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         Tertullian:     more books (105)
  1. Tertullian: Webster's Timeline History, 190 - 2007 by Icon Group International, 2010-03-10
  2. Translation of the epistles of Clement of Rome, Polycarp and Ignatius, and of the apologies of Justin Martyr and Tertullian; by Temple Chevallier, Martyr Justinus, 2010-08-29
  3. Tertullian's Theology of Divine Power (Rutherford Studies, Series 1: Historical Theology) (Rutherford Studies on Historical Theology) by Roy Kearsley, 2002-04-01
  4. The Apology by Tertullian, 2010-05-23
  5. The Prescription Against Heretics by Tertullian, 2010-05-23
  6. Ante-Nicene Christian Library: Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325. Volume 18: The Writings of Quintus Sept. Flor. Tertullianus (Volume 3) by Florens Quintus Septmius Tertullian, 2001-07-10
  7. A Treatise On The Soul by Tertullian, 2010-05-23
  8. A Glimpse at Early Christian Church Life. by Tertullian, 1990-11
  9. Tertullian's Treatises; Concerning Prayer, Concerning Baptism by Tertullian, 2010-07-24

41. Great Books And Classics - Tertullian
Great Books and Classics tertullian (c. 155?-230?)

42. Chapter 5 Section 7. - Tertullian
tertullian was no stranger to the doctrine of the saints’ final perseverance. “Satan,” he says,1 “cannot do anything against the servants of the living 4/chapter5/ch
Chapter 5—Of Perseverance Section 7—Tertullian. A.D. 200.
Tertullian was no stranger to the doctrine of the saints’ final perseverance. “Satan,” he says, that it is impossible the elect of God should be destroyed by Satan, notwithstanding all the signs and wonders done by him. “God forbid,” says he, “that we should believe that the soul of any saint, much less of a prophet, should be drawn out by the devil, who are taught, that Satan may be transfigured into an angel of light; not only into a man of light; yea, that in the end he will affirm himself to be God, and will do more wondrous signs, ad evertendos si fieri posit electos, to destroy the elect, if possible.” Moreover, Tertullian asserts, that the work of God cannot be lost, extinguished, or cease; “for what is of God,” says he, “is not so extinguished, as it is overshadowed; for it may be overshadowed,, because it is not God;. it cannot be extinguished, because it is of God.” And if this is true of natural good, which God puts into men, of which he seems to speak, it must be much more so of supernatural good infused into them. And in another place he asks, “How is it, that though Satan is always working, and adding daily to the wicked wits of men, opus Dei aut cessaverit aut proficere destiterit, that, either the work of God should cease, or stop going forward.” Vossius

43. Chapter 11
tertullian, the first prominent exponent of trinitarianism, . tertullian introduced the terminology of trinitarianism and became its first great
Chapter 11. TRINITARIANISM: DEFINITION AND HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT We have tried to present the positive teaching of Scripture regardless of human traditions. However, we cannot cover the subject of the Godhead without describing the historical development of the most widely accepted view in Christendom, the doctrine of the trinity. In this chapter we will define trinitarianism, briefly trace its historical development, and discuss some of the inherent ambiguities in and problems with the doctrine. In Chapter 12 - TRINITARIANISM: AN EVALUATION , we will draw conclusions about trinitarianism, comparing this doctrine with the teachings of the Bible, pointing out some serious problems with it in light of Bible passages, and contrasting it with Oneness belief. Definition of the Doctrine of the Trinity Trinitarianism is the belief that there are three persons in one God. This has been stated in various ways, such as "one God in three Persons" and "three persons in one substance." It holds that in God are three distinctions of essence, not just of activity.

