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         Taylor Edward:     more books (100)
  1. Early New England Meditative Poetry: Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor (Sources of American Spirituality) by Anne Bradstreet, Edward Taylor, 1989-03
  2. Calvary. An oratorio in vocal score The English version by Edward Taylor. Edited, and the pianoforte accompaniment arranged, by Joseph Barnby by Louis Spohr, 1897
  3. Sonnets of Edward Robeson Taylor on some pictures painted by William Keith by Edward Robeson Taylor, 2010-08-18
  4. Edward I. of England in the North of Scotland, by a Member of the Literary and Scientific Assoc. of Elgin [J. Taylor]. by Edward, Joseph Taylor, 2010-02-04
  5. Edward H. Taylor; Recollections of an Herpetologist by Edward Harrison Taylor, 2010-01-17
  6. The will and the word: The poetry of Edward Taylor by William J Scheick, 1974
  7. Edward Taylor (Twayne's United States Authors Series) by Norman S. Grabo, 1988-08
  8. The Tayloring Shop: Essays on the Poetry of Edward Taylor in Honor of Thomas M. and Virginia L. Davis
  9. Edward Taylor: Fifty Years of Scholarship and Criticism (Literary Criticism in Perspective) by Jeffrey A Hammond, 1993-10-03
  10. Edward Taylor's minor poetry (The Unpublished writings of Edward Taylor ; v. 3) by Edward Taylor, 1981
  11. A concordance to The poems of Edward Taylor by Gene Russell, 1973
  12. The life and times of Edward Robeson Taylor,: Physician, lawyer, poet, and politician, (Publication of the Book Club of California, no. 129) by Kenneth M Johnson, 1968
  13. Edward Taylors Harmony of the Gospels (Early American literary and historical manuscripts) by T. Davis, 1983-06
  14. The Example of Edward Taylor by Karl Keller, 1975-07

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22. Taylor, Edward - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Taylor, Edward (um 1645-1729), amerikanischer Dichter und Geistlicher. Taylor ist der bedeutendste Vertreter amerikanischer puritanischer Lyrik .
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Taylor, Edward
Enzyklop¤dieartikel In diesem Artikel suchen Druckerfreundliche Version der Seite Versenden Taylor, Edward (um 1645-1729), amerikanischer Dichter und Geistlicher. Taylor ist der bedeutendste Vertreter amerikanischer puritanischer Lyrik. Nachdem er 1668 aus England nach Amerika ausgewandert war, studierte Taylor Theologie an der Harvard University und wurde 1671 zum Priester geweiht. Bis zu seinem Tod war er in Westfield (Massachusetts) als Arzt und Geistlicher t¤tig. Taylor hinterlieŸ seinen Erben die strenge Anweisung, seine unter dem Einfluss der Metaphysical Poets stehenden Gedichte nicht zu ver¶ffentlichen, da er sie f¼r theologisch bedenklich hielt. Aus diesem Grund erschien sein dichterisches Werk erst 1939. In diesem Artikel suchen Druckerfreundliche Version der Seite Versenden Quellenangabe beim Zitieren dieses Artikels:
"Taylor, Edward," Microsoft® Encarta® Online-Enzyklop¤die 2007

23. Taylor, Edward - MSN Encarta Winkler Prins Encyclopedie
Translate this page Taylor, Edward (Sketcheley, Leicestershire, ca. 1644 – Westfield, Mass., 24 juni 1729), Amerikaans, van origine Engels dichter, emigreerde in 1668,
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Artikel voor leden Dit artikel is alleen beschikbaar voor leden van MSN Encarta Winkler Prins Encyclopedie. Ben je al lid? Je kunt je hierboven aanmelden. Taylor, Edward Taylor, Edward (Sketcheley, Leicestershire, ca. 1644 – Westfield, Mass., 24 juni 1729), Amerikaans, van origine Engels dichter, emigreerde in 1668,... Wil je meer van Encarta Winkler Prins? Word vandaag nog lid en krijg toegang tot:

24. Edward Taylor & Anne Turner
G3, Edward Taylor (18331907) Capel St Mary, SFK, Anne Turner (1831-1922) Sutton Bridge, LIN. = 31 Mar 1856 St. Matthew s Anglican Church, Sutton Bridge,
//Dynamic-AX slide in menu v6.5 (By maXimus, //Site: //For full source, and 100's more DHTML scripts, visit Family Tree Edward Taylor
Capel St Mary, SFK Anne Turner
Sutton Bridge, LIN
= 31 Mar 1856
St. Matthew's Anglican Church, Sutton Bridge, Lincolnshire Elizabeth Anne Taylor
Kate Taylor
(ca 1858 - ca 1858) Kate Mary Taylor
Ansley Bull
Thomas Edward Taylor
Lillian Taylor
Edward Taylor
Edward Taylor (c. 1873) Edward was born on the 17th March 1833 at Capel St Mary in Suffolk, his mother's home village. The Taylor's moved about a lot and lived in Romford east of London (1835) and Gunton Park north of Norwich (1838) and the Marylebone area of London (1841-42). Edward's father Thomas probably died in 1843/44, supposedly while saving a member of the aristocracy in a runaway carriage. While this hasn't been confirmed from official records, this story seems credible. As a result of Thomas's death, Edward was given the opportunity for naval training. It appears that he entered military service in 1845 at the age of 11 or 12, as was required by the regulations:

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