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         Tacitus:     more books (100)
  1. The Madness of Nero (Penguin Epics) by Tacitus, 2006-12-26
  2. The Annals of Tacitus, The Franklin Library by Alfred John; Brodribb, William Jackson Tacitus; translation of Church, 1982
  3. Tacitus Reviewed by A. J. Woodman, 1998-12-31
  4. The Annals of Tacitus by Cornelius Tacitus, George Otis Holbrooke, 2010-02-23
  5. Ten Studies in Tacitus by Ronald Syme, 1970-06-25
  6. Caius Cornelius Tacitus Qualem Omni Parte, Volume 1 (Italian Edition) by Cornelius Tacitus, Joseph Naudet, 2010-03-29
  7. The Histories of Tacitus, Books, Iii, Iv, and V by Cornelius Tacitus, Alfred Denis Godley, 2010-03-08
  8. Tacitus: Selections from Agricola Teachers' handbook (Cambridge Latin Texts) by Tacitus, 1982-05-31
  9. Dialogus, Agricola, Germania (The Loeb classical library) by Cornelius Tacitus, 1946
  10. Cornelius Tacitus: The Histories, Book III (Bristol Latin Texts Series) (Bk. 3) by Kenneth Wellesley, Cornelius Tacitus, 1972-09
  11. Tacitus and Bracciolini, the Annals Forged in the Xvth Century [By J.W. Ross]. by John Wilson Ross, 2010-03-05
  12. Tacitus on Britain and Germany: A translation of the Agricola and the Germania (Penguin classics) by Cornelius Tacitus, 1948
  13. The Germania and Agricola of Tacitus: With English Notes, Critical and Explanatory, from the Best and Latest Authorities; the Remarks of Bötticher On the ... a Copious Geographical Index (Latin Edition) by Cornelius Tacitus, Wilhelm Boetticher, 2010-01-12
  14. The Works of Tacitus by Cornelius Tacitus, Thomas Gordon, 2010-08-27

61. Tacitus - Wicipedia
Hanesydd Rhufeinig a llenor yn yr iaith Ladin oedd Gaius Cornelius tacitus neu Publius Cornelius tacitus (fl. c.55 c.120 O.C.). Credir iddo gael ei eni yn
Oddi ar Wicipedia
Neidio i: llywio chwilio Mae'r erthygl yma'n ymdrin a Tacitus yr hanesydd. Am yr ymerawdwr Rhufeinig o'r drydedd ganrif gweler Tacitus (ymerawdwr) Tacitus Hanesydd Rhufeinig a llenor yn yr iaith Ladin oedd Gaius Cornelius Tacitus neu Publius Cornelius Tacitus (fl. c. - c. O.C.). Credir iddo gael ei eni yn nhalaith Gallia Narbonensis (de Ffrainc heddiw), ond nid oes sicrwydd am hynny. Mae'n bosibl mae asiant imperialaidd yng ngogledd-ddwyrain G¢l a oedd yn gyfrifol am dalu llengwyr Rhufeinig byddin y Rhein oedd ei dad. Cafodd Tacitus ei eni tua 55 O.C., yn ystod teyrnasiad yr ymerodr Claudius . Bu marw tua diwedd teyrnasiad Trajan ) neu'n fuan ar ´l hynny. Chwareai rhan bur bwysig ym mywyd cyhoeddus ei oes ond fe'i cofir yn bennaf am ei gyfraniad arbennig i lªn hanes.
golygu Gwaith Tacitus
Mae pump o weithiau Tacitus wedi goroesi (tri yn gyfan, dau yn rhannol).

