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         Remarque Erich Maria:     more books (100)
  1. Arch of Triumph by Erich Maria Remarque, 1998-01-27
  2. Heaven Has No Favorites by Erich Maria Remarque, 1998-06-09
  3. Arch of Triumph by Erich Maria Remarque, 1945
  4. All Quiet on the Western Front: The Illustrated Edition by Erich Maria Remarque, A. W. Wheen, 1996-09
  5. Arc De Triomphe (German Edition) by Erich Maria Remarque, 1998-05-01
  6. All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque Translated by A.W. Wheen, 1991
  7. Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front (Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations)
  8. The Night in Lisbon by Erich Maria Remarque, 1964
  9. Three Comrades by Erich Maria Remarque, 1958
  10. Spark of Life by Erich Maria Remarque, 1998-01-27
  11. Erich Maria Remarque: The Last Romantic by Hilton Tims, 2004-06-20
  12. The Road Back by Erich Maria Remarque, 2002-02
  13. Flotsam by Erich Maria Remarque, 2002-02
  14. A Time to Love and a Time to Die by Erich Maria Remarque, 1974

1. Erich Maria Remarque (1898-1970) German Writer.
(18981970) German writer. Pseudonym for Erich Paul Remark. Erich Maria Remarque is perhaps most famous for All Quiet on the Western Front,
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Remarque, Erich Maria
(1898-1970) German writer. Pseudonym for Erich Paul Remark. Erich Maria Remarque is perhaps most famous for All Quiet on the Western Front , which first appeared in 1929. All Quiet on the Western @ Erich Maria Remarque Quotes Erich Maria Remarque was a German writer, probably most famous for his war novel, All Quiet on the Western Front (1929). He was born Erich Paul Remark, but he changed his middle name to honor his mother. His books were burned and banned in the 1930's by the Nazis in Germany. Here are a few quotes from the works of Erich Maria Remarque. Preventing Diabetes Diabetes Warning Signs Keep Kids Diabetes-Free What is Diabetes? What is Pre-diabetes? ... Diabetes and Pregnancy What's Hot S - A Short Biographical Dictionary of E... Hermann Hesse Novels Harlem Renaissance Novels Allegory ... The New York Times Company var tcdacmd="dt;da";

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3. Remarque, Erich Maria - MSN Encarta
Remarque, Erich Maria (18981970), German-American novelist, born in Osnabrück, Germany, and educated at the University of Münster. He served in the
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Remarque, Erich Maria
Encyclopedia Article Find in this article View printer-friendly page E-mail Remarque, Erich Maria (1898-1970), German-American novelist, born in Osnabr¼ck, Germany, and educated at the University of M¼nster. He served in the German army during World War I. He set down his recollections of his war service in Im Western nichts Neues (1929; All Quiet on the Western Front, 1929). This grimly realistic work, depicting with relentless clarity and warm compassion the suffering, courage, and comradeship of the common soldiers, and embodying a bitter condemnation of militarism, became one of the most widely read novels of all time. Three film versions of the book were made. In a sequel, Der Weg zur¼ck (1931; The Road Back, 1931), Remarque presented a vivid picture of post-war Germany. An opponent of National Socialism, he left Germany in 1932 and went to the United States in 1939 and became a citizen in 1947. His other books include

