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         Reid Elwood:     more books (15)
  1. D.B.: A Novel by Elwood Reid, 2005-07-12
  2. Midnight Sun: A Novel by Elwood Reid, 2002-03-12
  3. Ce que savent les saumons by Elwood Reid, 2001-04-04
  4. Die Nacht des Bären. by Elwood Reid, 2003-03-01
  5. Midnight Sun by Elwood Reid, Freddy Michalsky, 2002-04-04
  6. What Salmon Know by Elwood Reid, 2000-09-05
  7. If I Don't Six: A Novel by Elwood Reid, 1999-08-17
  8. Biography - Reid, Elwood: An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2004-01-01
  9. MIDNIGHT SUN by Elwood Reid, 2000
  10. D.B. by Elwood Reid, 2004-01-01
  11. SECONDE VIE DE D.B. COOPER -LA by Freddy Michalski Elwood Reid, 2005-04-07
  12. WAHT SALMON KNOW by Elwood Reid, 1999
  13. If I Don't Six by Elwood Reid, 1998
  14. Large-Scale Performance-Driven Training Needs Assessment : A Case Study.: An article from: Public Personnel Management by Elwood F. Holton III, Reid A. Bates, et all 2000-06-22

1. What Salmon Know By Reid, Elwood
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Price: Author: Reid, Elwood Publisher: eBookbase ( All Products by eBookbase Publish Date: ISBN: Category: Short Stories Language: English Type: Downloadable Formats:
Compared by critics to such masterful storytellers as Raymond Carver, Rick Bass, and Thom Jones, Elwood Reid, author of the acclaimed novel If I Don't Six , signals a powerful presence on the American literary landscape with his knockout story collection, What Salmon Know
Reid's characters are tough men living in a world tougher than they are. Life's disappointments fester in their hearts, dashing earnest hopes and provoking violent tendencies made manifest in bad behavior and fatalistic posturing. But there's more to these men than meets the eye, and with great emotional acuity, Reid sheds light on their opaque souls.
From the Trade Paperback edition.

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