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         Reade Charles:     more books (100)
  1. White lies. A novel by Charles Reade, 2010-09-11
  2. The cloister and the hearth: A tale of the middle ages, by Charles Reade, 1892-01-01
  3. A Perilous Secret (1896) by Charles Reade, 2010-09-10
  4. Griffith Gaunt: or, Jealousy, Volume III by Charles Reade, 2009-10-03
  5. Victorian Sensational Fiction: The Daring Work of Charles Reade by Richard Fantina, 2009-12-15
  6. Foul Play: A Novel (1868) by Charles Reade, Dion Boucicault, 2010-09-10
  7. Cream. By Charles Reade ... Contains Jack of all trades, a matter-of-fact romance, and the Autobiography of a thief by Charles Reade, 2010-08-19
  8. The Works Of Charles Reade: Terrible Temptation; The Jilt And Other Stories (1912) by Charles Reade, 2008-06-02
  9. The works of Charles Reade by Charles Reade, 1970
  10. Charles Reade, D.C.L.: dramatist, novelist, journalist. A memoir, compiled chiefly from his literary remains by Charles L Reade, Compton Reade, 2010-09-09
  11. Charles Reade, D.C.L.: dramatist, novelist, journalist.: A memoir, compiled chiefly from his literary remains. by Charles L. Reade, 2009-05-01
  12. The Complete Writings of Charles Reade by Charles Reade, 2009-12-26
  13. Charles Reade, Dramatist, Novelist, Journalist: A Memoir Compiled Chiefly from His Literary Remains, Volume 2 by Compton Reade, Charles L. Reade, 2010-03-09
  14. Charles Reade, George Meredith and Harriet Martineau as Serial Writers of Once a Week (1859-1865) (Anglo-Amerikanische Studien - Anglo-American Studies) by Shu-fang Lai, 2008-01-31

1. Charles Reade - MSN Encarta
Reade, Charles (181484), English novelist and playwright, born in Ipsden, Oxfordshire. In 1852 his play Masks and Faces, written with the English
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Charles Reade
Encyclopedia Article Find Print E-mail Blog It Charles Reade (1814-84), English novelist and playwright, born in Ipsden, Oxfordshire. In 1852 his play Masks and Faces, written with the English dramatist Tom Taylor, was produced. Reade used the play as the basis for the novel Peg Woffington (1853). In 1856 he wrote It Is Never Too Late to Mend, the first of a series of novels of social criticism, exposing the cruelty of prison discipline. Other novels in the same vein include Hard Cash (1863), dealing with conditions in insane asylums;

2. Charles Reade Quotes
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Charles Reade, the youngest of the eleven children of John Reade and his wife Anna Maria ScottWaring, was born at Ipsden House, Oxfordshire, England,
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REFERENCES: M. Elwin, Charles Reade; W. C. Phillips, Dickens, Reade and Collins: C. L. and C. Reade, Charles Reade; A Memoir, 2 vols.; The Bookman (N.Y.), XI, 1900, 312, portrait; Allibone, Dict. Eng. Lit., II and Supplement, II; Leslie's Monthly, XVIII, 648, woodcut. Fireside Library. Nos. 101, 103, 120, 136
Waverley Library (quarto). Nos. 91, 102, 110, 227
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A Perilous Secret. by Charles Reade(Add to favorites). Format Quality Paperback Published February 2007 Category General Publisher Echo Library

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6. Reade, Charles - Ninemsn Encarta
Reade, Charles (18141884), British novelist and playwright. Reade studied at Oxford University and was called to the bar, but never practised as a
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Reade, Charles
Encyclopedia Article Find in this article View printer-friendly page E-mail Reade, Charles (1814-1884), British novelist and playwright. Reade studied at Oxford University and was called to the bar, but never practised as a barrister. He began by writing plays, among them Masks and Faces (1852), (written with Tom Taylor) and Gold (1853), but with little success. It was as a novelist that he found instant popularity. Reade was always concerned with social issues and injustices, but he also told a gripping story. He rewrote Masks and Faces as the novel Peg Woffington Hard Cash (1863) vividly took up the cause of those suffering in private asylums; and A Terrible Temptation (1871) was an autobiographical novel. The most highly acclaimed and enduringly popular of his books has been

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var s_account="msnportalencartauk"; Search View Reade, Charles Article View To find a specific word, name, or topic in this article, select the option in your Web browser for finding within the page. In Internet Explorer, this option is under the Edit menu.
The search seeks the exact word or phrase that you type, so if you don’t find your choice, try searching for a keyword in your topic or recheck the spelling of a word or name. Reade, Charles Reade, Charles (1814-1884), British novelist and playwright. Reade studied at Oxford University and was called to the bar, but never practised as a barrister. He began by writing plays, among them Masks and Faces (1852), (written with Tom Taylor) and Gold (1853), but with little success. It was as a novelist that he found instant popularity. Reade was always concerned with social issues and injustices, but he also told a gripping story. He rewrote Masks and Faces as the novel Peg Woffington Hard Cash (1863) vividly took up the cause of those suffering in private asylums; and A Terrible Temptation (1871) was an autobiographical novel. The most highly acclaimed and enduringly popular of his books has been

