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Rucker Rudy: more books (103) | |||||||||||||||
1. Rudy Rucker, Science Fiction Writer And Mathematician Rudy Rucker. Philip K. Dick Award Winner. Novels. Rucker, Rudy, Software, Avon, New York, 1982. ISBN 0380-70177-4 Wetware, Avon, New York, 1988. http://www.hycyber.com/SF/rucker_rudy.html | |
2. HOUDINI NATION - Edited By Tommi Brem ONLINE ARCHIVE OF SCIENCE FICTION LITERATURE. DONATION MUSEUM IMPRINT DEUTSCH. EDITED BY TOMMI BREM. LAST UPDATE 21.04.2007 http://www.houdinination.de/authors/r/rucker_rudy.html | |
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4. Rucker Rudy Links: Rucker Rudy Resources In The Literature Art & Artist Database Rucker Rudy links R Authors Science Fiction Genres, Literature directory. Rucker Rudy resources. http://www.artsmoz.com/resources/Literature/Genres/Science_Fiction/Authors/R/Ruc | |
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11. Rucker Rudy Translate this page Rudy Rucker. Sie suchen Bücher von Rudy Rucker? Vorhandene Titel bei ANTIQUARIO Der Ozean der Wahrheit. Über die logische Tiefe . http://www.antiquario.de/a_autoren/ru/Rucker_Rudy.html | |
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16. Rudy Rucker - Author Information, Books, And News Rudy Rucker Author Information, bibliography, news, and links. http://www.booksnbytes.com/authors/rucker_rudy.html | |
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18. La Quatrième Dimension De Rudy Rucker Translate this page A PROPOS DE L AUTEUR. rucker_rudy Rudy Rucker Auteur américain né en 1946. COMMANDER CHEZ AMAZON. La quatri¨me dimension La quatrième dimension http://www.livres-online.com/La-quatrieme-dimension.html | |
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