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         Thomas Dylan:     more books (100)
  1. Collected Poems, 1934-53 (Everyman's Classics) by Dylan Thomas, 1991-05-16
  2. Dylan Thomas (Writers & critics) by Thomas Henry Jones, 1966
  3. Collected Poems, 1934-1953 (Everyman) by Dylan Thomas, 2000-08
  4. A Child's Christmas in Wales (Godine Storyteller) by Dylan Thomas, 1980-10-01
  5. Under Milk Wood: A Play for Voices by Dylan Thomas, 1954-01-17
  6. My Father's Places: A Memoir by Dylan Thomas' Daughter by Aeronwy Thomas, 2010-09-01
  7. Selected Poems: Dylan Thomas (Penguin Modern Classics) by Dylan Thomas, 2000-03-30
  8. The Love Letters of Dylan Thomas by Dylan Thomas, 2003-10-02
  9. Portrait of the artist as a young dog, by Dylan Thomas, 1940-12-18
  10. Readers Guide To Dylan Thomas by William Y Tindall,
  11. Dylan Thomas: The Complete Screenplays (Applause Books) by Dylan Thomas, 2000-02-01
  12. Highway 61 Revisited: Bob Dylan's Road from Minnesota to the World
  13. You Are Too Smart to Be a Liberal by Dylan Thomas, 2010-03-05
  14. Dylan Thomas in America (Prion Lost Treasures) by John Malcolm Brinnin, 2000-05-01

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23. Department Of English, University Of Texas At Austin
thomas_dylan.jpg. Winner of first Dylan Thomas Prize to Visit UT. Welsh author Rachel Trezise has been named the winner of the first £60000 EDS Dylan Thomas

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25. Thomas Dylan | Aforismi, Poesie E Racconti Su
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Thomas Dylan
Scheda autore
Nome e Cognome: Thomas Dylan
Nickname: Dylan
Nascita: 1914 - Swansea, Galles
Morte: 1953 - New York
Segni particolari: Bob Dylan scelse il suo pseudonimo ispirandosi a me. Lo stesso ha fatto lo scrittore e sceneggiatore Tiziano Sclavi per dare il nome al suo celebre personaggio dei fumetti Dylan Dog.
Poeta gallese. Scrissi poesie, saggi, epistole, sceneggiature, racconti autobiografici e un dramma teatrale dal titolo "Sotto il bosco di latte" (Under milk wood) la cui versione radiofonica, in cui recitavo io stesso, vinse il "Prix Italia" nel 1954.
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Titolo: Le visioni del trifoglio Autore: Claudio Pagelli Prezzo: 9,00 Euro

26. Thomas Dylan. Escritor. Thomas Dylan. Grandes Escritores. Thomas Dylan Grandes E
Translate this page Thomas Dylan. Escritor. Thomas Dylan. Grandes Escritores. Thomas Dylan Grandes escritores de la lengua española. Thomas Dylan. Clásicos de Literatura.
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Listado de Resultados Añadir Web Textos Selección poética y síntesis biográfica. Cuando cachorro de artista La infancia y la juventud es el afán que guía a Thomas en dos libros en prosa que recién aparecen traducidos al castellano. (April 4, 1960) El sendero poético Biografía y una poesía. Poéticas Dos poesías del poeta de todos los tiempos. El poder de la palabra Biografía, fragmentos de obras y multimedia. Paseo de los tristes Retrato de la vida del escritor. No vayas tan confiado esa noche Poema publicado en 1952.

27. Carnets De Poésie De Guess Who: Thomas, Dylan
Translate this page La plupart des hommes ont de la poésie une idée si vague que ce vague même de leur idée est pour eux la définition de la poésie. Paul Valéry.
Carnets de Po©sie de Guess Who
Thomas, Dylan
01 juillet 2007
Dylan Thomas - N'entre pas sans violence dans cette bonne nuit
N’entre pas sans violence dans cette bonne nuit, Le vieil ¢ge devrait br»ler et s’emporter   la chute du jour ; Rager, s’enrager contre la mort de la lumi¨re. Bine que les hommes sages   leur fin sachent que l’obscur est m©rit©, Parce que leurs paroles n’ont fourch© nul ©clair ils N’entrent pas sans violence dans cette bonne nuit. Les hommes bons, pass©e la derni¨re vague, criant combien clairs Leurs actes frªles auraient pu danser en un verre baie Ragent, s’enragent contre la mort de la lumi¨re. Les hommes violents qui prient et chant¨rent le soleil en plein vol, Et apprenant, trop tard, qu’ils l’ont afflig© dans sa course, N’entrent pas sans violence dans cette bonne nuit. Les hommes graves, pr¨s de mourir, qui voient de vue aveuglante Que leurs yeux aveugles pourraient briller comme m©t©ores et s’©gayer, Ragent, s’enragent contre la mort de la lumi¨re. Et toi, mon p¨re, ici sur la triste ©l©vation

28. Ìèëîñåðäîâ Ìàêñèì. Íåò! Êðîòêî íå èäè â ïîêî�
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    33. Thomas, Dylan - MSN Encarta
    Translate this page Thomas, Dylan (Swansea, Galles 1914 - New York 1953), poeta britannico, la cui opera poetica, narrativa e teatrale è fortemente legata alle sue
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    Thomas, Dylan
    Articolo Trova nell'articolo Anteprima di stampa Invia Thomas, Dylan (Swansea, Galles 1914 - New York 1953), poeta britannico, la cui opera poetica, narrativa e teatrale ¨ fortemente legata alle sue radici gallesi . Conclusi gli studi nel 1931, cominci² a collaborare con il “South Wales Evening Post” come reporter e a coltivare, seppure non a livello professionale, la sua passione per l’arte drammatica. Nel 1934 si trasfer¬ a Londra, dove nello stesso anno pubblic² la raccolta poetica dell’esordio, Diciotto poesie , per la quale ricevette l’apprezzamento del pubblico e, in particolare, di Edith Sitwell Questo primo volume, seguito da Venticinque poesie (1936) e La mappa dell’amore (1939), rivela la predilezione di Thomas per un linguaggio vivido e intimo, in cui l’effetto sonoro delle parole non ha minore importanza del loro significato. Bench© a tratti oscura per gli elementi visionari e di suggestione

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    Thomas Dylan
    Although his life was short, Thomas made a deep impression on those who knew him or who read his poems, or who heard them read by the poet. Thomas wrote one of his famous poems for his dying father Do not go gentle into that good night Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night. Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    36. Thomas Dylan: Die Krumen Von Eines Mannes Jahr
    Translate this page TB Spektrum Volk und Welt Verlag, Berlin, Die Krumen von eines Mannes Jahr, Dylan , Thomas Zustand 3, gut - gebraucht , BU032000.
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    Translate this page VISION ET PRIERE ET AUTRES POEMES; écrit par THOMAS DYLAN.
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