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         Straub Peter:     more books (101)
  1. Koko by Peter Straub, 1988-01-01
  2. If You Could See Me Now by Peter Straub, 2000-07-05
  3. American Fantastic Tales:Terror and the Uncanny from Poe to the Pulps (Library of America) by Peter Straub, 2009-10-01
  4. The Talisman by Stephen King, Peter Straub, 2001-07-31
  5. American Fantastic Tales Boxed Set
  6. Black House by Stephen King, Peter Straub, 2003-09-30
  7. Floating Dragon by Peter Straub, 2003-08-05
  8. Poe's Children: The New Horror by Peter Straub, 2009-10-06
  9. Julia by Peter Straub, 1995-01-03
  10. The Juniper Tree and Other Blue Rose Stories by Peter Straub, 2010-07-31
  11. 5 Stories by Peter Straub, 2008-08-13
  12. THE HELLFIRE CLUB by Peter Straub, 1995
  13. Wild Animals: Three Novels by Peter Straub, 1984
  14. Sides by Peter Straub, 2007-06-30

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Straub Peter
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Straub Peter King Stephen ISBN: 83-7337-199-0 Wydawca: Prószyñski i S-ka T³umaczenie: Marek Mastalerz Format: 115 x 185 Ilo¶æ stron: 692 Data wydania: 15 lipca 2002 Oprawa twarda Dwadzie¶cia lat temu Jack Sawyer zawêdrowa³ do Terytoriów, by ocaliæ swoj± matkê i jej Dwójniczkê przed ¶mierci±. Obecnie Jack jest by³ym funkcjonariuszem wydzia³u zabójstw policji Los Angeles i mieszka w ma³ym mie¶cie w Wisconsin, prowadz±c spokojne ¿ycie. W okolicy dochodzi jednak do serii koszmarnych morderstw, przypominaj±cych pope³nione kilka dziesiêcioleci temu zbrodnie ob³±kanego Alberta Fisha, a ich sprawca zostaje nazwany Rybakiem. aktualnie niedostêpna Powiadom znajomego Wiêcej id¼ do: 1 Wybrane podobne ksi±¿ki Legenda o Humie Tylko ty mo¿esz uratowaæ ludzko¶æ Nomów ksiêga wyj¶cia Powrót króla cz.3

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Redacted de Brian de Palma
18 ans après Outrages , Brian de Palma reprend la même histoire pour la transposer du Vietnam des années 60 à l'Irak d'aujourd'hui. Interpellé par les images vidéo brutales de la guerre irakienne inondant internet, Brian de Palma réalise son film à la manière d'un docu-fiction à l'aide d'une simple camera numérique, donnant ainsi une plus grande vraisemblance à cette histoire inspirée de faits réels. Présenté en compétition au dernier Festival de Venise, Redacted a reçu le Lion d'Or de la mise en scène.
Straub, Peter
Ghost story
2 Avis
1 Avis
2 Avis
Le club de l'enfer
0 Avis
Le dragon flottant
0 Avis
Le Talisman (avec Stephen King)
12 Avis
Mr. X
1 Avis
1 Avis
Peter Straub, l'auteur
2 Avis
Sans portes ni fenetres
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Territoires (avec Stephen King)
11 Avis
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25. Trupoli: Peter Straub (CDU) Bewerten! Mitglied Des Landtages, Baden-Württembe
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Peter Straub. Codziennie aktualizowana bogata oferta ksi ek i czasopism literatura, ksi ki specjalistyczne, naukowe, ekonomiczne, prawnicze, historyczne,2,525149,straub_peter.htm
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27. Buch Portofrei & Günstig: Ex Libris: Paperback Book - Magic Terror - Peter St
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28. Autor - Straub Peter - Booklandia
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30. Peter Straub - Author Information, Books, And News
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Bibliography - Fiction Books by Peter Straub
Books The Little Blue Book Of Rose Stories (©2005) 128 pp. Mystery Amazon US HC Amazon Canada HC Book Description / Blurb A small gift volume of two of Peter Straub's stories which center around the "Blue Rose" mysteries that have been featured in some of his novels. In the Night Room (©2004) 352 pp.