62. Josh McDowell's "Evidence" For Jesus -- Is It Reliable?
There is inconclusive evidence that tacitus had independent sources. . 98 Since the historicity of Jesus was not in doubt at the time tacitus wrote and
Library Modern Jeffery Jay Lowder : Josh McDowell's "Evidence" for Jesus
Josh McDowell's "Evidence" for Jesus
Is It Reliable?
Jeffery Jay Lowder
Last Updated: May 15, 2000
Overview: Christian Sources: New Testament Church Fathers Non-Christian Sources: Josephus The Talmud Pliny the Younger ... Hadrian Miscellaneous: Notes Related Documents
In the fifth chapter of Evidence That Demands a Verdict (hereafter " ETDAV ") entitled, "JesusA Man of History," Josh McDowell lists a series of "sources for the historicity of Jesus."[ ] According to the table of contents of ETDAV , this chapter lists "documented sources of the historical person of Jesus of Nazareth apart from the Bible."[ ] In this chapter I shall consider each of McDowell's sources. Although I agree with McDowell that there was a historical Jesus, I shall argue that most of McDowell's sources do not provide independent confirmation of the historicity of Jesus.
McDowell's "Sources for the Historicity of Jesus"
What about the relevant body of alleged evidence for the historicity (or existence) of Jesus? It can be conveniently grouped under two main headings: (1) Christian sources, and (2) non-Christian sources.
Christian Sources
Again, we can conveniently divide McDowell's Christian sources for the historicity of Jesus into two categories: (1) the New Testament, and (2) other Christian texts.

63. Tacitus, Publius Cornelius - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Tacitus, Publ
Hutchinson encyclopedia article about tacitus, Publius Cornelius. tacitus, Publius Cornelius. Information about tacitus, Publius Cornelius in the Hutchinson, Publius Cornelius
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Tacitus, Publius Cornelius ( AD c.
Annales and Historiae Life of Agricola in 97 (he married Agricola's daughter in 77) and a description of the Germanic tribes, Germania in 98. His texts form the basis for the libretti of two operas. See Incoronazione di Poppea, L' (Monteverdi) and Radamisto (Handel). hut(2)
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64. Tacitus, The Annals
Complete Works of tacitus. tacitus. Alfred John Church. William Jackson Brodribb. Sara Bryant. edited for Perseus. New York Random House, Inc. Random House

65. Blogger: User Profile: Tacitus
tacitus. Gender Male; Industry Law; Location Berkeley California United States Blog Name, Team Members. View this Blog, The tacitus Project
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66. Cornelius Tacitus - Vicipaedia
Gaius aut Publius Cornelius tacitus fuit scriptor multorum librorum (nescimus utrum ei Gaius an Publius fuerit praenomen). Plenam scientiam de historia
Cornelius Tacitus
E Vicipaedia
Salire ad: navigationem quaerere Gaius (aut Publius) Cornelius Tacitus Gaius aut Publius Cornelius Tacitus (nescimus utrum ei Gaius an Publius fuerit praenomen) fuit scriptor multorum librorum. Plenam scientiam de historia Romana in primo saeculo a Tacito habemus, qui etiam clarum est quia eius libri historiam Britanniae et Germaniae temporum antiquorum edunt.
recensere Vita
venit Romam ut studeret eloquentiam in qua peritissimus fuit. Cunabula Taciti est ambiguus. Tacitus fuit Plinii minoris amicus. Uxor Taciti fuit consulis Gn. Iulii Agricolae filia. Tacitus decurrit gloriose cursum honorum. Homo novus in senatu fuit, cum primus familiae egisset quaesturam.
recensere Opera
Prima pagina ex editione Cornelii Taciti Opera omnia
recensere Libri Taciti
  • Dialogus de oratoribus De vita et moribus Iulii Agricolae De origine et situ Germanorum ( Germania Historiae Annales - Opus de vitis (et vero de vitiis) Caesarum de excessu Augusti ad mortem Neronis (sed opus non est perfectum. Non habemus finem et cetera Annalum.

67. Master: Tacitus
Publius Cornelius tacitus (c. 5610?) was a Roman historian, the author of, among other works, two long histories covering the imperial history from AD 14
Publius Cornelius Tacitus (c. 56-10?) was a Roman historian, the author of, among other works, two long histories covering the imperial history from AD 14 to 96. These works are today known as the Histories and the Annals . Tacitus drew on previous historical works, on public records, and on his own experience. His accounts show a nostalgia for the earlier days of the free republic and an aversion to autocracy. While the authenticity of some of Tacitus' earlier works is in question, the Annals are generally regarded as both authentic and historically accurate. In spite of the fact that our knowledge of Annals 11-16 relies on one extant manuscript, the authenticity of Book 15 is not in question. Bulgakov's notes contains copies of this passage in French and Latin. (Ianovskaia, Tvorcheskii put' , 251). Tacitus mentions Christ in the context of persecution of the Christians under Nero: Part of this passage (Bk 15) in the Annals (109) reads Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular.

