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21. Project MUSE The excursus on the ethnography and geography of North Africa in sallust s Iugurtha (1719) has lately attracted much attention. Until recently there seemed http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/american_journal_of_philology/v122/122.2morstein-ma | |
22. Sallust, Roman Imperatorial Coins Of, At WildWinds.com sallust, lived 8634 BC; historian, questor, praetor ally of Julius Caesar. Click here for the sallust page with thumbnail images. http://www.wildwinds.com/coins/imp/sallust/i.html | |
23. Sallust Free Encyclopedia Articles At Questia.com Online Library Research sallust and other related topics by using the free encyclopedia at the Questia.com online library. http://www.questia.com/library/encyclopedia/sallust.jsp |
24. Sallust Quotes And Quotations Compiled By GIGA Extensive collection of 85000+ ancient and modern quotations,sallust,sallust quotes,sallust quotations,quotes,quotations,quotations and quotes and http://www.giga-usa.com/quotes/authors/sallust_a001.htm | |
25. Cookie Absent sallust S CATILINE DATE AND PURPOSE L. A. MACKAY BETWEEN THE DATE and the purpose of sallust s Catiline some connection may reasonably be expected. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0031-8299(196223)16:3<181:SDAP>2.0.CO;2-8 |
26. Project Gutenberg Edition Of Sallust's Conspiracy Of Catiline And The Jugurthine sallust s Conspiracy of Catiline and the Jugurthine War. by sallust. edited by J. S. Watson Project Gutenberg Release 7990 (April 2005) http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=7990 |
27. Treasures Wall: Sallust, 1772 (State Library Of Queensland) sallust La conjuracion de Catalina; y, La Guerra de Jugurta, 1772. sallust 8634 BCE La conjuracion de Catilina; y, La Guerra de Jugurta http://www.slq.qld.gov.au/whats-on/exhibit/online/tw/displays/200607/drawn/brows | |
28. Sallust Biography sallust (Gaius sallustius Crispus) (8634 BC), Roman historian, belonging to a well-known plebeian family, was born at Amiternum in the country of the http://www.biographybase.com/biography/Sallust.html | |
29. Sallust -- Britannica Student Encyclopaedia sallust (or Gaius sallustius Crispus) (8634 BC), Roman historian, politician, and soldier. A Roman historian of the late Republic and a great literary http://student.britannica.com/comptons/article-9313349/Sallust | |
30. Sallust Biography And Analysis sallust biography with 362 pages of profile on sallust sourced from encyclopedias, critical essays, summaries, and research journals. http://www.bookrags.com/Sallust | |
31. IngentaConnect SALLUST AND THE POLITICS OF MACHIAVELLI This essay examines the place of sallust in Machiavelli s political theory. Such an examination is necessary and fruitful for two basic reasons. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/imp/hpt/2003/00000024/00000001/art00005 | |
32. SALLUST [Gams SALLUSTI... - Online Information Article About SALLUST [Gams SALLU sallust Gams sallustI Online Information article about sallust Gams sallustI http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/SAC_SAR/SALLUST_Gams_SALLUSTIUS_CRlspus.html | |
33. Elfinspell Editor: Online Introduction To Sallust, Translation By John. C. Rolfe Elfinspell Editor s Online Introduction to sallust, C. sallusti Crispi, Title and Preface (86 BC c. 34 BC) by John C. Rolfe, from the Loeb Library edition, http://www.elfinspell.com/SallustMyIntro.html | |
34. Sallust - Wikiquote Image of sallust on a coin. Image of sallust on a coin. Namque pauci libertatem, pars magna iustos Retrieved from http//en.wikiquote.org/wiki/sallust http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Sallust | |
35. Sallust The seminar will consist of a series of introductory lectures and discussions on sallust, early Roman historiography, political careers in the late Republic http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~bshaw/Sallust.html | |
36. Sallust@Everything2.com Elected to a quaestorship around 55 BCE, sallust progressed to hold the position of Tribune of the Plebs in 52 BCE. In criticising Cicero for defending Milo http://everything2.com/index.pl?node=Sallust |
37. Item Of The Day: Gordon’s Sallust (1744) « Eighteenth-Century Reading Roo The Works of sallust, Translated into English. With Political Discourses upon that Author. To which is added, a Translation of Ciceros Four Orations http://18thcenturyreadingroom.wordpress.com/2007/04/24/item-of-the-day-gordons-s | |
38. Who's Who Of Egyptian People, Queens And Family: Sallust Egypt Who s Who of Egypt, an extensive list of important, but sometimes forgotten, Egyptian people throughout the history of Egypt and the roles they http://www.touregypt.net/who/sallust.htm | |
39. The Catiline Conspiracy As Recorded By Sallust Excellent narrative history of the Catiline conspiracy of 63 BC, as recorded by sallust, whose conception of history is one of the finest in Latin http://www.publicbookshelf.com/public_html/Outline_of_Great_Books_Volume_I/catal | |
40. Biography Of Sallust, name sallust. in full Gaius sallustius Crispus. sex male. lived (8634 BC ). biography Historian and Roman politician, born in Amiternum, Samnium. http://www.allbiographies.com/biography-Sallust-28057.html | |
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