it opened with a burst of extremely loud music.
Status Code: 200 Edit listing [] - Report dead link [] - Edit Category [] Harold Pinter (1930 - )
Biography of absurdist playwright Harold Pinter.
Status Code: 200 Edit listing [] - Report dead link [] - Edit Category [] Harold Pinter (1930 - ) Biography of absurdist playwright Harold Pinter, plus links to all of his works currently in print. Status Code: 200 Edit listing [] - Report dead link [] - Edit Category [] Harold Pinter Quote from The Guardian Status Code: 200 Edit listing [] -

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48. Buch Portofrei & Günstig: Ex Libris: Kartonierter Einband (Kt) - Plays: Vol 3
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57. Books: Pinter, Harold
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Search All Products Apparel Automotive Baby Beauty Books Computers DVD Electronics Gourmet Food Kitchen Magazines Music Musical Instruments Office Products Outdoor Living Pet Supplies Software Sporting Goods Toys VHS Wireless Advanced Search View Cart Checkout Location: Home Books April 5, 2008 Categories Apparel Automotive Baby Beauty ... Wireless Bestsellers Complete Works : Two : The Caretaker, the Dwarfs, the Collection, the Lover, Night School, Revue Sketches The Caretaker and the Dumb Waiter (Pinter, Harold) The Essential Pinter: Selections from the Work of Harold Pinter (Grove Press Eastern Philosophy and Literature) Celebration and The Room: Two Plays (Pinter, Harold) ... Betrayal (Pinter, Harold) Pinter, Harold Sort by: Bestselling Featured Items Reviews (High to Low) Price (Low to High) Price (High to Low) Publication Date (Newer to Older) Alphabetical (A-Z) Alphabetical (Z-A) Showing items 1-10 of 63 enlarge The Homecoming Author: Harold Pinter List Price: Buy Used: You Save: Buy New/Used/Collectible from Avg. Customer Rating: (13 reviews) Sales Rank: Category: Book ASIN: Publication Date: January 11, 1994

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