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         Tieck Johann Ludwig:     more books (54)
  1. The Midsummer Night: Or Shakespeare and the Fairies, from the Germ., by M.C. Rumsey by Johann Ludwig Tieck, 2010-06-13
  2. Tales From The Phantasus Of Ludwig Tiech (1845) by Johann Ludwig Tieck, 2010-09-10
  3. Tales From The Phantasus Of Ludwig Tiech (1845) by Johann Ludwig Tieck, 2010-09-10
  4. The Elves (Dodo Press) by Johann Ludwig Tieck, 2008-12-12
  5. The Old Man of the Mountain, The Lovecharm, and Pietro of Abano (Dodo Press) by Johann Ludwig Tieck, 2009-01-09
  6. Tales From the 'phantasus,' Etc by Johann Ludwig Tieck, 2010-10-14
  7. The Legacy: A Novel (1883) by Johann Ludwig Tieck, 2010-09-10
  8. The Legacy: A Novel (1883) by Johann Ludwig Tieck, 2010-09-10
  9. THE FANTASTIC IMAGINATION (1) (i) One: The Elves; Riddles in the Dark; The Magic by Robert H.; Zahorski, Kenneth J. (editors) (Johann Ludwig Tieck; J. R. R. Boyer, 1977-01-01
  10. Popular tales and romances of the northern nations Volume 1 by Tieck Ludwig 1773-1853, 2010-10-03
  11. Mrchen by Johann Ludwig Tieck, 2009-01-01
  12. German Plays of the Nineteenth Century: Der gestiefelte Kater; Der vierundzwanzigste Februar; Der zerbrochene Krug; Prinz Friedrich von Homburg; Sappho; Konig Ottokars Gluck; Maria Magdalene; Herodes und Mariamne; Agnes Bernauer; Der Erbförster; Das Viert by Thomas Moody, ed.; Johann Ludwig Tieck; Zacharias Werner; Bernd Wilhelm Heinrich von Kleist; Franz Grillparzer; Christian Friedrich Hebbel; Otto Ludwig; Ludwig Anzengruber; Gerhart Hauptmann Campbell, 1933
  13. Kritische Schriften (German Edition) (2010 Reprint) by Johann Ludwig Tieck, 2010-01-26
  14. Latter-day pamphlets: Translations from Musæus, Tieck, Richter by Thomas Carlyle, Johann Karl August Musäus, et all 2010-08-03

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  • The Importance of Ambiguity in Tieck's "Der blonde Eckbert" - Essay by Nancy Thuleen. The blend of genres, the uncertainty about nature, the questions of fantasy and insanity also point to ethical questions raised by the story.
  • Johann Ludwig Tieck - Student project includes biographical timeline and brief analyses of three of Tieck's works.
  • Johann Ludwig Tieck (1773-1853) - His texts which have been set to music. Does not claim to be exhaustive. English translations are available for several.
  • Tieck, Johann Ludwig - Biographical entry in the 1911 Encyclop¦dia Britannica. Includes brief bibliography. Has some scanner errors.
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