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         Ross Sinclair:     more books (90)
  1. As for Me and My House (New Canadian Library) by Sinclair Ross, 2008-01-08
  2. Ross Sinclair Real Life and How to Live It by Sinclair Ross, 2000-03
  3. Sinclair Ross: A reader's guide by Ken Mitchell, 1981
  4. Sinclair Ross's "As for Me and My House": Five Decades of Criticism
  5. Sinclair Ross and Ernest Buckler#(Studies in Canadian Literature Series) by Robert D Chambers, 1976-04
  6. As for Me and My Body: A Memoir of Sinclair Ross by Keath Fraser, 1997-03-01
  7. Ross Sinclair: Real Life by Liam Gillick, Donnie O'Rourke, 1997-04
  8. As For Sinclair Ross by David Stouck, 2005-05-16
  9. The Lamp at Noon and Other Stories (New Canadian Library) by Sinclair Ross, 2010-01-26
  10. The Well (cuRRents) by Sinclair Ross, 2001-12-01
  11. Whir of Gold (cuRRents) by Sinclair Ross, 2001-12-01
  12. Sawbones Memorial (cuRRents) by Sinclair Ross, 2001-12-01
  13. If I Ruled the World by Ross Sinclair, 2000-12
  14. Race and Other Stories (Canadian Short Story Library) by Ross, Sinclair Ross, 1997-10

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Origin: Latin
Meaning: Red Rose Surname:
Origin: A corruption of St. Clair, and that from St. Clara, from the Latin clarus, pure, renowned, illustrious.
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