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         Rosenberg Joel:     more books (105)
  1. The Twelfth Imam by Joel C. Rosenberg, 2010-10-19
  2. The Last Days (Political Thrillers Series #2) by Joel C. Rosenberg, 2006-08-07
  3. Dead Heat (Political Thrillers, No. 5) by Joel C. Rosenberg, 2008-08-13
  4. The Last Jihad (Political Thrillers Series #1) by Joel C. Rosenberg, 2006-08-07
  5. The Ezekiel Option (Political Thrillers Series #3) by Joel C. Rosenberg, 2006-03-06
  6. Inside the Revolution: How the Followers of Jihad, Jefferson & Jesus Are Battling to Dominate the Middle East and Transform by Joel C. Rosenberg, 2009-02-11
  7. Inside the Revival: Good News & Changed Hearts Since 9/11 by Joel C. Rosenberg, 2010-05-10
  8. Epicenter 2.0: Why the Current Rumblings in the Middle East Will Change Your Future by Joel C. Rosenberg, 2008-08-04
  9. The Copper Scroll (Political Thrillers Series #4) by Joel C. Rosenberg, 2007-03-31
  10. Epicenter Study Guide by Joel C. Rosenberg, 2008-05-05
  11. Inside the Revolution Study Guide: How the Followers of Jihad, Jefferson, and Jesus Are Battling to Dominate the Middle East and Transform the World by Joel C. Rosenberg, 2009-08-24
  12. Not Quite Scaramouche: A Guardians of the Flame Novel by Joel Rosenberg, 2001-01-03
  13. Not Really the Prisoner of Zenda: A Guardians of the Flame Novel by Joel Rosenberg, 2003-06-01
  14. The Sleeping Dragon (Guardians of the Flame) by Joel Rosenberg, 1993-06-01

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rent. Not Really The Prisoner of Zenda (Tor Fantasy) a Guardians of the Flame Novel Mass Market Paperback Publication Date August 2004

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    (Joel Rosenberg). (Keepers of the Hidden Ways). (The Fire Duke)
    Äæîýëü Ðîçåíáåðã (Joel Rosenberg) Õðàíèòåëè ñêðûòûõ ïóòåé (Keepers of the Hidden Ways):
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    12. Buch Portofrei & Günstig: Ex Libris: Paperback Book - The Road Home - Joel Ro
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