44. Tertullian Ad Nationes
tertullian URGES THIS WITH MUCH INDIGNATION. In this case you actually(3) conduct trials contrary to the usual form of judicial process against criminals;

45. Tertullian - Research And Read Books, Journals, Articles At
Research tertullian at the online library.

46. Harvard University Press: Apology And De Spectaculis. Octavius By Tertullian
Apology and De Spectaculis. Octavius by tertullian, published by Harvard University Press. tertullian. Minucius Felix. Translator T. R. Glover
Apology and De Spectaculis. Octavius
Minucius Felix
Translator T. R. Glover
Translator G. H. Rendall
    CE ), the great Christian writer, was born a soldier's son at Carthage, educated in Greek and Roman literature, philosophy, and medicine, studied law and became a pleader, remaining a clever and often tortuous arguer. At Rome he became a learned and militant Christian. After a visit to churches in Greece (and Asia Minor?) he returned to Carthage and in his writings there founded a Christian Latin language and literature, toiling to fuse enthusiasm with reason; to unite the demands of the Bible with the practice of the Church; and to continue to vindicate the Church's possession of the true doctrine in the face of unbelievers, Jews, Gnostics, and others. In some of his many works he defended Christianity, in others he attacked heretical people and beliefs; in others he dealt with morals. In this volume we present Apologeticus and De Spectaculis. Of Minucius, an early Christian writer of unknown date, we have only

47. Tertullian's Tomb Demo Free Download. Tertullian's Tomb Is A Windows Based Game
tertullian s Tomb Demo free download. tertullian s Tomb is a Windows based game available for the PC. The science fiction, first person shooter game takes
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        Editor's rating Users' rating (0 votes) Rate it! License Freeware / $0.00 Downloads this week Publisher Laura Kerbyson File size Date added 8-Oct-2005 Enlarge screenshot Publisher's description Submit your review Tertullian's Tomb is a Windows based game available for the PC. The science fiction, first person shooter game takes place in Skull Island on the planet Zephrany. In 211 A.D., on the planet Earth, St. Tertullian wrote about honoring the dead. In 2060, on the planet Zephrany, your mission is to collect the energy and relics of the deceased that have been stolen by the Xeonites. Battle the ghosts and goblins of this planet in an easy, get-in and-have-fun game for all ages. Visit homepage of Tertullian's Tomb Demo Download Tertullian's Tomb Demo 1.0

Survey on individual, communal, and stational fasts in tertullian s Carthaginian community.
Andrew McGowan Introduction If anything, Tertullian is too good a source on fasting, as enthusiastic theorist of an ascetic tendency within the Carthaginian Church. In the treatise devoted specifically to this subject he over-argues and over-explains fasting, describing not so much a world of asceticism as one of its poles. The passing comments are often as revealing, or more so, than the detailed invective. It is possible nonetheless to use both the polemical and the incidental references in his writings as sources for partial reconstruction of the ascetic dietary practices of the Christian community in Carthage, bearing in mind that they, like the Church itself, involved considerable diversity. Taken as a whole, these writings yield information on a variety of issues regarding fasting practice: communal fasts in time of drought, pre-baptismal and penitential fasting, the relationship between fasting and eucharist, and specific customs or bodily practices associated with undertaking individual fasts (kissing, kneeling). Although the development of Tertullian’s Montanist tendencies led to increased focus on the contrasts between ascetic practices common to the rest of the Church community (the "psychics") and those associated with the New Prophecy, there is no radical disjuncture between the picture given in earlier and later treatises, other than the uniquely fulsome rhetoric of On Fasting . The Ad Scapulam (4.6), among Tertullian’s latest works, gives information similar to that of the

49. Religions Of The Ancient Mediterranean » Thecla, Tertullian, And Controversies
But there were opponents to this active role for women, including the author tertullian who lived in North Africa and who, despite adopting some aspects of
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Posted by Phil Harland. Categories: Christian Apocrypha and "Gnosticism" Women and religion Paul of Tarsus Acts (of Apostles) ... Pseudonymity, authority, and canon Among the controversies that led to conflicts between early Christians (both authors and groups) was the role of women within the congregations. Leadership was generally undefined and varied from one Christian group to the next in the first century. As certain Christian authors and leaders (such as Ignatius and the author of the Pastoral epistles) began to seek and impose a clear definition of leadership structures (especially beginning at the turn of the second century) there was a tendency to expressly exclude women from the more important positions in the newly emerging hierarchy in some congregations. The Acts of Paul (and Thecla) (online here The Apocryphal New Testament [Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993].)