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The number after the subject (topic or theme) tells how many books on this subject the author has. Please click on the subject to see books. Alternatively, you can see the alphabetically ordered bibliography of Straub, Peter Horror Authors, A-Z ( S ) Straub, Peter Horror General Horror fiction ... Contact

32. Landtag Mailing Liste
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Bezig met zoeken... document.getElementById('laden').style.display = 'none'; Site Foto Omschrijving Prijs Plaats Op zoek naar een huur- of koopwoning? Alle huizen van Nederland op 1 website! Ga snel naar! Heel Nederland Vergelijk alle hypotheekaanbieders! Bent u op zoek naar de laagste hypotheekofferte tegen de beste voorwaarden? Dan bent u bij ons aan het goede adres! Heel Nederland Marktplaats Peter Straub - De Hellfire Club Wanneer Nora Chancel naar het politiebureau komt om het slachtoffer van een lokaal opererende seriemoordenaar te identificeren wordt zij gegijzeld door de juist opgepakte... Koog aan de Zaan, NH Marktplaats Peter Straub KOKO. Michael Poole Harry Beans Beevers Tina Pumo Tim Underhill en Conor Linklater zijn vietnamveteranen Als enigen van hun peloton hebben ze de oorlog overleefd Ze leggen weer... Heerlen, LI Marktplaats Peter Straub “ Drakengif “ Peter Straub Drakengif Peter Straub 1943 is geboren in Milwaukee Wisconsin Aangezien hij altijd al gefascineerd is geweest door het bovennatuurlijke schreef hij Ghost story dat...

36. Straub, Peter - Traduction - Livres Et Logiciels De Traduction
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37. Bücher: Straub, Peter
Translate this page Straub, Peter - Bücher - Amazonas Diskont Mall von All Needs and Wants. Beste Preise.
Start Baby Computer DVD ... Zeitschriften
Suche Alle Produkte Baby Computer DVD Elektronik English Books Games Gesundheit Haus und Garten Heimwerken Kamera und Foto Music Outdoor und Freizeit Software Sport und Freizeit Spielwaren Uhren Video Zeitschriften Erweiterte Suche Einkaufswagen Zur Kasse gehen Standort: Start Horror Nach Autoren Live Help var cid = '791'; Partners European Shutters Categories Baby Computer DVD Elektronik ... Zeitschriften New Releases Haus der blinden Fenster Bestsellers Das schwarze Haus. Esswood House Der Talisman. Geisterstunde. ... Haus der blinden Fenster
Straub, Peter
Sortieren nach: Topseller Kundenbewertung Preis (Aufsteigend) Preis (Absteigend) Erscheinungsdatum (neu bis älter) Alphabet (A bis Z) Alphabet (Z bis A) Zeigen der Artikel 1-10 von 78 vergrössern Der Talisman. Autoren: Stephen King Peter Straub Christel Wiemken Kaufen Neu: EUR 3,99 Neu Gebraucht Sammlerstück ab EUR 2,90 Bewertung: 28 Rezensionen Verkaufsrang: Publikation: April 2004 Verfügbarkeit: Versandfertig in 1 - 2 Werktagen vergrössern Das schwarze Haus. Autoren: Stephen King Peter Straub Wulf Bergner Kaufen Gebraucht: EUR 2,90