68. Tacitus - Wikipédia
tacitus vyštudoval v Ríme, kde sa v roku 78 oženil s dcérou významnej osoby verejného života, Gnaea Iulia Agrikolu. Po as vlády cisára Vespasiána za al
Z Wikip©die
PrejsÅ¥ na: navig¡cia hľadanie Tacitus , cel½m menom Publius (tiež Gaius Cornelius Tacitus (* cca. - po roku , pravdepodobne , najnesk´r ) bol v½znamn½ r­msky historik, pr¡vnik a sen¡tor, považovan½ za jedn©ho z najv¤ÄÅ¡­ch r­mskych dejepiscov.
upraviť Život
O Tacitovom živote existujº len sporadick© svedectv¡, od neho sam©ho alebo jeho sºÄasn­kov, predovÅ¡etk½m od Plinia MladÅ¡ieho. Jeho rodina poch¡dzala pravdepodobne z jednej z r­mskych provinci­, možno Cisalp­nskej Galie alebo Narbonskej Galie, niekter© pramene hovoria o umbrijskej Interame (dnes Terni). Rodina asi patrila k jazdeck©mu stavu (nižšia šľachta). Tacitus vyÅ¡tudoval v R­me , kde sa v roku oženil s dc©rou v½znamnej osoby verejn©ho života, Gnaea Iulia Agrikolu . Počas vl¡dy cis¡ra Vespasi¡na začal typickº ºradnº kari©ru r­mskeho sen¡tora ( cursus honorum ), potom sa v roku stal praetorom a po ukončen­ praetºry spravoval nejakº provinciu (pravdepodobne Belgiu ). V roku sa stal consul suffectus , čo bol politick½ vrchol jeho kari©ry. Počas vl¡dy cis¡ra

69. Internet Archive: Details: The Works Of Tacitus Volume 1, Edited And With Essays
LibriVox recording of The Works of tacitus Vol. I (of 4 volumes) by Publius Cornelius tacitus, edited and with essays by Thomas Gordon, read by LibriVox
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Tacitus, Publius Cornelius The Works of Tacitus Volume 1, edited and with essays by Thomas Gordon (January 16, 2008)
embedding and help LibriVox recording of The Works of Tacitus Vol. I (of 4 volumes) by Publius Cornelius Tacitus, edited and with essays by Thomas Gordon, read by LibriVox Volunteers. The historical works of Tacitus are a history of the period from A.D. 14 to 96 in thirty volumes. Although many of the works were lost (only books 1-5 of the Histories and 1-6 and 11-16 of the Annals survive), enough remains to provide a good sense of Tacitus’s political and moral philosophy.

70. Joshua Treviño | A Project Of Treviño Strategies And Media, Inc.
OrthoVox Joshua Treviño. A project of Treviño Strategies and Media, Inc. Home Bio / Résumé Contact Media Subscribe to feed
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 0 Comments It is difficult, in reviewing classics, to say things about them that have not been said before. It is especially difficult when those classics are part of the literary canon; and even more difficult when those classics are not mere novels, but purposeful epics. It is in this light that reviewing Leo Tolstoy’s War [...] Continue reading...
The utility of denial.
Sunday, March 2, 2008 1 Comment The argument for Kosovar independence, inasmuch as there is one, rests upon a two propositions: first, that ethnic groups per se deserve sovereignty; and second, that Kosovo experienced a unique and sui generis oppression that merits unique and sui generis independence. The second proposition received an explicit endorsement and elaboration from Secretary of State [...] Continue reading...
Friday, February 29, 2008 0 Comments She knew the murderous power of cars and lorries and had a precise knowledge of their different speeds; she knew how to wait patiently while the traffic went by and then rush across the road when the cars were stopped by a red light. She knew the overwhelming yet inflexible power of electric trains and [...] Continue reading...

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