4. Remarque, Erich Maria : Germany : Europe - Mega Net
Find guides to and overviews of Erich Maria Remarque s All Quiet on the Western Front. Take a look at these biographies and profiles of German writer
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Disponibile (1). Toate editurile. Toate editurile; VIVALDI. Remarque, Erich Maria. Toti autorii; Abalos, Rafael; Abani, Chris; Abbott, Jeff; Abe, Kobo,100
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Remarque, Erich Maria
"- Ştiţi din ce cauză vor avea mereu loc războaie? - Fiindcă amintirile sunt un impostor romantic, am spus. O sită care permite groazei să treacă printre ochiuri, dând-o apoi uitării şi transformând-o într-o aventură. La nivelul amintirilor, fiecare este un erou. Doar morţii şi-ar putea da părerea asupra războiului; doar ei au participat cu adevărat la război. Dar morţii trebuie s... Editura
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ninemsn HomeHotmailMy ninemsnSign in. Go to ninemsn Home encarta®. HomeEncyclopediaDictionariesMultimediaStudy CentreQuizzesMore. Additional Reference
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14. Remarque Erich Maria - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia
Remarque Erich Maria, w a ciwie Erich Paul Remark (18981970), niemiecki pisarz. Od 1931 na emigracji w Szwajcarii, Francji, USA - na znak,,,,remarque_erich_maria,haslo.html
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remarque erich maria Informacje o serwisie Kursy on-line Napisz do nas O nas Pomoc ... Aktualizacja encyklopedii wszystkie encyklopedia prawa wielka ksiêga imion s³ownik informatyczny Poka¿ tylko zdjêcia, filmy i mapy Jak szukaæ?
Remarque Erich Maria
Dodaj do notesu Literatura, Europa, Niemcy, XIX i pocz±tek XX w., I wojna ¶wiatowa Remarque Erich Maria , w³a¶ciwie Erich Paul Remark (1898-1970), niemiecki pisarz. Od 1931 na emigracji w Szwajcarii, Francji, USA - na znak protestu przeciwko nazizmowi
G³o¶ne i popularne powie¶ci psychologiczne, g³ównie o tematyce wojenno-pacyfistycznej, ukazuj±ce losy ludzi ponosz±cych skutki I wojny ¶wiatowej i II wojny ¶wiatowej oraz powstania niemieckiej III Rzeszy , Na Zachodzie bez zmian (1929, wydanie polskie 1929), Trzej towarzysze (1937, wydanie polskie 1939), £uk triumfalny (1945, wydanie polskie 1947), Czas ¿ycia i czas ¶mierci (1954, wydanie polskie 1956), Czarny obelisk (1956, wydanie polskie 1958)

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Iev rojam v cu rakstnieka riha Marijas Remarka bibliogr fija d u valod http//
INFORMÂCIJA INTERNETÂ PAR ÇRIHU MARIJU REMARKU Interneta lapa ar daþâdâm norâdçm, kurâs ir informâcija par ievçrojamo vâcu rakstnieku Çriku Mariju Remarku un viòa daiïradi: Interneta lapa ar daþâdâm norâdçm, kurâs ir informâcija par ievçrojamo vâcu rakstnieku Çriku Mariju Remarku un viòa daiïradi: Interneta lapa ar daþâdâm norâdçm, kurâs ir informâcija par ievçrojamo vâcu rakstnieku Çriku Mariju Remarku un viòa daiïradi: Îsa informâcija par ievçrojamo rakstnieku Çrihu Mariju Remarku vâcu valodâ. Norâdes: informâcija par Remarku angïu valodâ, informâcija par Remarku krievu valodâ: Îsa informâcija par ievçrojamo vâcu rakstnieku Çrihu Mariju Remarku. Norâdes ar informâciju par autoru krievu un vâcu valodâ, kâ arî norâdes: Çriha Marijas Remarka izstâde un arhîvs: Plaða informâcija par ievçrojamo vâcu rakstnieku Çrihu Mariju Remarku, viòa biogrâfija: Interneta lapa, kas veltîta vâcu rakstniekam Çriham Marijam Remarkam. Norâde: iespçja skatît lapu angïu valodâ:

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20. Remarque, Erich-Maria - Gedenktafeln Berlin
Translate this page Remarque, Erich-Maria - Gedenktafeln - Erinnerung in Berlin.
Greifen Sie nur bei fehlender Navigation zum Ring! Oder schalten Sie Javascript ein. Remarque, Erich-Maria (eigtl. Remark, Erich Paul)
Technische Details : Bronzetafel, 60 cm x 30 cm
Ortsteil Wilmersdorf
Einweihung 22.6.1972
Wer ist's ?, 1955
Lexikon deutschsprachiger Schriftsteller, a. a. O. Autorenlexikon deutschsprachiger Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts... a. a. O. verboten und verbrannt, a. a. O. Overesch, Manfred/Saal, Friedrich Wilhelm: Die Weimarer Republik, a. a. O. Richard, Lionel: Deutscher Faschismus und Kultur, a. a. O.

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