50. Tertullian De Baptismo, De Oratione/Von Der Taufe, Vom Gebet
tertullian s is the only surviving patristic work dedicated to the matter of baptism, and his work on prayer contains the earliest surviving commentary upon

51. Tertullian Of Carthage, On Baptism -
Only, I pray that, when you are asking, you be mindful likewise of tertullian the sinner.,_On_Baptism
var skin = 'monachos2';var stylepath = '/lib/skins'; Orthodoxy through patristic, monastic and liturgical study Main Patristics Monasticism Liturgics ... New
Jump to: navigation search Translated by the Revd S. Thelwall, with revision and correction as part of the Library Project
Chapter 1: Introduction. Origin of the Treatise
Happy is our sacrament of water, in that, by washing away the sins of our early blindness, we are set free and admitted into eternal life! A treatise on this matter will not be superfluous; instructing not only such as are just becoming formed (in the faith), but them who, content with having simply believed, without full examination of the grounds of the traditions, carry (in mind), through ignorance, an untried though probable faith. The consequence is, that a viper of the Cainite heresy, lately conversant in this quarter, has carried away a great number with her most venomous doctrine, making it her first aim to destroy baptism, which is quite in accordance with nature; for vipers and asps and basilisks themselves generally do affect arid and waterless places. But we, little fishes, after the example of our

52. Did Tertullian Reject Infant Baptism? Paedobaptism, Tertullian, North Africa Chu
Answers the question whether tertullian (and the church in North Africa) rejected Infant Baptism (Paedobaptism). The passage in question from tertullian is
Did Tertullian Reject Infant Baptism? Tertullian , treatise on BAPTISM 18,4 (c. AD 200-206) "According to circumstance and disposition and even age of the individual person, it may be better to delay Baptism; and especially so in the case of little children. Why, indeed, is it necessary if it be not a case of necessity that the sponsors to be thrust into danger, when they themselves may fail to fulfill their promises by reason of death, or when they may be disappointed by the growth of an evil disposition? Indeed the Lord says, 'Do not forbid them to come to me' [Matt 19:14; Luke 18:16]. "Let them come, then, while they grow up, while they learn, while they are taught to whom to come; let them become Christians when they will have been able to know Christ! Why does the innocent age hasten to the remission of sins? ...For no less cause should the unmarried also be deferred, in whom there is an aptness to temptation in virgins on account of their ripeness as also in the widowed on account of their freedom until they are married or are better strengthened for continence. Anyone who understands the seriousness of Baptism will fear its reception more than its deferral. Sound faith is secure of its salvation!" Date: 04-15-98 / From: CHARLIE RAY / To: SEAN M. BROOKS

53. Tertullian Definition, Usage And Pronunciation -
tertullian definition, words related to tertullian, proper usage and pronunciation of the word tertullian from
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Tertullian Definition
Ter·tul·li·an tər tul ē ən, -tul yen (L. name Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus ) 160?-230?; Rom. church father, born in Carthage aj_server = ''; aj_tagver = '1.0'; aj_zone = 'ltk'; aj_adspot = '322771'; aj_page = '0'; aj_dim ='286700'; aj_ch = ''; aj_ct = ''; aj_kw = ''; aj_pv = true; aj_click = ''; Browse dictionary entries near Tertullian
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    54. The Online Books Page: Tertullian (Tertullian, Ca. 160-ca. 230)
    tertullian, ca. 160ca. 230 De Carne Christi tertullian s Treatise on the Incarnation (in Latin and English, with notes), trans. by Ernest Evans (HTML at, ca.

