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         Tu Fu:     more books (100)
  1. Travels of a Chinese Poet: Tu Fu, Guest of Rivers and Lakes Vol. II A.D. 759-770 by Florence Ayscough, 1934
  2. Tu Fu the Autobiography of a Chinese Poet A.D. 712-770 by Tu Fu; Florence Ayscough, 1929
  3. Li Po and Tu Fu
  4. Tu Fu, the autobiography of a Chinese poet, A.D. 712-770: Including an historical year record, a biographical index, and a topographical note, as well ... and illustrations arranged form his poems by Fu Tu, 1929
  5. Tu Fu, the Autobiography of a Chinese Poet: Volume I, A.D. 712-759 by Florence Ayscough, 1929
  6. Five Chinese Classics. Li Po and Tu Fu, Monkey, Poems of the Late T'ang, Six Yuan Plays, Tao Te Ching by Eds. Penguin Books, 1973
  7. Tu Fu, the Autobiography of a Chinese Poet A.D. 712-770, Including an Historical Year Record, a Biographical Index, and a Topographical Note, as Well as Maps, Plans, and Illustrations: I: 712-759 by Tu; Ayscough, Florence (trans) Fu, 1928
  8. Tu Fu: Autobiography of Chinese Poet (A.D. 712-770) , Arranged from His Poems and Translated By Florence Ascough. Vol 1 only (of 2?) A.D. 712-759
  9. Tu Fu: Remembered by Poet Laureate, Jean Elizabeth Ward, 2008-06-28
  10. Tu Fu: Autobiography of Chinese Poet (A.D. 712-770) , Arranged from His Poems and Translated By Florence Ascough. Vol 1 only (of 2?) A.D. 712-759 by Tu Fu,
  11. Tu Fu: The autobiography of a Chinese poet, A.D. 712-770 by Fu Tu, 1929
  12. Tu Fu Selected Poems by Chih Feng, 1974
  13. Tu Fu Thirty-Six Poems By Tu Fu Translated By Kennneth Rexroth With Twenty-Five Etchings By Brice Marden by Introduction To The Etchings By John Yau Preface By Peter Blum; Introductionto The Poems By Bradford Morrow, 1987-01-01
  14. A Little Primer of Tu Fu by David Hawkes, 1967

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Pinyin :D¹ Fǔ Tu Fu nebo tak© Du Fu , či Tu C´-mej č­nsky listopad J¼e-jang ) byl č­nsk½ b¡sn­k a humanista. Je uzn¡v¡n jako mistr klasick½ch forem i poezie lidov©ho t³nu. Z jeho d­la se zachovalo asi 1500 b¡sn­. Prvn­ polovina Tu Fuova života se vyznačovala cestov¡n­m a bezstarostn½mi b¡sněmi. Ve druh© půli života byl ovlivněn str¡d¡n­m a vyhnanstv­m. Sv½mi soci¡lně laděn½mi reflexemi podal věrn½ a umělecky velmi ºÄinn½ obraz sv© doby poznamenan© hrůzami v¡lek.
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editovat Ml¡d­
Narodil se roku pobl­Å¾ města Luo-jang na severov½chodě Č­ny za vl¡dy dynastie Tchang . Otec byl vysok½m ºÅ™edn­kem, často se přesouvaj­c­m z jednoho m­sta na jin©. Po smrti Tu Fuovy matky se znovu oženil a Tu Fua dal na vychov¡n­ ke sv© sestře. Ve sv© poezii Tu Fu často zmiňuje sv© tři nevlastn­ bratry a jednu nevlastn­ sestru. Tu Fu vyrůstal spolu se sv½m bratrancem, když vÅ¡ak oba chlapci v¡Å¾ně onemocněli, dala Tu Fuova teta ºdajně přednost uzdraven­ Tu Fua před sv½m vlastn­m d­tětem. Tato skutečnost b¡sn­ka poznamenala na cel½ život a v jeho verÅ¡­ch se odr¡Å¾­ smysl pro zodpovědnou a obětavou rodinnou l¡sku. Již od ml¡d­ se Tu Fu zab½val poezi­ a kaligrafi­ a měl styky se v½znamn½mi autory. Zaujet­ pro literaturu vděčil i rodov© tradici. Prvn­ l©ta Tu Fuova života proběhla v bezstarostn©m duchu. Ve dvaceti letech se vydal směrem do oblast­