38. Livres: Straub, Peter
Translate this page Straub, Peter - Livres - Online discount shopping mall from Find the best deals on everything! Cheap everyday prices.
Accueil Livres DVD L'electronique ... Video
Rechercher Tous les produits Livres DVD L'electronique English Books Jeux Video Musique Logiciels Jeux et Joets Video Recherche approfondie Voir le panier Passer la commande Destination: Accueil Livres Livres Themes ... Auteurs de S a Z Live Help var cid = '791'; Partners European Shutters Categories Livres DVD L'electronique English Books ... Video Bestsellers Le Talisman des territoires, tome 2 Le Talisman des territoires, tome 1 La Gorge Sandman, Tome 7 : Vies breves ... Le Talisman des Territoires : Coffret en 2 volumes : Tome 1, Talisman ; Tome 2, Territoires
Straub, Peter
Trier par: Meilleures Ventes Prix (Croissant) Prix (Décroissant) Date de publication (De la plus ancienne à la plus récente) Alphabétique (A à Z) Alphabétique (Z à A) Montrer les articles 1-10 de 49 agrandir Sandman, Tome 7 : Vies breves Auteurs: Neil Gaiman Jill Thompson Prix de liste: EUR 26,00 Acheter Neuf: EUR 24,19 Vous épargnez: EUR 1,81 (7%) Neuf D'occasion de EUR 24,19 Classement parmi les ventes: Date de publication: Octobre 25, 2007 Disponibilité: Expedition sous 1 a 2 jours ouvres agrandir Ghost story Auteur: Peter Straub Prix de liste: EUR 7,70

39. Straub, Peter In Books On 43 Folders Store
Search. All Products, Books, Electronics, Computers, Office, Kitchen, Software, Clothes, Tools, DVD, Cameras, Music, Groceries, Video Games, Toys, Magazines
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Straub, Peter
Sort by: Bestselling Featured Items Reviews (High to Low) Price (Low to High) Price (High to Low) Publication Date (Newer to Older) Alphabetical (A-Z) Alphabetical (Z-A) Showing items 1-10 of 21 enlarge H. P. Lovecraft: Tales (Library of America) Author: H. P. Lovecraft List Price: Buy New: You Save: New Used Collectible from $17.62 Sales Rank: Category: Book ASIN: Publication Date: February 3, 2005 Shipping: Eligible for Super Saver Shipping Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours enlarge The Talisman Authors: Stephen King Peter Straub Buy New: New Used Collectible from $0.01 Sales Rank: Category: Book ASIN: Publication Date: July 31, 2001 Shipping: Eligible for Super Saver Shipping Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours enlarge Ghost Story Author: Peter Straub Buy New: New Used Collectible from $1.14

40. The Wine-dark Sea - Books - Good Grape Wine Company
The Winedark Sea - {SUBCATEGORY_NAME} - Books - Good Grape offers news about wine, wine information and wine accessories.
Good Grape Wine Company
Search All Products Books Accessories Food Magazines Advanced Search View Cart Checkout Location: Home Books Categories Books Accessories Food Magazines Bestsellers H. P. Lovecraft: Tales (Library of America) The Talisman Ghost Story The Talisman ... Conjunctions: 39, The New Wave Fabulists The Wine-dark Sea Author: Robert Aickman Creator: Peter Straub Publisher: Mandarin Category: Book Buy Used: Used Collectible from $24.99 Avg. Customer Rating: 6 reviews Sales Rank: Media: Paperback Pages: ISBN: EAN: ASIN: Publication Date: March 8, 1990 Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days Condition: SHIPPED SAME DAY FROM UNITED KINGDOM USING PRIORITY AIRMAIL, SUPER FAST SHIPPING - AVERAGE DELIVERY TIME 7-12 DAYS TO USA. ALL BOOKS IN GOOD OR BETTER CONDITION. VISIT OUR eSHOP FOR MORE GREAT BARGAINS. Customer Reviews: Read 1 more reviews... Restrained, haunting tales August 14, 2006 2 out of 2 found this review helpful What the other reviewers say is true. Aickman's stories are painstakingly crafted, or at least appear that way, to maximize a feeling of subtle dread and darkness. There is rarely blood or death, but horror is always lurking, in these and other more poignant forms, just beyond the periphery. The titular story is indeed excellent, but I'm partial to the gloomier "The Trains", "Your Tiny Hand is Frozen" (which actually raised goosebumps once or twice), "Into the Wood", and "The Stains".
Highly recommended for horror enthusiasts and non-enthusiasts alike. These are just great stories!

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