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         Ricci Nino:     more books (39)
  1. The Origin of Species by Nino Ricci, 2010-04-06
  2. Testament: A Novel by Nino Ricci, 2004-04-14
  3. In a Glass House by Nino Ricci, 1998-06-15
  4. Lives of the Saints. (1st Ed.) by Nino. Ricci, 1990
  5. Where She Has Gone: A Novel by Nino Ricci, 1999-07-30
  6. Lives of the Saints by Nino Ricci, 1991-10-03
  7. The Book of Saints by Nino Ricci, 1995-09-30
  8. Not Paved With Gold
  9. Lives Of The Saints by Nino Ricci, 2003-03-05
  10. Crossing the Sea: Poems in Exile/Poems in China
  11. A Time for Judas by Morley Callaghan, 2007-05-28
  12. Extraordinary Canadians Pierre Elliott Trudeau by Nino Ricci, 2009-03-31
  13. Assumption University honours Stephen Lewis and Nino Ricci.(Canada): An article from: Catholic Insight
  14. Biography - Ricci, Nino (1959-): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2004-01-01

Diciembre 2005,
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Nino Ricci
One of the things, however, that might seem to bind our two countries despite the differences that separate us is the sort of search for national identity that in Mexico has perhaps been most famously enunciated in Octavio Paz’s The Labyrinth of Solitude . The search for identity is a project that has occupied Canadians pretty much from the instant Canada became a nation; and it may be that the central issue animating the Canadian search has some significant parallels in Mexico. That central issue, simply put: how to create a single national ethos out of a disparate and often warring amalgam of cultures while lacking — in the way the U. S., for instance, does not seem to lack — a credible founding myth. Tied up in this question, of course, is a host of subsidiary ones, about authenticity, about respecting difference, and ultimately about the very desirability of attempting to forge a national identity, particularly when history has proved time and again, and continues to prove, the great dangers of nationalist projects. It is true that Canada has never really claimed, with any vigour, to be a single nation. Indeed, one of the foundational myths that people still try to raise up from time to time is that of the

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Canada Wide An Interview with Nino Ricci An interview with Nino Ricci, GovernorGeneral Award-winning author of Where She Has Gone.
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An interview with Nino Ricci, Governor-General Award-winning author of Where She Has Gone.
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of muted earth tones; Mexico is a place of impulse, of large gestures, Canada of polite restraint; http// Gestures&_s=61&_p=15

7. Vite Dei Santi Ricci Nino
Translate this page Vite dei santi Ricci Nino Libri; Scheda Libro Vite dei santi , produttore Monteleone , genere Letteratura Straniera.
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di Ricci Nino
Dettagli del Libro: Autore: Ricci Nino Editore: Monteleone Genere: letteratura straniera Collana: Letterature Traduttore: Jacobucci G. Pagine: 240 ISBN: Data pubblicazione: 1994 Disponibilità: Non in commercio Prezzo: € 12,91 A causa di costi aggiuntivi relativi al reperimento del prodotto, il costo dello stesso verrà aumentato di Gestione prodotto Segnala ad un Amico Invia un commento al libro Leggi i commenti al libro I vostri commenti al libro Inserisci un tuo commento al libro Nessun Commento disponibile a Vite dei santi Ricci Nino Torna su Altri libri del genere letteratura straniera Nel buio che precede l'alba
di Boyden Joseph Un giovane uomo che vuole solo morire. Un'anziana donna che può curarlo solo con il potere delle parole. Definito da Isabel Allende "un romanzo che lascia il segno", l'esordio narrativo di un talento eccezionale. Una storia potente, commovente, tragi... Prezzo di listino: € 18,00

8. Ricci Nino
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11. Bible Shop: Books: Testament: A Novel
Lives Of The Saints. •, Testament A Novel. •, Testament A Novel. •, The Book of Saints. •, Where She Has Gone A Novel. •, In a Glass House
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Search All Products Books DVD VHS Software Music Advanced Search View Cart Checkout Location: Home Books April 5, 2008 Bestsellers Testament: A Novel Testament: A Novel A Time for Judas Lives Of The Saints ... Where She Has Gone
Testament: A Novel
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Author: Nino Ricci
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Studio: Houghton Mifflin Manufacturer: Houghton Mifflin Label: Houghton Mifflin Media: Hardcover Number Of Items: Pages: Shipping Weight (lbs): Dimensions (in): 8.9 x 6.1 x 1.2 ISBN: Dewey Decimal Number: UPC: EAN: ASIN: Publication Date: May 14, 2003 Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days Editorial Reviews: Book Description Customer Reviews: Read 3 more reviews... Judas in a new light April 14, 2006 1 out of 1 found this review helpful I read Testament a couple of years ago and enjoyed it very much. Now, with renewed interest in the Gospels of Judas, I was reminded of Ricci's historical fiction. I especially liked the different points of view for the story of Jesus. No doubt some devout readers will see this book as blasphemy and view it on that basis. (Even my sister, who is only an occassional Catholic, at first couldn't get past the idea of the rape of Mary by a Roman soldier- although eventually she did read the whole thing.) Overall it is Ricci's talent as a writer that brings this story of the Holy Land 2,000 years ago to life. In my view, the major idea that Jesus was a charasmatic yet troubled person does not diminish the impact of his good ideas. How can you go wrong with: love each other, help those who need help, be generous and don't be afraid? What's not to like?

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Testament A Novel. •, In a Glass House. •, Where She Has Gone. •, Lives Of The Saints. •, Lives Of The Saints. •, Testament A Novel. •, The Book of Saints
Search Advanced Search View Cart Checkout Location: Home Books Authors, A-Z ( R ) Categories Books Todays Bestsellers Testament: A Novel Testament: A Novel A Time for Judas Lives Of The Saints ... Where She Has Gone
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