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1. Paul Theroux, Writer Paul Theroux. April 10, 1941 (Medford, Massachusetts) . Novels. Theroux, Paul, Waldo, 1967. Saint Jack, Picture Palace, Hamish Hamilton, 1978. http://www.hycyber.com/CLASS/theroux_paul.html | |
2. Theroux, Paul - MSN Encarta Theroux, Paul (1941 ), American novelist and travel-writer. Born in Medford, Massachusetts, Theroux travelled to Italy after graduating and then to http://uk.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_781531238/theroux_paul.html | |
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5. Paul Theroux Programme Name Details. Christmas Card, A By PAUL THEROUX, dramatised by Nick Warburton. A snowbound family is given a CHRISTMAS card by a mysterious http://www.radiolistings.co.uk/candc/theroux_paul.html | |
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18. Koninklijke Bibliotheek Van België Translate this page China per trein / Paul Theroux ; vertaald door Tinke Davids - Ed. 14 / 2003 The Consul s file / Paul Theroux - Ed. 1983 |
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