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45. Co To Jest Tu Fu
Du Fu (æ? ; pinyin Dù F ; WadeGiles Tuâ?´ Fu³), znany tak e jako Dù Shàolíng (æ? ) lub Dù GÅ?ngbù (æ? ) (712 - 770) to chi ski poeta
2.0 BETA Witaj niezalogowany, masz punkt³w, logowanie var pp_gemius_identifier = new String('0nhA4m8cswImm75uZpeYz5PcrfEGw48csP4XhUZCCoj.S7'); Co to jest
Tu Fu
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Du Fu pinyin : D¹ Fǔ; Wade-Giles : Tuâ?´ Fu³), znany także jako D¹ Sh ol­ng (æ?œå°‘陵) lub D¹ GÅ?ngb¹ ) to chiński poeta tworzący w czasach dystastii Tang
Wraz z uważany jest za najwybitniejszego chińskiego poetę.
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46. Tu Fu - Wikipedia
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Salt la: Navigare căutare Du Fu sau Tu Fu Tu Fu sau Du Fu (chin. 杜甫; *n. 712 in Duling l¢ngă Chang'an †d. 770 in Leiyang) el a mai purtat numele de D¹ Sh ol­ng (杜少陵) sau D¹ Gōngb¹ (杜工部) a fost ®mpreună cu poetul Li Bai unul dintre cei mai importanÅ£i poeÅ£i chinezi din timpul dinastiei Tang . Spre deosebire de Li Bai cele mai multe dintre poeziile sale au fost proteste politice, critiz¢nd foametea sărăcia şi nedreptăţile sociale ®ndurate de poporul chinez.
modifică Biografie
Primele ®ncercări ale sale de a fi luat la curtea imperială s-a soldat cu eşec, la urmă reuşeşte la examen cu un calificativ excepÅ£ional, ajung¢nd astfel pe un post de mare demnitar la curtea ®mpăratului Suzong. O perioadă scurtă face o carieră politică strălucită dar după c¢Å£iva ani murind protectorul său coboară scara ierarhică de la curte.
In perioada sa de declin politic ®ncepe să scrie versuri, dintre poeziile lui s-au păstrat un număr de 1 400 p¢nă azi dintre care cele mai renumite sunt Trei sute de versuri Tang (chin. 唐诗三百首, Tangshi sanbai shou) numărul exact de poezii fiind de fapt 310.In anul 744 ®nt¢lneşte pe Li Bai cu care leagă o prietenie str¢nsă ®nsă unilaterală, fiind mai t¢năr ®l admiră pe Li Bai care era deja renumit.

47. Arts Literature Authors D Du Fu
http// Wikipedia Tu Fu Article discussing the poet s life and works. http//

48. 9620710126: "Tu Fu--a New Translation" By Fu Tu And Juntao Wu -
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Essays about Tu Fu
  • Chinese Shih Poetry and Philosophy ... Poets such as Tu Fu and Po Chi expressed the ideas of Taoism and Confucianism, respectively, while their fellow poet Tao Chien expressed both, through ... (1160 Words Approx. 5 Pages)
  • Chinese Gardens Tu Fu once said Even if the nation should be destroyed, the mountains and rivers will remain. The Chinese people are well ... (1083 Words Approx. 4 Pages)
  • Tthe Tang Dynasty ... masterful. From the literary perspective, poetry arose. Li Po, Tu Fu, and Po ChuI were some of the most distinguished poets. In ... (985 Words Approx. 4 Pages)
  • Alcoholism in the 21st Century ... The Chinese poet Tu Fu wrote about celebrating an old friends retirement with wine in his poem, For Wei Pa, in Retirement World Literature 528. ... (1666 Words Approx. 7 Pages)
  • 50. Definition: Tu Fu - Meyers Lexikon Online
    Translate this page Erfahren Sie mehr über Tu Fu in Meyers Lexikon online.
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    ISBN 978-3-411-10060-6
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    51. Editrice Petite Plaisance
    Translate this page Tu Fu. Tra i più grandi poeti cinesi dell’antichità. Visse nell’ottavo secolo dopo Cristo, sotto la dinastia Tang, nel periodo di guerre civili e di tragico

    52. Tu Fu - AOL Search Reference Center
    Explore AOL s free online Reference Center to research thousands of encyclopedia articles with corresponding relevant related searches, videos and photos at

    53. La Poesía China
    Translate this page TU FU. (Duling, 712-Leiyang, 770) Poeta chino. Alcanzó una gran perfección en la técnica del género shi. Escribió poemas de temática social y política
    TU FU Canciones de los carros de guerra ), meditaciones ( Yendo de la capital a Feng Xian

    54. - Livres écrits Par TU FU
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    The original article can be found at http// All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.
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    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    or Tu Fu ), a;sp known as Dù Shàolíng Chinese poet of the Tang dynasty He was born in Gong County, Henan China . Along with Li Bai , he is generally acknowledged as the greatest of the Chinese poets
    Most of what is known of Du Fu’s life comes from his own poems. He travelled for a time in eastern China, before briefly seeking office in the capital in 735, and moving there permanently in 746. He married and had at least two sons and two daughters. From 755 onwards, he led a largely itinerant life, being kept unsettled by wars, associated famines and imperial displeasure. He left Chang’an in 759, moving to Qinzhou (in Gansu province), then in 760 to Chengdu (Sichuan province). He lived intermittently in Chengdu until 765. Thereafter, he travelled east down the Yangtse river, settling for some time in Kuizhou (Sichuan province), and dying in Tanzhou (Changsha) in 770.
    His works are characterised by: a strong sense of history moral engagement; and technical excellence.

    56. §ù¨j¸Ö
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    ¥Í¤kµS±o¶ù¤ñ¾F¡A¥Í¨k®I¨SÀH¦Ê¯ó¡C §g¤£¨£«C®üÀY¡A¥j¨Ó¥Õ°©µL¤H¦¬¡H ·s°­·Ð­Þ°­­ú¡A¤Ñ³±«BÀãÁn³î³î¡C ¥D­¶ ¹q¶lºô¥D ½Ð¦U¦ìºô¤Í¦hµ¹·N¨£¡C ¡i¦^¤W­¶¡j ... ÄR¤H¦æ

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    59. Tu Fu (1984) - Distribution - Filmographie, Acteurs, Actrices, Realisateurs, Gen
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    60. Du Fu - - AdWiki - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre
    Translate this page Ostatnio ogl dane Tu Fu es; 11 ko; t844t ru; Uj eo; Per-Kristian Foss no; 736 ro; Braai en; 1546 nl; Mulattiera it

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