8. Reade Charles - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia
Reade Charles (18141884), angielski pisarz. Nawi zuj c do twórczo ci Ch. Dickensa, krytykowa w swoich spo eczno-obyczajowych dramatach i,,,,reade_charles,haslo.html
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Reade Charles
Dodaj do notesu Literatura, Europa, Wielka Brytania, XIX i pocz±tek XX w. Reade Charles (1814-1884), angielski pisarz. Nawi±zuj±c do twórczo¶ci Ch. Dickensa , krytykowa³ w swoich spo³eczno-obyczajowych dramatach i powie¶ciach z³o wystêpuj±ce w ¿yciu codziennym.
Szczególne zainteresowanie wywo³a³a jego powie¶æ historyczno-biograficzna o ojcu Erazma z Rotterdamu Klasztor i mi³o¶æ (1861, wydanie polskie 1970). Zobacz równie¿: Wielka Brytania
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9. Reade Charles
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10. Buch Portofrei & Günstig: Ex Libris: Kartonierter Einband (Kt) - Cream: Conta
Translate this page Buch Portofrei günstig Ex Libris Kartonierter Einband (Kt) - Cream Contains Jack of All Trades, and the Autobiography of a Thief - Charles Reade
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12. Reade, Charles - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Reade, Charles (1814-1884), romancier et auteur dramatique britannique.
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Reade, Charles
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Afficher cette section au format imprimable Reade, Charles (1814-1884), romancier et auteur dramatique britannique.
Du th©¢tre…
Afficher cette section au format imprimable N©   Ipsden House (Oxfordshire), Charles Reade ©tudie   l’universit© d’Oxford et obtient le titre d’avocat mais n’exerce jamais sa profession. Il commence sa carri¨re litt©raire en ©crivant des pi¨ces de th©¢tre qui ne rencontrent gu¨re de succ¨s. De cette ©poque datent par exemple Masques et Visages Masks and Faces, 1852), ©crit en collaboration avec Tom Taylor, et Gold
… au roman
Afficher cette section au format imprimable Les romans de Charles Reade en revanche rencontrent imm©diatement un grand succ¨s. Toujours soucieux d’©voquer les questions et les injustices sociales, il n’en ©labore pas moins des intrigues captivantes. Il remanie tout d’abord sa pi¨ce

13. Reade, Charles - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Reade, Charles (1814-1884), englischer Schriftsteller. Reade studierte an der Universität Oxford. Obwohl er seine Zulassung als Anwalt erhielt, übte
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Reade, Charles
Enzyklop¤dieartikel In diesem Artikel suchen Druckerfreundliche Version der Seite Versenden Reade, Charles (1814-1884), englischer Schriftsteller. Reade studierte an der Universit¤t Oxford. Obwohl er seine Zulassung als Anwalt erhielt, ¼bte er den Beruf nie aus. Stattdessen begann er, Dramen zu schreiben, darunter Masks and Faces (1852) und Gold (1853). Den Durchbruch schaffte Reade mit seinen gut recherchierten sozialkritischen Romanen wie Peg Woffington It is Never Too Late to Mend (3 Bde., 1856) und Hard Cash (3 Bde., 1863, Hart Geld ). Letztere setzen sich ¤uŸerst realistisch mit dem Gef¤ngnisalltag bzw. dem Leben in psychiatrischen Anstalten auseinander. Sein Historienroman The Cloister and the Hearth Kloster und Herd ) schildert das Leben des Philosophen Erasmus von Rotterdam und zeichnet dar¼ber hinaus ein Sittengem¤lde des 15. Jahrhunderts.

14. Reade, Charles - Format Imprimable - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Cliquez ici pour imprimer cette page Imprimer. Reade, Charles, Format lecture. Dans le menu Fichier, cliquez sur Imprimer.
var s_account="msnportalencartacafr"; Imprimer Reade, Charles Format lecture Dans le menu Fichier, cliquez sur Imprimer. Reade, Charles Pr©sentation Reade, Charles (1814-1884), romancier et auteur dramatique britannique. Du th©¢tre… N©   Ipsden House (Oxfordshire), Charles Reade ©tudie   l’universit© d’Oxford et obtient le titre d’avocat mais n’exerce jamais sa profession. Il commence sa carri¨re litt©raire en ©crivant des pi¨ces de th©¢tre qui ne rencontrent gu¨re de succ¨s. De cette ©poque datent par exemple Masques et Visages Masks and Faces, 1852), ©crit en collaboration avec Tom Taylor, et Gold … au roman Les romans de Charles Reade en revanche rencontrent imm©diatement un grand succ¨s. Toujours soucieux d’©voquer les questions et les injustices sociales, il n’en ©labore pas moins des intrigues captivantes. Il remanie tout d’abord sa pi¨ce Masques et Visages pour en faire un roman intitul© Peg Woffington (1853). Plus tard, il publie Argent comptant Hard Cash, 1863), un ouvrage dans lequel il d©nonce avec vigueur les d©fauts des asiles priv©s, puis

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