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41. Faculty, Department Of Classics, University Of Maryland A vita, summary of works, and basic bibliography of Cornelius tacitus, from Steven H. Rutledge, a classics professor at the University of Maryland. http://www.classics.umd.edu/Faculty/SRutledge/tacitus.html | |
42. Introductory Note. Tacitus. 1909-14. Voyages And Travels: Ancient And Modern. Th Introductory Note. tacitus. 190914. Voyages and Travels Ancient and Modern. The Harvard Classics. http://www.bartleby.com/33/1002.html | |
43. Harvard University Press: Tacitus, I, Agricola. Germania. Dialogue On Oratory By tacitus, I, Agricola. Germania. Dialogue on Oratory by tacitus, published by Harvard University Press. http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog/L035.html | |
44. Cry Freedom: Tacitus Annals 4.32-35 T.J. Luce s 1991 paper on tacitus contains many suggestive remarks. Patrick Sinclair s 1995 book on tacitus has some interesting pages on the digression. http://www.dur.ac.uk/Classics/histos/1998/moles.html | |
45. The Right Coast: Tacitus And Political Correctness In The Roman EmpireGail Herio It led me to do some casual research on tacitusperhaps the first European to indulge in the noble savage myth. (To my delight, the first entry to pop up http://rightcoast.typepad.com/rightcoast/2007/10/tacitus-and-pol.html | |
46. Historia Augusta ⢠Life Of The Emperor Tacitus It is important, however, that it should be known how tacitus13 was created emperor. 2 On the seventh day before the Kalends of October, when the most noble http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Historia_Augusta/Tacitus*.html | |
47. Obsidian Wings: Well, They Agree On One Thing Okay ObWi posters You let tacitus back on this site after the most egregious tacitus Surely you can defend your arguments, such as they are, http://obsidianwings.blogs.com/obsidian_wings/2005/03/well_they_agree.html | |
48. Object Not Found! www.lateinforum.de/persf.htm 2k - Cached - Similar pages tacitus Annals, Histories in English translationThe electronic text of tacitus was originally provided by Virginia Tech, and is available at that site as an ASCII text file http://www.lateinforum.de/persf.htm | |
49. Tacitus On The Christians The emperor Nero was blamed by the Roman populace, and in turn blamed the Christians. The Roman historian tacitus explains what happened. http://www.livius.org/cg-cm/christianity/tacitus.html | |
50. The Histories (Tacitus) - Wikisource Beginning in January 69, tacitus tells the story of the Year of Four Emperors, as Galba was overthrown by Otho, Otho by Vitellius, and finally, Vitellius by http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Histories_(Tacitus) | |
51. Tacitus, Roman Emperor â Infoplease.com Turning to tacitus.(lessons from tacitus regarding the rule of law and freedom when confronted by terror) (Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law) http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0847597.html | |
52. Tacitus, Roman Historian. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-07 tacitus, Roman historian. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200107. http://www.bartelby.org/65/ta/Tacitus2.html | |
53. Tacitus And Tiberius Did tacitus malign Tiberius by portraying him as hypocritical, cruel, wrathful and preverted? http://janusquirinus.org/essays/Tiberius.html | |
54. The Roman Gask Project Peter Salway s Roman Britain is slightly more critical of tacitus, Interestingly tacitus Agricola is far less explicit about Agricola being the first http://www.theromangaskproject.org.uk/Pages/Introduction/Tacitus.html | |
55. The Destruction Of Pompeii, 79 AD A few years after the event, Pliny wrote a friend, Cornelius tacitus, . In a second letter to tacitus, Pliny describes what happened to him and to his http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/pompeii.htm | |
56. Tacitus - Wikipedie, OtevÅená Encyklopedie tacitus vystudoval v ím , kde se roku 78 oenil s dcerou významné osoby ve ejného ivota, Gnaea Iulia Agrikoly. Za císa e Vespasiána zahájil typickou http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tacitus | |
57. Guardian Unlimited | Comment Is Free | Tacitus Was No Elitist Jan 16, 2007 Reading the Roman historian tacitus is probably best compared to getting to grips with Joyce s Finnegans Wake. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/story/0,,1991336,00.html | |
58. TACITUS On The Germans tacitus seems to idealize some facets of the Germans society, perhaps in contrast to things which he felt were deteriorating in the Roman world, http://community.middlebury.edu/~harris/Texts/TacitusGerm.html | |
59. The Viking Age, Some Literature (Tacitus) Works by tacitus Germania Annals Annals, chapter I; Annals, chapter II; Annals, chapter III; Annals, chapter IV; Annals, chapter V; Annales, http://www.luth.se/luth/present/sweden/history/lit/tacitus/ | |
60. Cornelius Tacitus On LibraryThing | Catalog Your Books Online 19 copies, 0 review; The Madness of Nero (Penguin Epics) 19 copies, 0 review; tacitus Annals Book IV (Cambridge Greek and 19 copies, 0 review http://www.librarything.com/author/tacitus | |
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