    55. Tertullian. C. 160-c. 230. John Bartlett, Comp. 1919. Familiar Quotations, 10th
    tertullian. c. 160c. 230. John Bartlett, comp. 1919. Familiar Quotations, 10th ed.
    Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Quotations John Bartlett Familiar Quotations ... CONCORDANCE INDEX John Bartlett Familiar Quotations, 10th ed.

    56. Tertullian At Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base
    tertullian at Erratic Impact s Philosophy Research Base. Resources include biographies, annotated links to websites dedicated to this Christian philosopher,

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    Tertullian (Short) Biography
    From Encarta® Excerpt: Tertullian wrote many theological treatises, of which 31 have survived. In his various works he strove either to defend Christianity, to refute heresy, or to argue some practical point of morality or church discipline. Tertullian influenced the later church fathers, especially Saint Cyprian —and through them, all Christian theologians of the West. His writings demonstrate a profound knowledge of Greek and Latin literature. He was the first writer in Latin to formulate Christian theological concepts, such as the nature of the Trinity
    The Tertullian Home page
    This excellent website is dedicated to the great Christian philosopher. Site Includes: Never heard of him?

    57. Project MUSE
    In the five centuries since tertullian s Apologeticum was printed at Venice in 1483, 1 more than 2000 scholarly works have been published with tertullian s
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    Tertullian On and Off the Internet
    Journal of Early Christian Studies - Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2000, pp. 579-585
    The Johns Hopkins University Press
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    58. Hyperekperissou: Tertullian, Heresy And The Rule Of Faith.
    I m sure I ve admitted it before and I ll admit it again before too long, but I really do like tertullian; that driven and relentlessly polemical lawyer who
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    A blog devoted to the glory of God, whose grace and love is infinitely more than we can ask or imagine.
    Saturday, March 03, 2007
    Tertullian, Heresy and the Rule of Faith.
    I'm sure I've admitted it before and I'll admit it again before too long, but I really do like Tertullian; that driven and relentlessly polemical lawyer who, it appears, veered into heresy, but not before leaving us a series of brilliant attempts to figure out the relationship between the Christian and the rest of the world. You would think, given my irenic temper, I would find him rather too much at times (I do think he gets a little too rigorous from time to time), but he asks all the right questions and doesn't put up with theological fuzziness. We spend so much time in the Anglican church (for example), making things fuzzy enough to include everyone, I honestly think that clarity is what we need more.
    What got me thinking about this was conversations I've had on the Forbidden Gospels blog as well as the latest pseudo-Biblical tempest in a teapot, the 'Jesus Tomb'. What struck me this week was the impossibility of making oneself clear when the assumptions of the other side are so fundamentally different that we can't even argue from anything resembling common ground. Not that this sense of advanced futility is exactly a revelation to me; I've had more than my share of discussions of this type in my life and I know when I know when the ground goes out from under me in a conversation. I'm just stubborn enough to keep going after that, but I'm never convinced that it is wise to.

    59. Tertullian - Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon
    Translate this page tertullian verfasste zahlreiche theologische Abhandlungen zur Verteidigung das Christentums, dabei bekämpfte er das Heidentum ebenso wie die Gnosis.


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    Gedenktag evangelisch: 26. April Name bedeutet: (latein.) Theologe
    * um 160 in Karthago , dem heutigen Vorort von Tunis in Tunesien
    nach Karthago Montanismus Gnosis Cyprianus . Viele seiner Werke wurden in die Sammlung der Schriften der aufgenommen. Mehr als 30 seiner Werke sind erhalten geblieben. Das bedeutendste, "Apologeticus", schrieb er um 197. Catholic Encyclopedia Roger Pearse hat eine Website "Tertullian Project" mit sehr umfangreichen Informationen in englischer Sprache und mit Werken von Tertullian: Werke von Tertullian auf Deutsch Fribourg Biographisch- Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon
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    60. Tertullian And The Church - Cambridge University Press
    tertullian and the Church, David Rankin, 9780521480673, Cambridge University Press.

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